"Huh! I've heard from your husband, Madara Uchiha and the first generation once..."

  Leaning in Monet's arms, Snake Princess hid her head with a reddish face. I don't know why today's Lord Husband always feels pampered, and every time she is so intimate with Lord Husband, she is a little shy, especially Orochi. The pill is still below.

  "Uh, cousin, does Grandma Mito know about this?"

  Tsunade hesitated and asked Monet's arm.


  Monet just drank all the orange juice in his mouth and sprayed it out. He was as simple as Tsunade, and he really believed his own nonsense.

  But why is the big grandpa really blushing, is there really something between them?

  After swallowing, Monet coughed.

  "Don't arrange elders casually, and I declare this matter to be kept secret from Grandma Mito."

  Che, it was you who arranged your grandfather first.

  Kushina next to him pouted and didn't pierce her husband.

  "Forget it, every time I see you like this, it always makes people angry."

  Turning around, Madara became serious again, and Susanoh, who had formed the seal, matched his seal perfectly.

  "Ban, what are you doing?"

  Hashima, who clearly felt that something was wrong, recovered to the seriousness, and then quickly sprinted towards the spot.

  "If you describe it as raindrops, it seems a bit big."

  With an inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth, Madara Uchiha had no accident at this moment, just wanting everyone in front of him to disappear, leaving him and Senjuzhu to enjoy the battle.

  "Enjoy, Uchiha, godlike power."

  "Heavenly Shocks the Stars!"

  The super-large-scale destructive ninjutsu in the original work, and even the super-powerful pupil jutsu that perishes both at the cost of himself and the opponent, reappears in the world at this moment.

  However, Madara obviously forgot that there was a number one person on the battlefield who was basking in the sun, and this scale was not as big as him.

  In the air, it seemed that something was getting closer, and the suppressed feeling made it impossible to breathe.

  Slowly raising his head, the kunai in the hands of a ninja fell off unintentionally.

  When they are really under the huge meteorite, people will understand how insignificant their existence is, and with such power, I am afraid that they are not in the same dimension as them!

  God's power, meteorites fall from the sky!

  Madara Uchiha is proud of the super-strong pupil technique, which can only be released in the state of Samsara.

  Is such a ninjutsu really released by one person?

  "Tobirama, take people away!"

  The ninjas collapsed helplessly, and Senju Hasuma was the first to react, one by one, towering trees rushed into the sky, delusionally using the power of the trees to support the huge meteorite.

  "Is there a way to use Flying Thunder God to transfer it away?"

  The second master looked at Namikaze Minato with awe.

  "It's too big, it will take a long time to set up the imprint of the God of Thunder."

  Minato replied quickly.

  How is this good?

?? ????? asking for flowers??? ?????????

  The second master took a deep breath. Since he couldn't move it, he could only help the elder brother to block the meteorite.

  "Second-generation adults, I don't think you need to worry."

  Minato suddenly smiled and pointed to the three generations of adults in the high place. Just for a moment, they focused their attention on the huge meteorite, but they forgot that once this trick, their Hokage-sama also released Pass!

  According to records, the meteorite was larger and wider, and everyone within the scope of the meteorite was crushed to death.

  In the face of such a technique, I am afraid that Hokage-sama has already made a decision.

  "Almost forgot about this kid."

. . 0

  The second master nodded in relief. When he was in a desperate situation, his grandson would always bring miracles.

  "It's very capable, Hasuma."

  At this moment, the towering trees rose into the sky, blocking the huge meteorite!With the strength of the original Hokage Senju, it is not too difficult to do this.

  "What about the second one?"

  The second one!

  Tianyi Zhenxing's strongest ultimate move, two meteorites hit the ground, when the second one completely explodes, it will be the end of everything.

  "Does it look good?"

  On the high platform, Monet took a bite of the orange that Snake Ji had personally fed, and pointed to the two meteorites that were about to collide in the air. To be honest, looking at the stars from a distance was completely different from watching them below. , do you understand it?There is so much mood in it.


  Monet's women were not impressed by the approaching meteorite.

  After all, women don't focus on power, but beauty.

  "Okay, then I'll throw it away."

  Monet shrugged his shoulders and stood up, soaring into the sky.


  Seventh more.

  Ask for full order! .

Chapter [-] This hopeless world! (first update)

  The next moment, everyone's attention was focused on the Qianshou Monet who was wearing shorts in the air.

  Well, with his long hair moving in the wind, his handsome appearance and his perfectly proportioned body, at this moment, many ninjas below had their legs tucked in, seeming to be a little immersed in it.

  "Lord Hokage is so handsome!"

  "Yeah, it seems that the blade is still very powerful."

  "I really want to marry Hokage-sama!"

  A lot of female ninjas are apparently lost inadvertently.

  Reaching out with one hand, he casually hit the huge meteorite with his arm. From a distance, this behavior seemed meaningless.

  "Humph! Ants!"

  Especially Madara smiled disdainfully after seeing the "Three Four Zeros" scene. He knew very well the lethality of Tianji Zhenxing. Qianshou Monet could protect himself and his women, but never. It is possible to protect so many ninjas. In this battle, the allied forces of the ninja world have already lost!

  "Hey, are you blind?"

  Monet raised his hand naturally and looked at the spot below. It was obvious that after he touched this thing, the huge meteorite had stopped, and the thing behind that had hit the meteorite was just very gentle. A little dust was sprinkled, and the two meteorites were firmly stuck together and no longer moved.

  What is this ability?

  Madara was stunned. He had never seen such a bizarre ability, such a wide-ranging ninjutsu, when the meteorite fell, he couldn't stop the fall, how could Qianshou Monet be able to do it?

  Is it using the repulsive force of the reincarnation eye?or something else?

  But even the eye of reincarnation can't be so stable, and breaking through the sky is the limit.

  "Don't think about it, this is the power of a man's body."

  Monet's free hand patted his bulging biceps, and then said proudly.

  This move even triggered the frenzied screams of countless brain-dead fans below.

  Men's power is often obsessed with women. Of course, Naruto's is another matter. This golden ratio is exactly what women need.

  "Go away!"

  He was forced to pretend, and then he still wanted to watch the show. The grandfather said that he wanted to pinch the freckled balls, so he had to pinch them, and his seeds were ready.

  With a low voice, Monet's [-]-point strength attribute was brought into full play. With the powerful pupil technique that controls the space, the two meteorites' extremely stable original path was taken back. Well, he was pretending before, but his strength was only one aspect. , to transport such a huge object, he still has to rely on his perverted mental power to control the pupil technique.

  Seeing the smashed meteorite returning to the sky, the face of the reincarnated spot turned green, what do you think it is?The ball?Is there any reason for people to smash them down and push them back?

  Clap his hands, Monet coughed, he was done with his work, where this thing will fly in the end has nothing to do with him.

  It's none of my business who slaps whoever backs.

  "You guys continue."

  Leaving the ninjas and Madara with a strong back muscle, Monet returned to his high platform dashingly.

  "Madara, see no, you have failed, give up."

  After the crisis was over, Qianshou Zhujian took back the wooden tunnel. At this moment, he wanted to have a good chat with his old friend.

  "Failure? Do you know what I'm going to do?"

  Madara hugged his shoulders and looked at Senju Hasuma coldly, even if Hasuma and that kid were still alive, it wouldn't stop him from his determination to launch the Infinite Moon Reading.

  "Do you understand the path of true peace left by the Six Path Immortals? Do you know how to stop the continuation of hatred?"

  "You don't understand these things. What can you say to me who live in this false world?"

  Hearing Madara Uchiha's words, Senju Hashimura was obviously a little emotional, grabbed his fist desperately, and then pointedly pointed to the allied forces of the ninja world behind him...  

  "I don't understand, but I will see with my eyes. I have always believed that people will understand each other, but Monet told me that my path was wrong. Following Monet, I saw a different ninja world. People will Nodding and smiling to each other, Ninja Village and Ninja Village will work together towards peace."

  "World peace requires generational efforts, but this generation has clearly achieved it!"

  "In such a beautiful world, why should she fall into the infinite monthly reading? Everything in the dream is false, what is the meaning of the infinite monthly reading?"

  "Madara, after so many years of your death, the ninja world has really changed a lot, and the allied forces behind me are proof! None of them are intriguing, they are all fighting for this world, isn't this change enough?"


  Madara shouted angrily, and every time she talked to Hasuma, she always felt inexplicably angry.

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