The faces of the two girls were blushing, and they had experienced ups and downs in their lives these days.

  From the fear of that night to the time of reliance on the Master, the ghosts know what they have gone through.

  "It's almost recovered, remember, don't be so naughty next time."

  Putting Tian Tian and Hina Tian on the bed, Monet said speechlessly, the Tathagata Buddha Stick is really scary, his physique should be invulnerable to all poisons, but he can't resist that thing. Colorless and odorless, it is easy to be tricked.

  Fortunately, that thing is strictly controlled in Konoha, and basically the goods are in the hands of their own people.

  Well, in the eyes of Dad Tiantian, it is really not a bad thing to push his daughter to Lord Hokage.

  The two girls didn't speak, and seemed to be waiting for something.

  Picking up two bath towels from the side, Monet rolled his eyes and rushed to the bathroom with one in between.

  Sure enough, a girl like an animal belongs to a healed scar and forgets the pain.


  Another three days passed, and finally let the girl let them see the sunshine outside, and Monet avenged himself.

  However, after holding back in Konoha for so long, Monet's mind has already flown out, and he took this opportunity to greet Sakumo and the others and called his three apprentices to leave Konoha quietly.

  Uchiha Itachi has started to take a vacation, but there is a problem left before, and Monet, the wealth of the country of ghosts, does not want to let it go.

  Except for the five kingdoms and the kingdom of ghosts, the current ninja world is basically under the control of Qianju Monet.

  This trip is to completely solve the problem of the country of ghosts, what exactly is a sprite, and what is the power of the witch Shion, Monet wants to find out.

  Naruto has several persistent problems.

  First, the sprites and witches of the land of ghosts do not belong to the power system of the Naruto world at all, but their combat effectiveness is amazing, and they can even give others the power to control the Terracotta Warriors.

  Second, where is the origin of the Otsutsugi clan? Monet believes that the Otsutsuki trio are not the only remaining members of Otsutsuki, and they know how the Naruto World came. It is a potential threat and must be Just release.

  Third, the power of the dragon veins is also the most bizarre power. The violent energy can even travel through time and space. This power is indeed terrifying.

  Come one by one, Monet is not in a hurry, this trip to the land of ghosts is all about relaxing and comforting Hinata and Tian Tian's injured hearts.

  However, it is impossible to favor each other. Monet also brought Ino and Sakura, but on the way Sakura played the role of an absolute RBQ, responsible for serving tea and feeding him.

  "Speaking of which, the Master used to take Kushina-san and Mikoto-san to take the opportunity to eat it when they went out~".

  Naughty Tiantian leaned next to Monet and asked playfully.

  Yes, now they have been upgraded to Monet's wives. They want to be called Kushina and Mikoto. The seniority of Qianshou Monet's family is completely messed up. How can you call yourself happy.

  "¨々Yeah, who made you and Hinata so anxious."

  Monet shrugged his innocence.

  For this embarrassing question, Hinata and Tian Tian chose to avoid it. It was a misunderstanding. From now on, they should play a game with Master Master.

  The country of ghosts is not too far from the wood, the scope is not too small, it belongs to neutral countries, and their national power seems to be controlled by the daimyo, but in fact it is the witch who has the final say, which is why Itachi couldn't handle it. Shion of Shion told Itachi directly that you were going to die and left no other words, and the scene was awkward for a time.

  "Master, what are we going to do in the country of ghosts? Is there any task?"

  On the way, Hinata asked curiously.

  "Go see your long-lost sister."

  Monet replied casually, yes, Shion's appearance is so similar to Hinata (Is it good?), and the two are equally beautiful, at least Monet doesn't seem to think that Shion is a low-profile Hinata in the theater version. It is Shion, her character is too different from Hinata.

  "My sister who has been separated for a long time...Master is talking about Hana? Hana has already gone to school at home."

  The cute Hinata naturally didn't know the meaning of Monet's words. She did have one of her sister's words. She will marry her master sooner or later.

  "You'll know when you see it."

  Monet waved his hand and said nothing, the team continued to move forward, and it didn't take long for them to reach the territory of the country of ghosts.


  Fourth more.

  Ask for flowers! .

Chapter [-] You are the father of my daughter! (fifth more)

  Naruto-sama from Konoha Ninja Village is visiting in person!

  The country of ghosts is frying, and everyone from the daimyo to the ministers below is panicking. Even if it is a neutral country, it will not give up outside information collection. They know exactly what Monet has done in the past few decades.

  This is also the main reason why he only sent Itachi to meet the priestess.

  No way, the words Qianshou Monet are too terrifying.

  Therefore, like Itachi, Senju Monet was successfully brought to Shion's residence. Shion, who was alone, seemed to be a little lonely after her mother's death.

  But Monet knew that she was watching too much the cycle of life and death and gradually closed herself up, but she was actually a very kind girl with an extraordinarily cold and warm personality.

  In the original book, her fate was broken by Naruto, but this time it's clearly up to him to do the work.

  "Are you really not from the Hyuga clan?"

  The few people who were interviewed confronted each other. Ziyuan and Hinata were very close to each other. The two looked at each other and always felt strange. In the end, Hinata couldn't help but ask.

  Aside from the faint 533 black in his pupils, let alone Shion really looks like a member of the Hinata clan.

  What's more, with the appearance like looking in a mirror, Hinata's misunderstanding is inevitable.

  At this time, she finally understood why Master Master said that she came here to find her long-lost sister.

  "It's so similar, it's almost carved out of a mold."

  Ino was amazed, and Sakura nodded as well.

  "Why your fate has changed, even I can't see clearly."

  However, Shi Yuan's attention was obviously not on his appearance. Shi Yuan, who was used to seeing people's first reaction to see when the other party died, directly checked the fate of Hinata, but what happened to the blurred and golden road?

  Not only Hinata, but also these women.

  After looking around, Zi Yuan set his eyes on Qianshou Monet's body, and a shock appeared on Zi Yuan's face in an instant, what was the situation?

  Exudes a golden light (cddj), which seems to illuminate the world, and seems to be destroying the whole world. Who is the third Hokage of Konoha?

  Not only that, let alone when he died, the man at this time was not at the peak of his life?

  Jinghong glanced, Zi Yuan suddenly discovered something, and then the originally pale little face suddenly became extremely red.

  "You are the father of my daughter."


  Now it's Monet's turn to be messy, what the hell?

  "That, witch brother and sister, you may have misunderstood. I just came to the country of ghosts, and I haven't touched you. How could it be your daughter's father? I've fucked you, I'll definitely admit it, but isn't it too much for you to joke like that?"

  "Anyway, I'm Konoha's third Hokage, and this time I'm here to represent our Konoha Village."

  After speaking in a very bachelor, the Qianshou Monet at this time seemed to have turned into a straight steel man Lei Tiantian rolled his eyes.

  She is obviously still a little girl, how could she have given birth to a daughter? Since the witch has the means to see through the fate of people, there is no problem in saying it. If you say that you are the father of the child, then you must be.

  Not now, doesn't mean not in the future.

  Wouldn't it be okay for you two to have a daughter in the future?How can there be so much nonsense, this is a disguised confession, their stupid master even used his identity to intimidate the little girl, even a straight man of steel can't do such a thing?

  I don't understand how you got us?

  Ino helped his forehead, yes, they were the masters who took the initiative to soak, and two of them even nearly died at the risk of drugging.


  Fortunately, Ziyuan is also straight enough, and she is also not good at dealing with others. Ziyuan simply nodded and said nothing. She didn't feel angry at all, and her face even turned redder.

  "Then why did Lord Hokage come to the country of ghosts?"

  Shion asked.

  "Two things."

  Monet stretched out his finger and walked directly to support Shion's chin. The girl was not angry, and looked at her future husband indifferently. Although she didn't feel anything now, fate was fate. Since she saw that scene, she ran away. Everyone has their own destiny that cannot be changed.

  "The Kingdom of Ghosts will pay Konoha from now on. Likewise, Konoha will protect your safety."

  Monet swallowed, the distance was relatively close, and he could clearly smell the fragrance of the girl.

  "as you like."

  Shion said lightly.

  "But the honorable Hokage-sama, there is one thing you didn't understand. You can't be responsible for the safety of the country of ghosts."

  "You mean sprite? That's the second thing."

  Monet waved his hands and said nonchalantly.

  "That sprite, take me to see it, I'm curious about so-called monsters."

  Go see the sprites!

  Shion was taken aback, the monsters in the land of ghosts will wake up again, and she doesn't know if the seal can be successful. After all, the mother died because of the failure to seal the sphinx, but now Konoha's three generations of Hokage have taken the initiative to ask to see the sphinx.

  What's the meaning?Is he going to help him seal that thing?

  Suddenly, Shi Yuan thought of something. When this man appeared, it seemed that her fate had been strangely changed, otherwise the scene in her memory would never have happened.

  But even so, her fear of sprites was obviously higher than her confidence in Qianshou Monet, she hesitated and looked at this man and fell into deep thought.


  Fifth more.

  Ask for flowers! .

Chapter [-] Monet and the Miko! (first update)

  "Master, what exactly is a sprite?"

  Curious Tian Tian asked.

  "I wouldn't come if I knew."

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