5.5 Monet looked at the four old dogs regretfully. The second master was right. Ling Chi was indeed a bit cruel in front of all the villagers and ninjas.

  "Okay! The so-called Ling Chi is just a way of saying the death penalty. I taught these four rebels with my own hands. Today, my master will clean the door!"

  Letting you die with dignity is the only thing I can do as a master.

  Pulling out the sword of Thor that was taken back from the ancestral hall, the figure of the second master disappeared instantly, and the three bodies were pierced slowly to the end, indicating that the disturbance of Konoha was completely over, and Konoha will become a thousand-handed Konoha from and on. One piece of iron is unstoppable...


  Sixth!Please be automatic, the milk dog is dying....

Chapter [-]: Sarutobi Hizan's repentance, Monet's heart! (The seventh is for the first order)

  In the peaceful ninja world, a big event happened.

  The second Hokage of Konoha Village has been resurrected strangely!

  And he, who just returned, took down the three generations of Hokage and his cronies by means of thunder, and even killed three of his own apprentices with his own hands.

  If this is not a shock, then it is even more unheard of to completely abolish the three-generation name, smash the Hokage Rock, and list his grandson as the heir of the third-generation Hokage.

  Some people admire the courage of the second generation, but more people dismiss it and think that Jagged Hokage is crazy.

  Even with his assistance, what does a five-year-old know?

  I am afraid that Konoha will officially go downhill from today, but because of the deterrence of the second-generation Hokage, they only dare to talk a few words in their own village and do not dare to declare war on Konoha.

  The shadow of the famous tree of people, although I don't know why the second generation came back to life, but such a high-profile appearance there means that their Konoha is not afraid of anyone!

  If you come, fight!

  Konoha is never afraid of any enemies!It is conceivable that without the perfect 12 coordination of the three generations plus Danzo, the Konoha in the future will be a piece of iron!

  At this time, Konoha Village, which was at the center of the whirlpool, was very calm, and was not affected by external disturbances.

  The appearance of the second generation is inexplicably reassuring, of course, except for Uchiha, the high-profile Uchiha after the death of the second generation once again shrank back and did not dare to say a word.

  This is the aura of the second master!The younger generation cannot compete!

  The Shimura clan, Mito Toto, and the joint clan of Koharu have completely disappeared in this village. The Sarutobi clan has all their property confiscated in the clan's land and is forbidden to go out.

  Yes, as for Sarutobi Hidden, the second master was unable to deal with it in the end.

  This makes Qianshou Monet regretful, but this is also expected. After all, the second master was unable to cut his hands on Sarutobi, and Sarutobi did not take the initiative to do things that harm Konoha. His most disgusting place It's inaction and letting Danzo do those things, and this is not Konoha who has experienced World War II and World War III, nor is it a blast.

  The second master didn't know what Sarutobi did later, and his kindness almost ruined Konoha several times.

  But even if he didn't die, Hiizan Sarutobi's situation was not far from death. In order to vent his anger, Senju Toriyama abandoned his hands, and it is impossible to release ninjutsu from now on. Sarutobi said it was better than killing him.

  It's very miserable, although it didn't die in the hands of the snake brother like the original, but it was not too strong.

  The second master handed Konoha to him so that he could develop Konoha and lead Konoha to stock up in this chaotic world, not to let him do nothing!

  This is Sarutobi's due retribution, and Qianju Monet has no mercy.

  "Is there a feeling that I have been tricked by me from the beginning? Hahaha! Congratulations, you got the answer right! I knew for a long time that you trusted Danzo to be in trouble, but if you don't stop it, you will be a jerk yourself."

  "And the Koharu Mito Menyan, what kind of stuff are they? And the special Konoha consultant, they are also worthy?"

  "Not to mention Danzo, why can't you see his true face?"

  At the door of Konoha's special prison cell, Qianshou Monet sat at the door and looked at Sarutobi Hiizan, whose face was pale and his eyes were green. He was not showing off his identity as a winner, but only condolences as the new three-generation Hokage. Just look at this man who has lost all his brilliance.

  Silence, and the atmosphere becomes awkward when the pretender doesn't agree.

  After a long while, Sarutobi Hizan, who lost his ability to release ninjutsu and broke his arms, suddenly showed a smile.

  "Monet, I don't hate you, whatever you say, these are what I should bear."

  "Maybe, I'm really not suitable to be Hokage. What you said is true. I also know what Danzo does, but I didn't stop it. I think I stole the position that originally belonged to him."

  "These guilt also prevented me from properly handling the relationship between me and his Danzo. It's my fault. I understand that it will be harmful to the village in the long run, but I always suppress my thoughts for the sake of the village."

  "Until the teacher said those things in front of the whole village, I saw the angry faces of the villagers."

  "I know I was wrong, and it was horribly wrong."

  "Monet, I sincerely hope that after you become Hokage, you can lead Konoha to the pinnacle of this ninja world. What I can't do, you can definitely do it."



  Monet turned his head and walked out of the cell, as if what Sarutobi Hizan said was a fart.

  Just after walking to the door, Monet's body stopped.

  "Okay, good man, Konoha in my hands will only make other Shinobi villages tremble, and because of me, Konoha will be completely changed! All Konoha villagers will be proud of their identity!"

  "I am the successor of the eldest grandfather and the second grandfather, Konoha's third generation Hokage Senju Monet!"

  "Old monkey, don't die, just wait for that 573 day to come."

  Monet Senpai has nothing to say about the character of Hizuchi Sarutobi, who knows that he is making mistakes but ignores it, endangers Konoha, and works hard for the village at the same time.

  Silly cute?

  Looking up, the sun is shining brightly today.

  The seeds fall into the soil and take root and sprout, indicating that they will grow into towering trees!

  Qianshou Monet's road is still very long!In the future, this name is destined to shake the ninja world three times!


  The seventh update is delivered. The milk dog is really bad. Today, I have written eleven chapters with the four chapters before the shelves. It's not that the milk dog is lazy. The milk dog took a break, woke up, and delivered ten more updates!

  Finally, I have an explanation for the book friends who are looking forward to this plot. This time, I should not be scolded as a broken dog. The milk dog does not want to count the words, and it is irresponsible to put it on the shelves.

  Daigou doesn't know what his grades are, but he will insist on writing. It is worthy of the book friends who have always supported Daigou. It is greatly worthy of conscience.

  A new chapter will start tomorrow, dominate the world of ninjas and traverse World War II, different Konoha, different scum, I hope everyone will continue to support the milk dog!

  You will never be disappointed!I love you, yay!Milk dog to go too! .

Chapter [-] An extremely emotional family! (The eighth is for the first order)

  Thousands of hands.

  The clansmen looked proudly busy, going in and out in new clothes one by one.

  Laughter and laughter can be heard from far away in the brightly lit courtyard.

  All the grief is gone, the second generation of eyes is reborn, and Qianju Monet becomes the new third generation of Hokage, which is worth celebrating in every way.

  As a thousand hands, they are extremely proud.

  Once he is king, he will come to congratulate him from all directions.

  Today is the day of a high-profile banquet with thousands of hands. In the words of the second master, I have been depressed for too long some time ago, and I am rushing to celebrate today, but it is a pity that Monet is younger, otherwise he will directly let him and Gang take advantage of this enthusiasm. Hands on business.

  Well, the old man has a lot of expectations for such a thing as holding a grandson, which is understandable.

  But there is no way, now let Monet pick Tsunade, he can't do anything.

  The protagonist of this banquet is only one, Qianju Monet.

  But at this time, he was obviously not in a good mood.

  Yawning and wearing the dress worn only for the New Year's Eve, she sat listlessly in the center with her cousin in her arms.

  "Cousin, keep your spirits up, the representatives of the clansmen and other clans will be here in a while, what kind of decency to see you like this, you are Hokage!"

  Next to it, the finely crafted little girl is also wearing a dress, and her cute little face is now full of helplessness towards her cousin. On such a happy day, it is impossible for her cousin to be so decadent.

  Tsunade was very happy, she was satisfied just that the second grandfather had come back from the dead, not to mention that her favorite cousin was now Hokage, it was just like what happened in a dream.

  "Hey, Brother Snake..."

  "Call me Orochimaru, Snake Brother is not something you can call."

  And behind Monet and Tsunade, Snake Brother and Jirai also stood there properly, and now their cards are different, the three generations of Hokage Qianshou Monet personally appointed Hokage guards!Of course, he is still a member of the milking class.

  Senju Tobirama is very helpless about this. Even if you want to find a bodyguard for you, what about finding two children?Do you protect them or they protect you if they are in danger?

  "Cousin, let go first, I'll have a cake 々〃."

  After struggling for a while, Tsunade grabbed the cream cake in front of him and snorted.

  With no end in sight, Monet swallowed his saliva. He had a question that he couldn't figure out. Why did Tsunade develop so late when he was a child, but he was able to rule the world with evil in the end?

  Weird weird.

  Looking behind him, it seems that the situation of Brother Snake is getting more and more wrong recently. He often sits in the corner and thinks about life. Sometimes he looks at the ants on the ground.

  Is this a scientist?The difference is that Newton studied mechanics, while Snake studied life, and he instantly felt much taller.

  The banquet started as usual, and the guests entered the courtyard one by one and the atmosphere began to liven up.

  The second master had a rare smile on his face and chatted with other patriarchs and seemed very relaxed.

  Facing the guests who came to him one by one to visit him, the third generation Hokage, Uchiha was the last to arrive. Brother Ganglie's face was not very good-looking, and he felt a little guilty in the face of Monet, who took office as a new official.

  Monet didn't taunt him, but mechanically had a hasty conversation with him.


  "How does it feel? First day as Hokage."

  After the end, the second master found Monet and came to the Hokage Rock where the two often stayed to overlook the village.

  "It's completely different from what I imagined."

  Monet shook his head noncommittally.

  "The people who come to visit have fake smiles on their faces, and the seemingly lively atmosphere actually carries their own thoughts. Second grandpa, this is not the Konoha Village in my heart."

  "It's up to you to change, don't worry Monet, the second grandfather will try to live a few more years until Konoha becomes the ideal Konoha in your heart."

  The second master was not dissatisfied with Monet's words, but smiled and carried his grandson on his shoulders again. This is his grandson, a grandson that makes him extremely proud!

  "However, Monet... What do you think about Uchiha?"

  In the end, the second master said the most important thing to him. When he was in power, he always carried out drastic reforms with the purpose of suppressing Uchiha, but the effect was really mediocre.

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