"Go on a mission with Dad, and should be back soon."

  Brother Snake glanced at Monet's dirty claws and his own clean clothes, and finally held back and did not push him away.

  "Well, go back to your house, I miss your mother."

  Monet let out a haha ​​and led the younger brothers to the suburbs.

  Since it is a picnic, there must be a little atmosphere, and it is perfect to do it yourself.

  When Jiraiya carried the beefy beef he stole from an unknown company, Tsunade swallowed his saliva obviously, so big, can they finish it?

  "Brother Snake, come, use your anatomical skills to take out all the internal organs, I will teach you another way to eat today."

  Monet took out the sake and took a sip himself, and then directed the snake brother to work.

  "I'm here to help."

  Zilai also volunteered, and wanted to learn both hands after following the snake brother's ass.

  Brother Snake's learning ability is really perverted. The anatomy that Monet gave him at the beginning has been thoroughly studied. The only thing that is worse is these experimental subjects.

  Taking out his knife, Brother Snake started his work.

  "Huh? What is this?"

  After finally overcoming the urge to vomit caused by blood, Jiraiya suddenly found an object on the fat cow and asked.


  Brother Snake glanced at him while he was busy and said lightly.

  "What's the use?"

  "The book says it is a great tonic, aphrodisiac."

  "Can you eat?"

  "Probably... well, you ask Monet-kun."



  Monet, who was enjoying life with Tsunade in his arms, squinted at the root-shaped object.

  "If you can, eat it."

  "Can you really eat?"

  Jiraiya asked in horror.

  "Well, the taste of crunchy muscles, the most important thing is that it is also your help on the road to becoming a real man!"

  Monet nodded solemnly, and he didn't know why the Naruto World didn't carry forward this kind of supplement, but the bullwhip did.

  "so smart?"

  Jirai also looked at the shape of the thing in surprise.

  real man...

  It's done!

  As soon as he gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, under Monet's terrified eyes, Jiraiya actually shoved the bloody bullwhip into his mouth.

  "Brother! It's cooked!"



  Under the campfire, the aroma of beef mixed with Monet's special seasoning makes people appetite.

  Tsunade shoved a piece of tender beef into his mouth, while Orochimaru shyly cut it into strips with a knife and fork.

  Monet gnawed wildly while holding his thigh meat.

  Only Jiraiya in the corner had a pale face, and the stench in his throat made him nauseous.

  "He hasn't recovered yet?"

  Tsunade asked curiously after swallowing the beef.

  "After all, eating raw bullwhip would make you feel sick just thinking about it."

  Monet smiled bitterly, this time he really didn't mean to play tricks, but really wanted him to make up for it, and he wasn't willing to eat that stuff.

  It's just that this kid is too hasty and deserves it.


  The sixth update, the new book asks for support! .

Chapter [-] The Seven Deadly Sins, Arrogance! (seventh more)

  Seven deadly sins.

  It was originally seven categories used to list sins under a certain religion.

  Today is not the time to take Sanren to do those wonderful tasks, he is not in a hurry, anyway, those garbage tasks D-level tasks are really meaningless.

  The conditions for activating the seven deadly sins have been opened, and it is written whether to accept the road of scum.

  In the room, Monet looked at the task panel, apparently contemplating.

  It is worth mentioning that after completing graduation, he unexpectedly completed an achievement.

  Becoming a Ninja: The Scum System hereby rewards you with powerful magic tricks and immunity to illusions!


  You are so cool!

  Monet is satisfied with this attribute.

  To say that he is the weakest at this time, it must be illusion. On the one hand, he has no interest in researching that thing. I didn't want to grab the idea of ​​​​writing round eyes. After all, the Uchiha family does not have any outstanding talents at the temporary stage.

  Digging out an ordinary eye doesn't fit his deck at all.

  But he doesn't want to study illusion, so the attribute of immunity to illusion is quite overbearing.

  Just imagine, when God Itachi happily confronts the stupid Qian-shou Monet and reads his monthly reading, I will just take a kick when I go up...


  It's just... Fuyue has been secretly castrated by him, Mikoto must not belong to him, then...

  Who is itachi and Erzhuzi?

  Monet swallowed his saliva, and pointed at himself after a while of elimination in his head. Sure enough, it must have been his own excellent genes to give birth to Itachi and Erzhuzi.

  it is good!As expected of me, the future savior will be created by Lao Tzu!

  The arrogant Monet was thinking about the various pictures of creating people in the future, when suddenly the door of the room was pushed open.

  "Cousin! The people from Hyuga's family are here, will you accept his visit?"


  Without thinking about it, Monet nodded and said, this time has always been very strange, but Monet secretly said that it was bad as soon as he opened his mouth, the task panel on his side is still open!



  "The first test of the Seven Deadly Sins Welfare Show, when the scum becomes arrogant!"

  The Seven Deadly Sins of Arrogance: Expecting others to look at you or loving yourself too much.Feeling superior to others by having it, positioning oneself as a being better than God or others.

  "The experience begins, enjoy it, you scumbag! This week you will experience the arrogance of life."

  In an instant, Qianshou Monet's aura changed instantly.

  Raising his head arrogantly, Monet looked at Tsunade, who was one head lower than himself, with his arrogant little eyes.

  "My stupid cousin! What did you just say?"

  stupid cousin...

  Tsunade looked around suspiciously, and finally pointed to himself, something was wrong, didn't my cousin always say that the cute cousin called her over to give her a massage?

  Besides, what's so stupid about this lady?


  "Cousin, can you be proud of being the younger sister of my Thousand Hands Monet?"

  Monet took a step forward and stroked Tsunade's little face with uncompromising contempt and nobility in his eyes.


  Tsunade nodded very simply. Although he didn't know why his cousin seemed to have changed his personality, his temperament and tone of speech were different, but being Monet's cousin was a lot of pride.

  Who made his cousin so arrogant, the five-year-old Junin, the patriarch of the Qianshou clan, angered at Sarutobi's existence.

  "Just okay?"

  Monet's expression changed, and the arrogance on his face rose again.

  "My stupid cousin, have you ever thought about waking up late at night and kneeling and licking your cousin's big toe? The brother you admire is so cute, charming, handsome, majestic and domineering..."

  "Stop! Are you a villain today? You're stupid. The people from Hyuga want to see you. If you want to go or not, I'll bring it here."

  The impatient Tsunade slammed the door and left.

  "As expected of my thousand-handed Monet's sister, is it because of her personality?"

  Monet nodded, seemingly satisfied with Tsunade's slamming gesture.

  It's okay to meet Hinata, and he was curious about what the Patriarch Hinata wanted him to do.

  Shaking his hair, his bangs fluttered in the wind, and Monet stepped out of the room with a thousand hands, and slammed the door much more than Tsunade to show his identity as a cousin.

  "Cough, worthy of being the patriarch of the Qianshou Clan, he is indeed young and promising!"

  In the reception room, the patriarch of the Hyuga clan visited in person. He dared not treat this person as a child. I heard that this little brother will also go up to the next high-level meeting, which means that the status of Qianshou Monet in Konoha will rise. !

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