With his wife is the meeting point of the coalition forces, where the ninjas of the Five Great Ninja Villages will gather to fight against the so-called [-] Baijue.Their desire to free themselves, and the quiet time before the war made them cherish especially.

Looking down from above, even Qianshou Monet's calm personality felt a great shock.In the Shenwei space, Monet took the Konoha ninja troops to the border of the country of fire, where the unseen mighty troops wore the same foreheads on their foreheads.

  him at the moment

  When the ninjas of the 2.8 Five Great Ninja Villages have assembled, stand on the high platform and win! "




  The neat rows of ninjas looked up at themselves in a unified way, and the battle officially started!


  First more.

We are not the ninjas of the ninja village, but part of the allied forces of the ninja world!

  "In this battle, we must beg Huahua." The shouts of the raised arms broke through the dark clouds in the air, and also announced that starting from this moment, the fourth ninja world will be launched.

Chapter [-] The army of reincarnated soil is coming! (Second more)

 Shouting in front of the coalition forces, the so-called pre-war mobilization work was so simple and easy for Qianju Monet.

  Just his legendary experience has made people emotional. With such a man becoming the commander of the coalition, what enemy can't be solved?

  Fourth ninja war?

  It was probably just that this man had thought about the addiction of being a general on a whim.

  Many people think so. Of course, no one can understand what Monet thinks.

   On a high mountain cliff on the border with the Land of Thunder, Qianshou Monet, who had prepared everything, was rarely quiet and looked at the scenery below.

  Don't you like the so-called tranquility and self-appreciation before the war, holding a glass of wine and drinking it against the foggy hillside of Yunshan?So a mood in it.

  "Boss, don't worry, as long as I'm still alive, I won't let the enemy approach my sister-in-law." 07

  At this time, the person behind Qianshou Monet must be Jiraiya, the only hero Jiraiya in the country of friendship with whom he is close, the one who was influenced by Qianshou Monet in his life and one of the few guys who can be called a man, He also thought that his boss was troubled by the fact that Yukito was two tailed people, and he took the initiative to stand up and express his determination.

  There is always one in a few mouthfuls. "

  Monet took a sip of wine and shook his head and turned his head away. He was not worried about Yumu Ren. So far, only Obito's last resort has not been exposed. The rest are added together, and even this fourth ninja war is all over the place. Just a farce buddy.

?Might as well take my wife to sleep.

  "Live well, or the same sentence. If you die, I will be the only one who will stand on a high place and watch the scenery in the future."

  Jirai can only understand half of the boss's words, feeling "your mission is only the idea, and at the same time you want to contribute your strength to this man, although it is not big, but that belongs to his determination.


  Suddenly, the comfortable atmosphere was broken, and the golden light flashed Feng Minato half-kneeling in awe, worried about these Lord Shadows. According to the news from the vanguard, an unknown number of enemies were approaching the direction of the coalition! "

  "The first generation of adults has led the leading troops to support."

  "It's just a tentative confrontation. Monet doesn't want to let his dead be resurrected on the spot after being killed. It is suspected that the dead person was controlled by the reincarnation of the dirty earth. This news has been reported to the second-generation adults, and the second-generation adults apply for an in-depth investigation."

  A message came out of Watergate's mouth, and Monet had it.


  Dirty Reincarnation!

  The most important plot in the original book has appeared, relying on the reincarnation army of the dirty earth to fight against the allied forces of the ninja world, the dead will be resurrected to complete the various fetters hidden in the depths of the Naruto world, relying on the information sent back by the first-generation adults to say that the enemy is foreshadowing also appeared one after another.

  The immortal body and the infinite chakra are the most troublesome places in the reincarnation of the dirty earth.

  Again, this is not the original book, what Monet has to do is very simple, put down the wine bottle with some doubts.

  It's just that the technique of reincarnation of dirty soil was obtained by Hei Jue's reasoning under the guidance of Six Dao Immortal. What the old man Liu Dao wanted to do, Qianshou Monet had already vaguely guessed in his heart, but it had not been confirmed.The living forbidden art, many buried fists before, no matter what the old guy's idea, when he rescued Kaguya, he was already on the opposite side of him, that is, an enemy rather than a friend!

  He sealed Kaguya, and he saved Kaguya, and he was reincarnated from the unclean soil, and it was destroyed. !

  Since it is an enemy, you are naturally welcome, even if it is a six-path immortal?Still doing you!

  This world of ninja belongs to Monet's Thousand Hands, and no one is allowed to interfere!


  Squinting his eyes, Monet grabbed a flying thunder god and returned to the coalition headquarters in an instant.

  Kaura and Terumi Mei have been waiting for a long time, and they obviously got the news.

  "To deal with the deceased reincarnated from the dirty earth, and to use the queen to warm the bed, the conflict must be moved. After restraining the opponent, seal it immediately."

  "And the most effective way to crack the reincarnation of the dirty earth is to find the person who controls the reincarnation of the dirty earth behind the scenes and let him release it."

  There is no secret information, and when it is not drinking and unrestrained, Monet takes it for granted, it is nothing to him, even if Obito has used the reincarnation army of dirty soil, he does not need to take action.

  It is useless to add kills to Senju Hashirama and Konoha's elite troops who are at their peak. The battle situation of the 783 people who are sent to seal the group out of the class is very stable. He doesn't need to worry about those problems at all. Tu sacrificed his trump card, Otsutsuki Yui, and showed his feet when he shot.

  Anxin waits and sees, Monet generously stated the key point of the reincarnation of dirty soil, and will miss it.

  He wanted to see Madara's shocked face after waking up from the filth reincarnation.

  "Reincarnation of Dirty Earth..."

  The other Ninja Ninjas who heard this term for the first time are strong enough to resist the undead army. They knew this technique before, and the enemy is still using this technique.

  Does it mean that Konoha is related to the person who used the dirt to reincarnate?

  Onogi was full of doubts.Of course, the grandfather said about the scene of pinching the freckled eggs. Is he the uncle who is now the commander of the Allied Forces of the Ninja World, who controls the lives and deaths of countless Iwayin Village children.

  He can't afford to offend, even if he has doubts, he has to hold back. Thinking about the suffocated Ono Yemu, he opened his mouth. He really wanted to ask Qianshou Monet why he glanced at the granddaughter behind him so familiarly. So obviously shivered.


  Second more.

  Ask for flowers. .

  But due to the fact that Monet's power is true, I dare not ask.

Chapter [-] I heard that you were crushed by my grandson? (third more)

 What does grandpa watch me do?

  The leg shadow swallowed and the saliva was unclear.

  After briefly explaining how to deal with the reincarnation of the dirty earth, Monet waved his hand dashingly.

  But after thinking about it, there is absolutely something wrong. There are so many people under Lao Tzu, at least let them move, what happened to the commander of the coalition army?

  Is the leader not human?

  Besides, Lao Tzu is an official, and when an official is an official, he has to know how to fish.

  It is enough to leave the battlefield to your subordinates, and do whatever you like to do. This is the point of being an official!

  It happened that the activity of drinking at noon was more vigorous, and Monet shook his head and left the office to the next kennel to take a rest.

  The order was issued to the combat troops, and the first oriental school reincarnation army led by Qianshou Hashirama caught fire. There are many strong people who have been reincarnated from dirty soil, but this ninja god is not easy to be provoked. There is no grass anywhere, and there is a sealed bottle behind Erguotou.

  The form is great.

  "It's so awkward."

  In the room, Heitu shyly looked in the mirror, looking at the lower half of the front army formal and dirty shorts, Heitu could not have imagined that this was made by her grandfather.

  Well, according to the aesthetics of the Celestial Dynasty, Qi forced the short skirt to understand.

The existence of the busy class is full of joy. The most attractive thing from top to bottom is the legs, which are white, smooth and elastic.

  Be good at conquering others with your own advantages!That short body is outrageous, the eighth rule!

  But is this arduous Super S-level task really that easy to complete?

  Heitu swallowed his saliva and said softly Heitu, known as the leg.

  No one in the hallway, great opportunity!

  He left the room with a sigh of relief, looked for Qianshou Monet's lounge and touched it.

  This is Ninja Shou. As the beauty of the entire Yanyin Village, she shoulders the responsibility of revitalizing the Yanyin Village, seduce Qianshou Monet to sleep on the other side smoothly, and then use the upper position to lightly stick her head out of the room

  Nothing to be ashamed of, in fact other Shinobi villages do this!

  Terumi Mei of Wuyin Village, relying on the black soil of Qianshou Mo Shi, was extremely anxious and made a lot of money in a year. Yumu of Yunyin Village went to Hokage, a big money, developed by the Kingdom of Thunder. Call a speed, and sand, and let the villagers live a good life.

The face also gave birth to a daughter for Qianshou Monet.

  If there is no relationship between Temari and Senju Monet, and she dares to develop a sea tour group in front of Nai's golden idea, then

  Well, for that relationship...

  There is nothing to say, men conquer women by conquering the world, and Kaura of Shinobi Village, not to mention, very not!

  Standing trembling at the door of Qianshou Monet's room, Heitu stretched out his hand and pushed it gently.

 Are you murdering your grandfather?Of course not.went in.

  Thousands of hands Monet is sleeping on the bed. It seems that he has no idea that the huge welfare has come close to women conquering the world by conquering men. I have no experience in the world.

  Heitu closed the door, gasping for breath, and gradually approached Monet's bed.

   The door is not locked!

  Hei Tu tiptoed on the quilt and pulled the girl over while she screamed. Qianshou Monet, who came to the door, never let it go, not to mention himself.

  How to do?

  He really wanted to see if the name was real.

  With a loud scream, he completely announced "Mmmm"~"

  Monet, who was sleeping, kicked the S-level mission so easily!


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