Of course, this is not the original book. The hands and feet that Obito made on Ban's corpse are not scientific research materials, but a small charm beside Ban's coffin.

  He didn't know the origin and didn't know that it was the talisman of the immortals from Miaomu Mountain, but there was an extremely strong (good) life force in the talisman, so he simply did an experiment with the dead spots to see if he could Let Madara come back to life. Nagato had just died at that time, and he was eager to find a way to resurrect Madara, and he did it so honestly.

  Of course, the result disappointed him, Madara's corpse became younger, but there was no strange aura that made people feel terrified.

  Obito didn't know who was guiding him behind the scenes, but he firmly believed that the cards in his hand were enough to support him to complete his plan.

  Madara, it's just a pawn!

  Just as Madara absorbed the ninjutsu and Susanoo flung Hatake Sakumo away, several figures landed at the same time.

  And one of them made Madara Uchiha's originally frivolous face extremely excited.

  "¨'Hashiyama! Do you want to dance too?"

  "Not only dance, but even want to dance!"


  Fifth more.

  Ask for flowers. .

Chapter [-] Such actions are not worthy of being human! (sixth more)

  "What did you say?"

  Susanoo disappeared, Madara Uchiha squinted to look at his lifelong opponent, Senju Hashima didn't die, which was what he expected.

  Before he died, Qianshou Hashirama was inexplicably resurrected. The reason may be that Qianshou Monet used the outsider's reincarnation technique, but the strange thing was that the stinky boy he hated did not die.

  He even beat himself up in front of that kid. If he hadn't reacted and ran away, I'm afraid there would be no resurrection today!


  Qianshou Hakuma ignored Madara's question, but took out a small note from his arms, glanced at it, and coughed.

  "Um, Madara, have you ever asked anyone who saw your heyday?"

  What do you mean?

  Madara lowered her head silently, and finally touched her chin.

  "That's it, um, listen up."

  Holding his waist, Qianshou Zhujian suddenly shot a big tree from the ground and jumped up.

  "Not only have I seen your heyday, I have beaten you, let alone dancing, I still want to dance on your grave."

  His loud voice resounded throughout the battlefield, and the big pillar's face was reddish. He also couldn't understand why his grandson insisted on letting him say such a sentence. After he had already calculated that the spot would be resurrected, Monet gave the note to his grandfather. , and then said that this sentence was said after Madara's resurrection, which could effectively combat Madara's combat power.

  Um, is this some kind of ninjutsu?

  The big pillar was puzzled.

  Not only him, but the second master was also completely defeated, and he took two steps back with his forehead. At this time, he wanted to draw a clear line with his mighty big brother.

  What kind of business is this?

  Even if you want to make jokes for a long time, do you not distinguish between occasions?Besides, now that you are enemies, is it really okay to talk like this in front of so many people?

  And that was clearly not a good ninjutsu, it was clearly Monet's nonsense for the sake of Qi Spot.

  Yes, I want to dance and even do a dick.

  Not only have I seen your heyday, but I have also beaten me, so I'm very skinny, you beat me!

  It's nice to say, but what do you think Madara thinks?


  "Am I late?"

  Suddenly, the shirtless Qianshou Monet suddenly appeared in his pants, and he had no conscience at all.

  Right now, he is putting milk on the thigh of the leg shadow, so how can he care about the battlefield.

  After getting the emergency notice, he rushed over with his trousers, but it seems that he came a little late?

  "Thousand-handed Monet!"

  Enemies are particularly jealous when they meet, and compared to Senju Hashirama, only this man can arouse Madara's anger the most!


  Monet said hello with a smile, suddenly he didn't know how bright his outfit was, the alternative scenery on the battlefield, he was talking about him wearing pants and a tent!

  "Monet, Grandpa said to help you crush Banban's balls. Now is the time. You are too dark. If you come here, I'm afraid it won't be Banban's problem. Let me control the situation."

  Qianshouzhujian jumped down from the tree and patted Monet's shoulder in admiration. He had to say that his grandson was very handsome, and he was about to catch up with him.

  "Grandpa, please."

  Monet nodded hurriedly, and then he stepped into the ground and created a huge floating platform in an instant. Under the surprised eyes of the ninjas, the commander-in-chief who appeared on the front line for the first time took out a reclining chair and a folding umbrella.

  What is he doing?

  "Wives, come out and watch the gods fight."

  After picking up everything, the three (cfab) gouyu in Monet's pupils rapidly rotated and condensed into a kaleidoscope, and after a swirl of vortex lines, the already prepared wives appeared curiously.


  "As the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, when the soldiers fought bloody battles, they chose to give black soil milk to the rear, playing with girls, and because of their own desires, Madara was unstopped. The coalition lost hundreds of ninjas, and the most disgusting thing was your grandfather. Just as he was about to fight, he brought a woman by the side to watch."

  "Such behavior is unworthy of human beings."

  "Physical +50!"

  "Spirit +50!"

  "Strength +50!"

  "Charm +100!"


  So what the fuck are you trying to say?

  Monet spat, as if to vent the taunting of him from the system.


  "The host despises the system, physique +0."

  So it's all added 0, what are you talking about?

  Monet pouted, "I'm not human, I'm scum, are you satisfied? Stupid system."


  "Husband, who is that person?"

  "Master, there are a lot of people below~ People are afraid."

  "Lord Hokage, I thought you called me out to..."

  Surrounded by Yingying Yanyan's voice, Monet smiled and pointed to Madara and Yuma, who were waiting for him.

  "Some of you may know that the man who is one-third as handsome as me is Madara Uchiha, the man who was beaten to death by the grandfather from birth to death."

  "Oh! It's him, I heard that my husband robbed his family's fan when he was a child."

  "Well, it's the current thousand-hand fan."

  "That's not much."

  "That's right, and I can't see where he's as handsome as one-third of my men."

  "Ugly, but especially ugly, that is, especially ugly."


  "You tell your grandson-in-law to shut up, or I will kill all your so-called coalition forces."

  Clenching his fists tightly, Madara tried his best to control himself and rushed over to find Qianshou Monet's desperate plan. Hasuma is right in front of him. Although he is now close to his heyday, fighting with two Qianshou is not necessarily a fight. pass.

  "I do not."

  The big pillar shook his head very honestly, this kind of happy feeling is not bad for him.

  "You are forcing me!"

  At this moment, Madara was completely angry, and Susanoh's bones slowly extended, but instead of using the full body Susanoh, under the gaze of the big pillar, the giant Susanoh in the sky actually formed a seal.


  Sixth more.

  Ask for full order! .

Chapter [-] Uchiha Madara and his Heavenly Obstruction! (seventh more)

  Unseen print.

  Qianshouzhujian was a little puzzled.

  "Hashima, do you want to know the new power I got from you?~"

  Uchiha Madara was weird, pointed to his own reincarnation eye and tore off his shirt-.

  At the chest, the face of Qianshou Zhujian is imprinted on it!

  Madara was a little proud at this moment, as if he had grabbed something precious.

  Unexpectedly, Hakuma, when Senju and Uchiha fuse, these eyes, this power, this wood...

  "Why are you blushing!"

  Madara Uchiha, who was brewing a certain technique, suddenly pointed at Senju Hasuma in anger and shouted, yes, when he saw that face, Senju is extremely blushing.

  It's so shy in such a large crowd.

  Dazhuzi Yaoyao's head did not speak.

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