Monet patted her little head, "It seems to be a legendary monster, with the ability to deceive people, and can control those messy terracotta warriors."

  "Well, but don't worry, in front of me that's a piece of garbage that a younger brother can't even count, so don't worry at all, this Ninja world, after all, it's Konoha who said it~ forget it."

  Standing up arrogantly, Monet's domineering arrogance completely conquered Tiantian.

  But it seems that some of Qianshou Monet's remarks stimulated some of the remaining energy in the dark. Instinctively, a strange feeling of murderousness and temptation enveloped Qianshou Monet.

  Shion, who was close at hand, trembled suddenly, and fear gradually approached her heart.

  It's a sprite!

  She couldn't forget this feeling. Every time she was peeped by a witch was the most tormenting moment for a witch. In this world, only a witch had the ability to seal a witch, and bewitching and frightening the witch was what the witch had to do every time.

  "The mere gravel, less than half a point as me, dare to show up with this kind of strength?"

  In an instant, Qianshou Monet's Tensei Eye and Samsara Eye opened at the same time, and the invisible oppression directly reopened the door. There, a tall, thin man was standing there with a red light in his eyes.

  Yellow Spring!

  In the original book, he was bewitched by monsters and could create a large number of terracotta warriors and horses in the later stage, a careerist who wanted to conquer this world!

  It's just that if you don't summon the Terracotta Warriors, why are you dancing in front of Lao Tzu?

  Monet sneered and stretched out his hand.

  "Vientiane Tianyin!"

  The suction burst out, and Huang Quan was instantly pulled in front of Qianshou Monet.

  Holding Huang Quan's neck with one hand, the red light in that fellow's eyes never diminished.

  Have you been completely controlled by sprites?

  After lightly pinching the important figure in the country of ghosts in the original book, Monet discarded the body and washed his hands with water.

  "If you do this, the sprite will go berserk!"

  Shi Yuan shouted in horror. It wasn't that she didn't know that Huang Quan was being controlled by monsters, but the fear brought by sprites prevented her from getting out of her mother's death.

  She obviously has the ability to seal sprites, but she has lost her courage.

  "What are you panicking about?"

  After washing his hands, Monet walked over to Shion and picked her up in her shocked eyes.

  "Go, take me back to that so-called monster."

  His embrace is so warm...

  Inexplicably, Shion's bursts of panic disappeared strangely, leaving only an incomparable sense of security in Qianshou Monet's arms.

  What can she say?

  The man's arrogance has given her no chance to resist. After pointing in a direction, Zi Yuan can only choose to trust this man.

  The father of his daughter in his destiny, his husband, is he really him?


  "Man, you cannot yield to fate."

  On the way, holding Shion, followed by Sakura and the other four, Monet seemed to be talking to himself or talking to Shion.

  "A long time ago, there was a person who was abandoned and lived in a world where that person cannibalism."

  "Of course, I think this world is not as cruel as that world."

  "Although wars continue in the ninja world, everyone can find a reason for existence and their own value, but that world is not like that."

  "Some people spend their entire lives and can't find a seemingly simple answer. That's the case with that person. The confusion of life, the pressure of work, the last meal, the rush for rice balls, and the inevitable living with the flow. "

  "Well, sometimes I envy you. At least you all have your own mission, and you won't feel that confused."

  As he talked, Qianshou Monet smiled casually, is it fate?The two very mysterious words are unpredictable based on his ability. He seems to be unifying the world in the ninja world, but who knows if it is the fate that was arranged for him?

?? ??? Asking for flowers?? ???

  Some things are very scary to think about, to entangle those who are better or not to enjoy life.

  In fact, Thousand Arms Monet did this all the way.

  Admirable brothers drink wine, admire the moon with their beloved wife and daughter, turn their hands into clouds and cover their hands into rain, and this is life.

  Naturally, Zi Yuan didn't understand Monet's words, and she didn't understand that the little person who followed the trend in Qianshou Monet's mouth was the one who was holding her, but her arms holding Monet's shoulders were obviously tight.

  The shrine maiden, who didn't know how to get along with people, didn't want to leave the man's arms at this moment.

.... 0 0

  The place where the sprite was sealed was the huge cave in the original book, and the gloomy and cold atmosphere inside made Monet's disciples feel the coolness in such a hot summer.

  However, it is impossible for the apprentices to feel afraid when they follow the master out for a walk.

  For example, Ino, she naturally took two breaths.

  "It's so cool, does this cave have its own air conditioner?"

  "Yeah, I really want to build a house here to escape the summer heat."


  When the words of the disciples reached Monet's ears, this fellow shrugged his shoulders and said nothing, Summer Resort?It's a good idea.

  Of course, Shion, who was underestimated by the little girl, was even more furious, and a roar came from inside, and Shion shook her heart with fear.

  Continuing to move forward to the center of the cave, the entrance of the seal was obviously loosened, and Shion pointed out tremblingly.

  "The monster is inside, and my mother died here."

  "Jie Jie!"

  At this moment, a cloud of black air came out, and the excited sprite stretched out its claws at Shion.


  The sound was like thunder, and the empty cave was surrounded by Monet's roar. After a scream, the black air was instantly dispersed.


  First more.

  Ask for flowers.

Chapter [-] Terrible pupil technique! (Second more)

 With the blessing of Tenseigan and Jiugouyu Samsara Eye, Qianshou Monet has clearly seen through the essence of the so-called sprite.

  Rather than a combination of negative energies, it is better to say that it is the grievances of those souls who have not gone to the Pure Land. Things are more difficult to deal with. The abilities of the witches can only be temporarily sealed, and the price is sometimes death.

  Speaking of which, the witches who have been passed down from generation to generation are also quite pitiful, and they have not enjoyed any happiness in their lives who are bound by fate.

  No such thing, Monet has quite a set.

  As early as when the Kaleidoscope was turned on, Monet's pupil technique was not used much.

  The left eye can overcome all kinds of spatial abilities, and he has experienced the power of Monet's dragon claws [-]%, and now it has become one of the means that he must take advantage of.

  The pupil technique of the right eye is quite strange, it is a special pupil technique that manipulates and absorbs the soul body, and it belongs to the kind whose mental power is stronger and can be dealt with. Monet has a hunch that when his mental power reaches a certain level , not only will his various pupil skills be improved, but this eye can even be improved to the level of the so-called straight-to-death demon eye!

  Obliterate the opponent's ability from the root.What kind of realm are women?In short, it is stronger than all the three major pupil techniques in this world combined.

  Of course, it's still a bit early to think about it now. To control eyes of that level, with his less than ten thousand mental power, he can't do it with the upgraded one. He shook his head. Monet retracted his thoughts and focused his attention on the pupil technique. .

  As his pupil power increases, the ability to manipulate the soul becomes more perverted. If he wants to torture a person, then death is just the beginning.

  That's the ability to manipulate and absorb souls, and it's just one of his many pupil techniques. He who has seen all the pupil techniques of Sharinyan doesn't think this ability is so new.

  Of course, not so for some things.

  A tall phantom suddenly appeared behind Monet and shocked.

  "The ghouls are sealed!"

  Fiercely, he pulled out a sharp knife and aimed at Monet's soul. The god of death who had just been summoned

  But just for.

  "Are you sure you want to touch my soul?"

  Monet turned around and showed an intriguing look. Once, the snake brother summoned the god of death during a certain experiment. Seeing that he wanted to cut off the snake brother's soul, it was not easy. After forming a seal, the god scared the god of death and ran away. .

  Turning around, Death didn't hesitate and wanted to slip away. This man was so scary, and he had no idea where the energy that made his heart palpitate came from.

The death god who stopped his own world in seconds is very flamboyant but very embarrassed. The souls who have killed the third and fourth generations and have been harvested do not know where they have gone. It is a strange existence in the ninja world.

  But for Qianshou Monet, this thing just fell from the sky, and suddenly he just didn't have that idea for a while, and Qianshou Monet didn't know what the consequences of absorbing this thing would be.

  It will be good to try it after thoroughly researching and understanding the ability of the right eye in the future.

  "Come here as a god, ninja, Monet hooked his fingers very arrogantly. He once hesitated what to do if someone used the ghoul seal against him, but he was very concerned about the attitude of the god of death. clear answer.

  Instant control to activate pupil power can be absorbed directly, in the cave of Yinxu.

  The earth began to tremble, and the duel between the god of death and the sprite was thoroughly referenced. The screams and roars made Monet shake his head. These two things are both soul energy, so he shouldn't have done less in it. "

  Feeling a little disgusting without any extra action.

  Waving his hand, Monet didn't bother to care anymore. He hugged Shion and took his disciples out of the cave. The roar from the soul inside was extremely uncomfortable.

Living in the so-called God of Death, Monet threw him into the God of Death. If you think about it, it is specially designed to deal with sprites. Since sprites are only matched with the theatrical version, Grim Reaper is from the genuine TV, which can form a strong contrast.

  Whoops, off topic.

Inappropriate things, right?

  After thinking about it, it floated out, but after swallowing the sprite, this thing seemed to be a little glanced. I couldn't tell who was the boss. I pulled out the knife and slashed at Monet's soul.  …

  "Zi, he's not worried that the god of death can't beat the sprites, and they can't swell. Down-to-earth is the kingly way."

  Touching Shion's face, Qianshou Monet's pupil power burst out in an instant.

  "do not want!"

     Sure enough, after half an hour, the ghost of death was about to leave, but Monet's pupil power exploded in the next second, and it was sucked into Monet's eyes in the blink of an eye.


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