Everything seems to be yesterday, ah no, it was yesterday.

  "What are you looking at?"

  Monet touched his little face suspiciously.

  "Just a little emotional."

  Sarutobi Hizan shook his head, and for a split second he thought he was getting old.

  "By the way, Hokage-sama, Konoha's high-level meeting, I'm already qualified to participate, right?"

  Before Sarutobi could continue to speak, Monet suddenly asked a question.

  Yes, at this time he is already a ninja, and he is the patriarch of the Qianshou clan. What kind of high-level meeting is Konoha's high-level meeting without Qianshou?

  Monet wanted to get back the one that Konoha owed Qianshou after the second generation died.

  "The meeting will wait until you grow up..."

  "Stop, I am the patriarch of Qianshou, and even if I am young, I will not give up fighting for the benefits of Qianshou. If I guess correctly, Konoha's high-level meeting has been held three times since the second grandfather died, but not once. You have informed Qianshou."

  "If I put it here, there will be thousands of hands in high-level meetings in the future!"

  Monet's expression became colder, and Sarutobi Hizan thought he acquiesced in Danzo's desire to exclude Qianshou from the top, didn't he know?The fuck didn't even tell Qianshou!At this point, Uncle Jugen was very angry when he was with him at first.

  I didn't ask before because he wasn't even a ninja, and it was inevitable that people would gossip when he attended a meeting like that.

  But it's different now. His strength has been affirmed by the vast majority of people, and he uses such iconic ninjutsu as Flying Thunder God and even Mu Dun. Who dares to force Monet to teach the other party directly!

  "Monet, the so-called high-level meeting is not to distribute benefits to the major families, but to make suggestions for the development of Konoha. Your understanding is not right. There is a reason for not letting you participate. You are still young and have different experiences. There is a slight deficiency, and it will be good for you to exercise more. I swear that the high-level position will be reserved for you, but now is not the time."

  Sarutobi shook his head and explained.

  What the fuck is this?

  Qianshou Monet almost didn't laugh out loud. Isn't the high-level meeting allocating benefits to the major families?What a bastard.

  As far as he knew, what he saw with his eyes, after the three meetings, the Sarutobi clan, the Shimura clan, and even the clan with Mito Kamon and Koharu who went to bed were so rich, and the momentum of each walking was different!

  Others are not blind, and they can't see the changes in the village. Don't you blush when you say that?

  Monet really didn't know how to describe the act of licking his old face and saying that for the development of the village, he actually stuffed rice into his arms.

  It's really not easy for Konoha to hold on to the end in the hands of these old guys!

  The fourth one is delivered!Ask for a ticket!

  In addition, a group photo of the protagonist Sanji and Sanji's aunt Tsunade is attached. .

Chapter [-] Facing the so-called Shinobi! (fifth more)

  Looking at Qianshou Monet's disdainful eyes, an awkward atmosphere suddenly appeared in the air.

  Sarutobi Hizan Lao blushed for a while and didn't know what to say.

  One emperor and one courtier, the truth is this. In order to support those small families who support him, it is appropriate to give some benefits. Monet always feels like a thief when his mind is seen through by Qianshou Monet.

  Thinking about the three generations, I don't think it's a problem. I'm Hokage. Isn't it my own decision about how to allocate it?

  "Anyway, it's still a little inappropriate for you to attend that kind of meeting at your current age, so let's wait and see."

  I had a conclusion in my heart, for fear that Monet of Thousand Arms would say something illogical at that kind of meeting, Hizan Sarutobi shied away again and again.

  This really gives you a face.

  Monet sneered, wanting Qianshou to contribute in vain without giving enough benefits?The clansmen are in danger of bleeding outside, and you don't even guarantee the most basic interests?

  That's really embarrassing, Qianshou is not a part-time worker, and now he has the final say at home!

  "If that's the case, then we have nothing to talk about."

  Monet looked at Sarutobi Hiizhan calmly with his hands behind his back.

  "The thousand-hand clan suffered heavy losses in the last battle. I plan to shrink the clan and vigorously develop human beings, so all the expatriate ninjas from the country of fire will return to the team, and the defense strongholds and even the details of other ninja villages will return and no longer collect intelligence. , the northern stronghold will give up its hold..."

  "Stop! Thousand Hands Monet! What the hell are you doing?"

  Listening to Monet's small mouth beeping like a machine gun, Sarutobi's forehead oozes cold sweat, recalling all the ninjas who went out, giving up the defense zone to shrink the troops, and carefully stopped collecting intelligence?

  What are you going to do with your hands?

  "In the past, Qianshou worked hard to perform tasks because they enjoyed the welfare trend brought to them by the village and loved this village. Our Qianshou clan fought bloody frontiers and risked to sneak into the enemy's Ninja Village in exchange for information."

  "Selling life and love for the village!"

  "When the benefits they used to have are reduced, and if they are killed and fall, that compensation is not enough to comfort the family of the deceased, why do they work so hard?"

  "I know the reason why you have to pay first to get something, but you have given enough money! I have paid, but I can't get the corresponding treatment. I'm sorry, it's better to live at home."

  Reduce the interests of the big family and give the small family a chance to develop, this is the first thing Sarutobi Hizan did after taking office!

  Uchiha or Hinata is not under his control, but Qianshou's interests must not be shaken by a single point!

  He is the patriarch, he has this responsibility, and it is also a means to win over people's hearts.

  After listening to Monet's words, Hiizhan Sarutobi's face was cloudy for a while. To be precise, this was already a threat to him by Qianshou Monet.

  "Lord Hokage, people treat me with sincerity, and I will report with sincerity, but I'm sorry, how the village treats Qianshou, and Qianshou treats Konoha! This is the principle."

  Everyone else has been bullied to the end, Qianju Monet has no reason to bear it!

  Sarutobi thought that he was too young to care about this, but he was wrong, and it was very wrong.

  The period of admiration necessary for growth has passed, and when he used Izuku and Fei Lei Shen in the Shangnin assessment, it means that he will bring Qianshou to the bright side!

  Hokage location?

  I'm sorry, if it wasn't for Monet who was only five years old, he would have taken his place!

  I really don't know what it will be like when the second master finds out about this, Monet smiled slightly, Sarutobi and the others who showed the fox's tail will be seen sooner or later, and he will be in the position by then!

  It's not that the second master is not allowed to take action now. What he is afraid of is that after the second master has cleaned up the Danzo, he will go to bed with Koharu, Mito Menyan and Sarutobi.

  If you want to do it, just slap the whole fuck to death, do it well!Don't give each other a chance to breathe.

  Who do you think Danzo and the others are?That is the apprentice that the second master personally selected and also his successor. It is not easy for him to clean up everything by himself, and he is not so determined!

  Monet seemed to have a premonition that that day, the furious second master rushed to Sarutobi's office and started to tear...

  Think a little excited.

  Monet snapped his fingers, and Jiraiya, who was shivering behind him, quickly handed over a cigarette and gave the boss a job.

  How could he have seen what power is, what is real arrogance!

  Naruto's own boss dares to fight hard!This kind of thing can only be done by a fucking thousand-handed Monet.

  "Okay, esteemed Hokage-sama, I have finished speaking. If you are afraid of embarrassment, please inform the patriarch at the next meeting, and I will say something myself."

  He waved his hand, he was really too lazy to talk nonsense with Sarutobi Hiru, there was one thing Danzo said was right, even though Sarutobi was still in his prime, his indecisiveness was already showing a little, what kind of bullshit Shinobu created In the heyday of Konoha, it was all blown out.

  Does that have anything to do with him?

  The first war started with the power left by the first generation and the second master fought bloody battles. World War II relied on the rise of Konoha Baiya and Sannin, and the third war was won by Namikaze Minato and Konoha working together.

  Looking at the two or three battles, have you fucked Sarutobi on the battlefield?Have you ever left a drop of blood for Konoha?

  The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, Monet glared at Sarutobi Hiizan, and when he came up, he stripped the interests of the meritorious officials. Is this what Hokage should do?


  The fifth update!

  mwah! .

Chapter [-] I miss your mother! (sixth more)

  Coming out of the Hokage Building, Monet was in a good mood.

  After forcing the palace, Sarutobi Hiizan finally agreed to call Qianshou Monet when the next high-level meeting was held.

  When it comes to dealing with Qianshou, I have to say that Sarutobi has done a very good job.

  The second master is still lurking at the root. This time his purpose is much clearer than before, to monitor Danzang. This is what the second master said. He wants to see what else Danzang can do.

  Well, I believe that the angry second master will find Monet again soon, and it will almost be time to do it!

  Sannin followed behind him, and they couldn't help admiring their leading Joinin.

  "Little ones! In order to celebrate the establishment of our milking class, this uncle intends to take you to a picnic!"

  Taking back his thoughts, Monet intends to take Sannin to enhance his relationship, and Monet knows the arrangement of Sannin.

  Although he became a Jōnin, as the patriarch of the Qianshou clan, he rarely had to deal with tasks himself, and the daily index clansmen would help him to complete it, which was a welfare supported by the clansmen.

  Therefore, Monet's degree of freedom at this time is much greater than that of ordinary Jōnin.

  Of course, the assignment of Hokage by name is another matter.

  "Picnic? Boss, why don't we go to the kiln?"

  Zi Lai also swallowed, he felt that there was no stimulation from Sister Yao's caressing for a picnic or something.

  "Go and get out of here, don't be so disgusting here! I've ruined my cousin!"

  After graduating, Tsunade completely released himself and punched Jiraiya in the face. The violent attribute will intensify as Tsunade grows older.

  Orochimaru shrugged his shoulders and said nothing, but there was some sadness between his eyebrows.

  "Brother Snake, what's wrong?"

  Monet patted Brother Snake's head and asked curiously, Brother Snake has been a little melancholy since his graduation yesterday, as if he was regretting something.

  "It's nothing, I just want my parents to know earlier that I have passed the test and become a ninja."

  Brother Snake moved to the side a little shyly, even though he knew that Monet's rubbing his head was not malicious, he always felt awkward.

  "Snake father and snake mother?"

  Monet suddenly realized that he was not impressed by the snake father, but he was deeply impressed by the snake mother. The beauty of the snake brother was inherited from his mother. Thinking about the snake mother's huge evil and even comparable to the later Tsunade, Monet swallowed. Saliva hurriedly slapped himself, after all, it was Mother Snake.

  "Brother Snake, what did your mother do?"

  Monet asked the snake brother's shoulder.

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