"Come on, let's go out and have a look."

  Putting on Kaguya's own robe, Monet put his arms around her delicate body, pierced through the barrier of six earth-blasting stars, and rushed Kaguya out.

  Compared with the last time, his strength has improved a lot, and Monet, who has been promoted to the Jiugou Jade Samsara Eye, can already take Hui Ye away from the barrier left by the Six Path Immortals.

  When the spiritual bodies of the two came to the surface of the moon, Monet could clearly feel Kaguya's excited emotions.

  For thousands of years, how much suffering has she endured to leave that lonely and dark environment?

  Reaching out and touching the warmth of the sun, Kaguya's eyes blurred and two lines of tears flowed out, just like the way he touched the prince and Sasuke in the original book.

  Anyway, she's just a sad mother!

  What did she do wrong?

  Is it wrong to just use the wrong method to protect the world?

  From the perspective of the superiors, let the weak contribute 563 lives to become a white man, and the elite will stay to improve their strength, and then jointly defend against foreign enemies.

  There is probably something wrong with this idea, but it doesn't stop there!

  There was another question that Monet didn't understand.

  Kaguya got chakra by eating the fruit of the god tree, and then became the ancestor of chakra.

  Then she can be said to be the only god in this world, but why did she use chakra and the power to accept the admiration of all people to create Otsutsuki Yumura and Otsutsuki Yui to ban Kaguya?

  It doesn't make sense, but the power of the Six Paths Earth Blasting Star is indeed very powerful. The last time he came to the moon, he tried to take Kaguya to break the barrier and leave, but he couldn't do it.

  But now he can finally do it, and at this time he has no fear.

  Like a newborn child born into this world for the first time, Kaguya looks at everything around her with fear and expectation. Although the moon is desolate, it is [-] times better than the claustrophobic environment!

  Seeing that the woman beside him was a little scared, Monet grabbed Kaguya's hand again.

  "From now on, everything will be mine."


  Fourth more.

  Ask for flowers! .

Chapter [-] Go, let's go home! (fifth more)

  At the top of the dilapidated large tube wood palace, two figures are leaning against each other.

  Everything under his feet was caused by Monet's turn to kill the rest of Otsutsuki last time, and also because of his irritability, that Otsutsuki Sheren, who appeared in the movie with a very high-profile appearance, even had a chance to become a tadpole. all disappeared.

  "Will you leave your concubine?"

  After a long while, Kaguya squeezed into Monet's arms, and she gave her everything to Qianshou Monet.

  Although she has nothing, only the two of them know how heavy that heart is.

  "will not."

  Simply spit out two words. When he came to the moon again, he had made a decision. Although it was only a spiritual body, this time he would take her with him when he left.

  Loneliness was too cruel to her, she gave up everything and started again.

  After thinking about it, Monet remembered the business of coming to the moon.

  "What kind of people are my two sons."

  Your son?

  Kaguya looked at Qianshou Monet in confusion, why did your son ask about his concubine?

  And does he already have a son?

  Kaguya looked sad and didn't speak.

  "I'm talking about Otsutsuki Yumura and Otsutsuki Yui."

  Mo Nai silently pinched somewhere on the girl's slender body.

  "Don't be here..."

  Kaguya, who was clearly thinking about it, turned red and buried in Monet's arms.


  Monet fell into deep thought. It can be said that Kaguya is the most beautiful and most sensitive of all his wives. He has a conscience of the world. He really didn't want to do anything, but just asked a question.

  But if his wife needs it, he will never refuse.

  "Mu Dun! Three rooms and one hall〃〃!"

  A big battle officially started because of Kaguya's misunderstanding...


  After three days, the fighting subsided.

  Monet smashed the three rooms and one hall and took Kaguya to continue to appreciate the beauty of the universe.

  "Continuing with the previous question, what kind of people are my two sons, and why are you sealed?"

  The question that had dragged on for several days finally spit out, Monet suddenly felt a sense of relief, which seemed to be some kind of signal, Kaguya had obviously misunderstood before, and then it was because Kaguya said that if he wanted the baby, he could give birth by himself. ...

  So Monet was also drunk.

  The suppleness when a strong woman is conquered is really tempting.

  After swallowing, Monet suppressed the urge, but he couldn't mess around. The last time he slammed it for several years, he obviously didn't want to stay on the moon for so long this time.

  The Xiaoqiangs have graduated, and the plot is about to unfold in full swing.

  He didn't want to find that everything had changed when he returned to the ninja world, and even Konoha, who had worked so hard for so long, was destroyed.

  "Hamura, Yui."

  Speaking of these two people, Monet could clearly feel the complicated emotions in Kaguya's heart.

  There's anger, there's hatred, but there's more grief that Ten once had as a mother.

  Being sealed by one's own child, who would feel better when this kind of thing is put on him.

  With a faint sigh, Kaguya looked at the man beside him and turned everything into a chuckle and followed.

  Already, it doesn't matter.

  She has new support.

  "They are not born of the concubine, King Yama, don't dislike the concubine. Before meeting you, the concubine was perfect..."

  Monet had to roll his eyes in response to Kaguya's answer.

  "I know this better than you. I mean, is my son very skinny? The kind that likes to secretly manipulate the ninja world, and why can he seal you?"

  "You must also have the so-called power of yin and yang, and it must be stronger than Yuyi. I can squeeze in and out of the sky with my mental body, why can't you?"

  Monet expressed his doubts.

  "A feather coat?"

  Kaguya blinked and finally shook her head. Why did the filial child in her mind change? If she knew, she wouldn't be sealed here.

  Sure enough, to find the answer to this question, I have to find the Six Path Immortals myself.

  Monet pouted, his second-hand wife Kong has all the strength, but the combat experience is basically equal to zero, which is the main reason why the last prince and Naruto can seal Kaguya in the original book.

  From another angle, let Madara not be stabbed in the heart by Hei Jue and try it. Whether Erzhuzi and Naruto can succeed are two different things.

  So Kaguya doesn't seem to be very good at how to use power, and it makes sense that she will not use her power and be sealed.

  But it didn't matter, he didn't want Kaguya to continue recalling the painful past.

  Shaking his head, Monet didn't continue to ask, since he didn't get the answer, he went to find it himself.

  With one hand, Monet found his body and returned to the flesh.

  At this time, his power is no longer the same as before. After Baiyan has completely evolved to the highest level, Kaguya's spiritual body can already be seen.

  "...Let's go, let's go home!"

  Holding Kaguya's hand, Monet smiled and led the former ancestor of Chakra to disappear again. His thousand-handed Monet was never afraid of challenges. This time, he took Kaguya back, and he let Otsutsuki Yui hurry!

  At this stage, the feather clothes are not showing their legs, but now they are not necessarily!

  He wants to seize the opportunity to completely find out why the other party appeared!

  Grabbing Monet's hand with joy, he thought that his husband would keep her on the moon just like last time, but he didn't expect the surprise to come so suddenly, and Kaguya was only moved.

  go home?Where there is you is the concubine's home!



  Ask for flowers! .

Chapter [-] The approaching Chunin exam! (first update)

  "It always feels weird."

  An insubstantial spiritual body descended on the ninja world, and Kaguya looked at everything around her curiously. This world was completely different from when she existed.

  "Would you like me to find you a body, and now this kind of affects us doing the things we love to do."

  Since Kaguya is a spiritual body and has no body, Monet has to use the power of yin and yang to touch her hand. Is it possible to use chakra when she is having sex?

  too frightening.

  It's exciting to think about.

  Monet swallowed.

  "No, how can someone else's body be worthy of a concubine?"

  Standing tall proudly, Kaguya is quite disdainful of this. Is someone else's lowly body worthy of his own?

  "But if it's your husband, your concubine doesn't care."

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