If you can't lick it, it is the kingly way to build a good relationship first and strive for more interests at the high-level meeting!

  "I don't like other people wasting my time, so let's talk quickly."

  Qianshou Monet glanced at them with half an eye, and his expression was obviously impatient.

  "Cough, little patriarch Monet..."

  "Shut up for me!" As soon as Patriarch Hyuga opened his mouth, Monet scolded him back in a low voice.

  "Little Patriarch? Do you not take me Qianshou Monet in your eyes or do you not take our Qianshou in your eyes? The only person in this world who can call me Xiao Patriarch is my second grandfather! What are you?"

  Arrogance, arrogance, ridicule, disdain... As a Hinata clan who came together with Qianshou from the Warring States Period, as the patriarch of one of the few large clans in Konoha.

  He has been sought after, praised, flattered, awed by countless... In Konoha, even Hokage or Uchiha would never make such a gesture towards him...

  However, Qianshou Monet's words were extremely mean, disdainful, and arrogant, but they did not leave him even the slightest sympathy.

  He is the patriarch of the Hyuga clan, but not some down-to-earth little clan!

  How arrogant!

  No matter how good-tempered the patriarch Hyuga was, he couldn't bear it. He snorted coldly and took the clan and turned away. He didn't believe it. When no one speaks for Qianshou at the high-level meeting, what benefits can you seek?

  Originally, he thought that the thousand-handed genius that was circulated in the outside world was something, but now he understood it.

  A piece of garbage!Full of arrogance!

  It's not worth the alliance, I'll go first as a respect!


  Ahem, pay homage to Huo Da Evil Dragon Against the Sky Everyone rest assured, the seven deadly sins are a short-lived process, and Huo Da's style is not suitable for milk dogs!Hundreds of words activate an important special attribute, and the seventh will be delivered.

  The old rule of urging more, look at the picture and talk, and the milk dog will go! .

Chapter [-] The holy pretender! (first update)

  Originally, Konoha had entered a calm stage after going through the Thousand Hands Monet Junin Assessment, but not long after that, the man who had inherited the will of the first and second generations in their hearts suddenly changed.

  How to describe it, Qianshou Monet does not have a long tail, otherwise he will have to lift his tail into the sky.

  Walking with the wind is extremely pretentious, very high-profile, and everyone has the expression of Long Aotian.

  Described in four words is the villain's success!

  The age of Qianshou Monet, who lost money, gave him a great disguise, and some people ignored it.

  But his arrogant arrogance is extremely painful to anyone who sees it.

  "Have you heard? Yesterday, Qianshou Monet pretended to be coercive again, and asked a Uchiha to lick his toes in public."

  "I heard that, but that's Uchiha, can you agree?"

  "Definitely disagree, so yesterday, the Senju people confronted Uchiha in the street, and even Senju Monet directly declared war on Uchiha."

  "Where's Uchiha? Did you take it? Why does it sound the same as when the third Hokage-sama came to power?"

  "Uchiha ran away and didn't fight. It's a pity."

  "However, Qianshou Monet is becoming more and more arrogant and rude. Even if he is the heir of the second and first generation, this is a bit wrong, right?"

  "You two, what are you talking about!"

  In the tavern, a big man slapped the table in public when he heard this.

  "How can you insult Lord Monet like this? Just yesterday, my mother fell on the street, surrounded by onlookers, only Lord Monet stood up and took the initiative to help my mother up and bring her home!"

  "How could such a kind person be the arrogant and pretending Qianshou Patriarch you said?"

  "Just fart!"

  The big man glared at the two and pointed outside, "Look, Lord Monet is taking the initiative to help the villagers again! Where are you pretending to be?"

  Looking at the big man's eyes, I saw Qianshou Monet was holding the hand of the old man to help him cross the road with a gentle face, and his cautious appearance couldn't help but extend his thumb.

  As expected from a big family, he is educated!

  "Grandpa, you can find me next time you cross the road. Don't thank me. My name is Lei Feng, and I am everywhere."

  A flash of white light flashed, and Monet's figure disappeared.

  Is it the Shadow Clone Technique?

  At the same time, Konoha's figure of Monet helping the old man to cross the road can be seen in the streets and alleys of various sizes. Although it is a shadow clone, it is enough to be respected!

  It turned out that we all misunderstood Mr. Monet.


  "Cousin, are you crazy?"

  In the Qianshou clan, Tsunade looked at his cousin who was squatting in the corner smoking a fake cigarette with a frown and asked in confusion.

  For a whole week, his cousin acted as if he was mentally ill, and it was okay to pretend, after all, he was the patriarch of the Thousand Hands Clan, and he had no choice but to pretend to force others.

  But after you pretended to be coercive, you asked the shadow clone to help the old grandma cross the road. What the hell, you're sick. What are you doing?

  "I also want to know."

  Qianshou Monet threw away the cigarette butt and spoke with a decadent expression, and glanced at his cousin.

  It's like this, didn't you suddenly come in and he experienced a week of pretending moments without any preparation?

  His conscience, he did not intend to accept the test of the seven deadly sins so early, this arrogance taught Qianshou Monet a great lesson.

  If it wasn't for his clever use of multiple shadow clones to act as a navy whitewash, it is estimated that the character design has completely collapsed now.

  What has he been doing this week?

  Not to mention pretending to be everywhere, he even scolded Patriarch Hyuga at first.

  Unlike Uchiha, Hyuga has joined Qianshou since the Warring States Period and became a loyal lackey of Qianshou. It can be said that this ally is trustworthy.

  However, if you scold, the result will not change. Sooner or later, Hyuga will have to rely on Qianshou according to the urination of Sun Xiangtianren during the Warring States Period.

  Well, although the soy sauce family is soy sauce, it plays a pivotal role in Konoha, and if Baiyan evolves into Tenseigan, its power will be incomparable.

  Of course, due to the harsh evolutionary conditions of Tenseigan, no one has succeeded in Hyuga so far, and they don't even know that White Eye can evolve.

  However, the most important thing for the soy sauce family is to create Hinata and fireworks, and the rest are optional.

  Shaking his head, Monet was too lazy to think about Hyuga's problem. Not regretting everything that happened was the basic principle of Monet's life. Even the most basic one could hardly be achieved.

  The first experience of the seven deadly sins has passed, and the second one is jealous and refuses to open it now. There will indeed be a lot of troubles if you are not prepared. After the previous experience, Monet understands that the benefits of bullshit are simply pitiful!

  However, the huge payoff was rewarded by his eyes.

  He got a special attribute title.

  "Holy pretender!"

  "When the scum is pretending to be coercive, he is inadvertently given a bit of coercive power by the coercive god. This title is automatically worn and automatically hidden. Each time the level of coercion theory can get more attribute values, it can grow and become coercive. When the power of God is improved, the attributes obtained will be extremely explosive."

  how to say?

  Monet touched his chin, it's a bit low, it's a pity that the current stage is tasteless and discarded, but it is a week's effort to get it, mosquitoes are meat when they are small, but they are better than nothing. Besides, you can get attributes by pretending to be forceful. kind of thing.

  The sand sculpture system knows itself very well!


  The first!Ask for a ticket!

  There is a bloodbath today! .

Chapter [-]: Get back what Qianshou lost! (Second more)

  "Lord Patriarch, Lord Hokage sent someone to inform that there will be a high-level meeting of Konoha in a while, and he asked you to attend this high-level meeting!"

  He was holding Tsunade and hesitatingly thinking about something, the door of the room was pushed open, and the thousand-armed giant root rushed in and shouted excitedly.

  "I said, Uncle Jugen, you are a veteran of our thousand hands. What a big thing you can't sit still?"

  Monet silently let go of the hand that was about to be massaged. He had been pretending to be forceful for the past few days, and his homework had fallen behind.

  "That's a high-level meeting!"

  Uncle Jugen couldn't calm down and turn around in circles, like an old man.

  "Calm down, I already knew about this."

  Monet waved his hand, and there was a glint in his eyes.

  "Uncle Jugen accompanies me to this meeting, and I want to take back everything Qianshou lost!"

  Hiruzen Sarutobi was cut to the top, and what he did was to exploit the interests of the big family and send good things into their pockets. Naturally, the Qianshou family was also implicated, and even put it in a key position. Not long after taking office, the Qianshou family felt that Shares from the suppression of Hokage.

  Not to mention that the dividends at the end of each year are reduced by five percentage points, the bounty for doing tasks is deducted, and the tax payment is increased by [-]%. These are all fatal!Needless to say, it was definitely Danzo's idea.

  It seems that this is just a little bit of effort, but Konoha's annual income multiplied by five percentage points is enough to support a thousand-handed out-of-home ninja for more than half a year. Coupled with the reduction of various benefits, who would want to work hard to the death?

  This is to kill the big family by soft means!

  Qianshou is not like Uchiha, most of Uchiha's clan is in Konoha.

  When the second master was in power, because he didn't trust Uchiha, he had to arrange Uchiha under his nose. The task of guarding the frontier was done by Qianshou, which also gave Danzo a chance to attack secretly.

  Now that Monet is in the position, he has the final say. The first step he has to do is to give Qianshou the benefits that he wants to respond to!Then shrink the troops!

  Why do all the drudgery have to be done by a thousand hands and you can eat ready-made?

  With a sneer, Monet strode out of the room. Do you really think it would be easier to bully without the second master's thousand hands?


  Naruto Building.

  At this time, the not-so-small office was already full of people, and at a glance, they were all heads and faces, the patriarchs of large and small families, and Konoha's high-ranking officials in various positions, which fit the so-called high-level meeting.

  Some people regard the quarterly high-level meetings as a day for rewarding merit. Although they themselves have not made any great contributions to Konoha, they still yearn for more benefits.

  It's right to think so, the profit of Konoha Village is huge every quarter, so much profit Hokage will definitely be gossip if he eats it himself, and blocking other people's mouth with profit is the most basic way to win people's hearts.

  "Everyone is due, let's start."

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