Monet rolled his eyes, and this is what you are worried about.


  Fourth more.

Chapter [-] This invincible Konoha, the invincible Hokage! (fifth more)

  "Boss, based on your strength, reading unlimited monthly is just like playing. I still understand this very well, and didn't you say that you also want to play unlimited monthly reading?"

  "Why are you so anxious now?"

  The Kurama knows more than others. Monet's Jiugou jade reincarnation eye knows it. It's not too simple to read the infinite moon with such eyes. It is very stable to rush into the air and shoot at the moon. I don't understand what Monet means.

  Looking at this situation, the boss has become the leader of the coalition army, which is a fact, and the task of the coalition army is to prevent unlimited monthly reading.

  This is very strange. It is obvious that the boss and the black and white thing are in the same group. Since the boss also wants to read indefinitely, why should you stop it?

  Isn't this superfluous?

  "You don't understand, - it's not that simple."

  Monet shook his head, Kurama was right, Kaguya was in his belly right now, if there was something wrong, he would use his mental body to compare bed skills with Kaguya. Of course, he never lost.

  Whoops, off topic.

  He once thought about letting Infinite Moon Read to help Kaguya reshape his body, and he had planned to do that before, and he was preparing after the completion of the mission in the land of ghosts.

  But before he came back, he directly heard the news that Obito had ordered Xiao to organize the capture of the tailed beast.

  This time, Qianshou Monet was not calm and decided to continue to wait and see. It is still the same sentence. If Obito dares to do it, he must have his own trump card.

  Just relying on a spot is absolutely not dare to pretend like this.

  So what is the reason?

  Monet wanted to know this, so there was an unlimited amount of plots that deviate from the main line back to the starting point to find out what's different!That was his plan.

  He likes to be the guy in control, but things seem out of the way right now.

  Of course, Qianshou Monet was very unhappy about this feeling of being bound. He couldn't help but directly find Obito and kill him, but the situation is still under control, and he doesn't need to do that.

  The rhythm is still in your hands, don't panic.

  The current situation is simply that Monet organized the Ninja allied forces to fight against Obito according to the original process, and forced out the opponent's trump card in one move. There is only one purpose, that is, after Madara, what cards will Obito play, and wait for the result Monet will naturally find a way to end this meaningless war.

  After thinking about it, he had come to the Hokage Building, and took Kurama into his arms again, and Monet walked in.

  When other people play cats, he likes to play tail beasts, and the fat and ball-like Kurama is really comfortable to hold, and the flesh of that body is very touching.

  "Lord Hokage!"

  In the conference room, Konoha's elite all assembled and waited for the lecture.

  On the left, Senju Hakuma, Senju Tobirama, and Senju Tsunade stood there with serious expressions. Behind them, Senju Roshu and Senju Pangen, two rising stars, looked at Monet calmly and respectfully.

  Next to Jiraiya, followed by Minato Namika, was waiting in a serious line, and Brother Snake called out to his father with a calm and natural expression.

  On the other side, Hatake Sakumo, the man known as Konoha White Fang, took Kakashi and bowed respectfully to Monet without speaking, but the attitude on his face already showed their determination why Konoha worked.

  The Ninja World War is about to start, and even the somewhat elderly Uchiha Fugaku also brought his son Uchiha Itachi to the scene. Behind them is Uchiha Shisui who meticulously carried out the security task of the Hokage Building.

  Hyuga Hizu and Hyuga Ripa stood beside Zhuludie very calmly. The moment they saw Monet coming in, they did not hesitate to kneel on the ground to express their loyalty.

  The people who can sit in this conference room are all senior figures of Konoha's high status. There is no so-called family conflict. Standing here, they are Konoha's ninjas!

?? ???For flowers???? ?????????

  How terrifying is Konoha who has never been persecuted?

  Just anyone in this conference room can pick up half the sky of other Shinobi villages!

  Konoha, or that Konoha!

  Indestructible, even if the direction Hokage points to is dangerous.


  Taking a deep breath, Monet smiled and came to his seat. When he just entered the door, all the worries about whether Obito's trump card was too strong disappeared.

...... 0

  Yes, it disappeared, replaced by endless self-confidence and an indomitable desire to fight.

  No matter what happens, Konoha behind him will fight for him!

  As Hokage, what is there to be afraid of?

  No matter what tricks and tricks you want to play with the soil, I will go on!

  Senzhi Qianshou, Uchiha, Hinata, Pig Deer Butterfly...

  Can someone else make them so united?

  At this moment, Qianshou Monet laughed, and every ninja present couldn't help trembling with his arrogant domineering.

  "You gentlemen!"

  "This battle must be won!"

  With a pat on the table, the man who used to be extremely confident returned again. After a brief period of confusion, Monet firmly believed in his invincible belief, and the person who gave him this belief was not only the plug-in he carried, but the people behind him who supported him. !

  So Konoha, who will compete with each other?

  Glory is added, why not die!

  Konoha, after all, it's still that Konoha!

  The ninja world has never changed!


  Fifth more.

  Ask for flowers. .

Chapter [-] This battle is sure to win! (first update)

 "Monet, don't worry, this time I'll make Bakuba's balls for you with my own hands. Your grandfather, I will do what I say. You didn't say that Bakuma was bullying you."

  As Monet's orders were issued one after another, there were fewer and fewer people in the conference room. In the end, only two grandfathers, Senshou Hasuma and Senshou Tobirama, remained.

  "Brother, you are cold"

  The second master quickly held down the big pillar and looked at Monet.

  "Monet, are you sure that the war spot will appear this time? I'm not referring to the timid man with a mask known as Qian, but the real Uchiha Madara, although I have been investigating his news for all these years, but He doesn't have the magical power of Monet, shouldn't he have died of old age? Be quiet."

  Look at it, even the second master doesn't like Obito, it's a bit miserable for that kid to mix up.

  Monet pouted, will Madara appear?

Uchiha Madara need to ask?

  Relying on Obito himself, Hundred Thousand Bai Jue, and the manpower of Xiao's organization, they wouldn't dare to be so embarrassed by their courage.

  "The plan of "Twenty Three" that will definitely happen is actually promoted by Banana behind the scenes, but are you sure you want to go to the battlefield, Second Grandpa?"

  Monet is a little tangled, but Dazhuzi is okay to say, after all, the problem of Qian was completely resurrected, but the second master's body was injected with a huge amount of vitality to continue his life. There is an essential difference between the two. The loss of this, this time, the infinite month reading campaign has been too long, and I have contributed my life to Konoha.

  He really wanted to let the second master rest, just watch him behind him.

  Monet and Shou Monet used reincarnation to have a natural relationship. Since childhood, Monet liked the scene of being put on the shoulders by the second master and strolling around Konoha.

  Qianshouzhujian is okay, it was certain when Monet was very young, but there is also the kind of family affection between the two masters, but it is far worse than the second master.

  Truly witnessing Monet's growth from a young age to being powerful, and taking Konoha to fight the Quartet to pacify the war between the two masters is pure to great. All this was experienced by the second master and Monet together.

  The second master does not have the immortal human body of Qianshouzhujian, and there is no super-speed regeneration. Even if he dies according to the scriptures, although the things he can do with Qianshouzhu are extremely limited.

  "Monet, I understand."

  He walked up to Monet kindly, and the second master was habitually arguing, making Konoha completely evolved into a grandson who had lived his whole life. He knew exactly what he wanted, but the more he did, the more he wanted to do something for his grandson. Instead of standing behind and watching Lei Shen, but during this period, the second master was on the battlefield. From the Warring States period to the present, my eldest brother and I both understand. "

  "And Monet, this is not a fake war that you rubbed Monet's head and made him proud. Second grandpa hasn't been active for a long time, how can he just stand behind you?"

  "Besides, your second grandfather is here.

  "The fate of a ninja is to have confidence and fight him twice!"

  He smiled boldly, the second master's free and easy is really admirable, he spent his whole life to protect the wood war, but the ninja world all the time for the value of self-existence, and never complained.

  "Tobirama, I'm a little jealous of you."

  Shaking my head, I'm not old at all, even Madara Uchiha, I have "Hahaha, who told you to die early."

  "Yeah yeah, who made me die early, hahaha! Ye, the legacy left by Qianshou Zhuma, he contributed a twitch in the corner of his mouth and took the opportunity to slip away with Kurama's ear, not that he and Da Zhuzi was not close, and the two made grandpa to tell him that Zhuzi sighed and patted his brother on the shoulder.

There is no way to elaborate on things, they are all the grandfathers can't afford to offend.

  He has different feelings for two people, when he was a child"

  These two are funny.

  Monet's thief joy 0 ......

  How old was he then?

  three years old?

It is equally important, but the way of expression is definitely different. This is how old you are~

  Just kidding, the two grandfathers are his most important people, if the only impression of Senju Hashima is that he led him and Tsunade to the casino.

  The order has been issued, and the ninjas of Konoha began to gather urgently.


  To borrow a sentence, um, who let Wang be controlled by the infinite moon reading and finally died of chakra exhaustion.

  Although the dream is good, but after all, it is a fake person who doesn't even feel his own relatives, so he has no intention of existing. In the battle that Monet participated in as emperor, no one wanted except those worms who were lazy and waited to die.

  Early the next morning, the sleeping wives were placed in his uniquely decorated palace.

  Living in the moment is real.

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