Monet, whose attributes immediately reached the [-] mark, was only one step away from activating the Nine Gou Jade Samsara Eye!

  Six-path immortal or something, dare to jump in front of him only to be beaten.

  But even that, how difficult it is to improve, and now there is no war, he can't go to other people's Shinobi village and start killing?

  But speaking of women...

  Monet glanced at the sky, Kaguya must know more about the Six Path Immortals than him.

  Recently, Monet, who missed Kaguya's fair skin, swallowed, and it was time to talk to Kaguya's spirit about life.


  Second more.

  Ask for flowers. .

Chapter [-] Love! (third more)

  So, Monet likes the second dimension.

  After asking Hei Jue to be careful, he returned to Konoha, holding the heavy cloak in his hand, Monet's eyes were a little sore.

  Maybe he didn't even remember this day himself, but they remembered it clearly.

  his birthday!

  Girls have different ways of expressing their love and cherishing, but Monet's sisters are quite a lot, and they can't express their feelings one by one.

  Figure out a way to draw your beloved men into handsome capes, stitch by stitch, with their names embroidered on them.

  Put my name on your body, treat yourself as a gift to your loved one, and never give up.

  Monet was a little touched by touching "Seven-Three-Zero" with the heart-shaped pattern on the cloak, which was reunited by the names of the women.

  Like many crossing armies, he was indeed an orphan in his previous life, and he always relied on his own hands to work hard. Once, there was a woman in his heart, yearning for a beautiful love, but the reality was cruel, when that figure plunged into a certain second generation. After being embraced by him, he also felt despair of that world and lived a life of drunkenness.

  But it's different here!

  This is the second dimension, if you love it, it is true love.

  Naruto World is guarded by me!

  Monet stroked his eyes and hung the cloak on his body with a smile.

  "Cousin, happy birthday!"

  Tsunade gave him his arms, and Kushina and others next to him showed happy eyes. As Qianshou Monet's women, they never competed for jealousy. Sister Tsunade was their representative. After all, her husband's embrace was so big.

  Putting down the idea of ​​finding Kaguya in his heart, Monet planned to accompany his wives.

  At night, the lights of the Qianshou clan are brightly lit, the female relatives in the backyard come and go, and the unique fifteenth moon viewing party of the thousand-hand clan is officially held. Sometimes there is no need to deliberately do amazing things. The words are absolutely correct.

  All the lovely women in the second dimension need is a little care. A hug, holding hands and enjoying the beautiful scenery together is the warmest moment.

  "Husband, what are you doing?"

  Surrounded by Yingyingyanyan, Qianshou Monet was playing with pen and paper and a pile of special chakra metal with a smile on his face.

  Kushina next to him asked curiously the man who hugged him from behind.

  "A small present for you."

  Monet shook his head and didn't say much, the Six Path Immortals had already appeared, but his wives had nothing to say, but they were powerless in the face of Otsutsuki Yui.

  Although he was in Konoha, he couldn't help the old man to arrest his sister. After all, that person could even seal his own mother, so he was no longer a human being.

  Not as good as pigs and dogs.

  Thousand-handed Monet despises unfilial people very much, except for the heinous, of course.

  Kaguya is obviously not in this list.

  She really wants to protect the world and her relatives, so she worked overtime to build the Bai Jue army, but the method was wrong. If the guidance is suitable, maybe it can change Kaguya's thinking?

  To directly declare war with the mother and seal it up, is this what the Son of Man should do?

  A piece of trash, even if he has no idea about himself, Monet will kill the other party, such a person does not deserve to live.

  What's more, he is now nominally the father of Yui Otsutsuki!It is his duty to kill the unfilial son.

  While thinking about it, a golden pendant has been pinched by Monet, shining charmingly under the moonlight.

  The eyes of the girls next to him revealed desire, and their eyes were locked in an instant.

  Throwing out this charming jewelry, the added value on it has already made them very excited...  

  It contains Qianshou Monet's deep love. Speaking of which, this is the first time that his man has given a gift.

  Don't know who to send it to?

  The girls stared nervously at the pendant.

  Standing up, Monet locked Tsunade next to him and hung the pendant on her neck with his own hands. Under the envious eyes of the girls, Tsunade plunged into Monet's arms and shed happy tears.

  "Uh, listen to my cousin, don't take it for granted if you don't have money, this thing can protect your safety."

  Monet swallowed his saliva and uttered a sentence that a straight man of steel would make a bad scene.

  Everyone knows that Tsunade is good at gambling, but the joke is a joke. Monet doesn't believe that Tsunade will take his gift as a gift. She never touched the necklace left to her in the original book.

  "Don't worry, wives and adults, everyone has a share."

  When he returned to his seat, Monet started work again. From Tsunade to the youngest Hinata, all of them were all ready in the order of becoming his wife.

  Even Terumi Mei, who was far away in the land of water, and the alternate cousin of Yunyin Village, Sand Ninja Village, also got a small gift made by him. Resist ten minutes of damage.

  It is not difficult for him, a master of ninjutsu, to do this.

  For his women, this is not just a gift, the love inside is priceless.


  After comforting the wives and arranging Konoha's tasks, Monet came to the room to announce the retreat, and then the figure disappeared instantly with a movement of spiritual sense.

  Otsutsuki Yui is a problem, Monet won't let any unsettling factors appear!

  Here is his world!


  Third more.

  Ask for flowers! .

Chapter [-] The woman waiting for Monet on the moon! (fourth more)

  Whenever you can stand on the moon and look at the vastness of the universe, you will always feel that your existence is very small.

  But the more this is, the more people have a desire to conquer. Thousand-handed Monet's footsteps never stop. Sooner or later, he will step on everything he sees under his feet.

  I can't imagine how Otsutsuki Yumura is determined to lead his clan to live on the moon. He and his brother are not good things anyway.

  "The art of spiritualization!"

  After watching for a while, Monet shook his head and went out of his body again. He was accustomed to having a female company by his side, and it was always a little uncomfortable to enjoy the scenery by himself.

  Not forgetting the business of coming to the moon, Monet went underground to find that special group of energy spirits.

  Kaguya Otsutsuki!

  The perfect woman.

  Appearing in front of her in an instant, Monet put his arms around her waist.

  After not seeing her for many years, she has not changed in any way, she is still the cold temperament that makes people want to conquer, and her fair skin stimulates someone's desire.

  "Let go of your concubine, or I will kill you." 14

  As early as the moment Qianshou Monet appeared, Kaguya had already felt that from the initial surprise to the pretentious indifference, it was nothing but a weak disguise of the appearance of a woman.

  Monet smiled slightly. When the queen showed such an expression, she just kept her thoughts in her heart and didn't want to express it.

  After several times of tenderness, Monet hugged this sad woman and felt the real existence.

  "A thousand years, you are lonely."

  After brushing Hui Ye's soft hair, Monet suddenly asked with some distress.

  "I'm used to it."

  Hui Ye shook her head and leaned against this man's chest. She was completely conquered physically and mentally, and she didn't care so much anymore. Thousands of years passed by in a flash. Originally, there was only hatred for those two "children" in her heart, but now there are many more. Out of a miss, this feeling makes people unable to stop and sink into it.

  Over the years, she has been more tormented than before.

  I also understand that I seem to be inseparable from this person unknowingly, and when a woman's body and mind are completely conquered, the way she thinks about problems will change.

  Monet shook his head and sighed when he was used to the bitterness of the sentence. In fact, the story he arranged for Hei Jue was not all lies.

  From the clues in the original work, Kaguya's life can be clarified. He came to the earth alone to get chakra fruit, but he fell in love with this world by mistake, and began to rebel against his own destiny. In the end, he fell into such an end.

  One thousand hands Monet can be sure!

  What would have happened if Kaguya had obeyed the rules of the Otsutsuki clan and presented the chakra fruit to the Otsutsuki trio?

  Everything in the original book will not appear, Otsutsuki will dominate the world and call people pariahs!

  There will also be no so-called Asura Indra or even ninjas, and everything in the Naruto world will cease to exist. The pariahs only exist to provide nutrients to the chakra fruit, that's all.

  So Qianshou Monet has been vindicating this tragic woman in his heart!

  If it is said that the first person in the world to stand up against fate and save the earth is her.

  But she saved everything, but was regarded as a villain!

  Is there any salvation in this world?

  Perhaps only those who have truly experienced despair can understand Kaguya's heart.

  Holding Kaguya's hand tightly, Monet made up his mind to protect her from now on!

  What she fears is precisely what he wants to conquer!

  After all, she is just a poor woman, and the only thing missing is a person who protects her!

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