When he saw his "death", the second master of Uchiha's high-profile comeback would understand that no matter what he targeted, the outcome would still be the same.


  Mo looked at the old face of the second master. He understood the second master's thoughts. The reason for targeting Uchiha was that the second master knew better than anyone what kind of race Uchiha was!

  Not evil, but an extreme product of emotionality!It is easy to be influenced by negative emotions to do crazy things, and it is extremely difficult to control.

  As for the so-called arrogance?

  That is a legacy of Madara's history. Madara's character and the fighting power of the Uchihas led to the emergence of such Uchihas.

  Well used, it's a weapon.

  Using it incorrectly can lead to self-destruction!

  "Although from the Warring States period to the present, the second grandfather, the current Uchiha, is a member of Konoha! Leave it to me to deal with it!"

  After a long time, Monet's eyes flashed a ray of light, jumped off the shoulder of the second master (Zhao of Qian) and patted his chest fiercely.


  The second master couldn't help but extended his thumb.

  "But second master, I don't know if you will abuse Uchiha's grandson and daughter-in-law, tsk tsk, I have chosen them all, she looks good, her name is Mikoto, but she has not been born yet, but she is coming soon. Scheduled to be one of the Madam Hokage..."


  Did you book before you were born?The angry second master kicked his grandson off the Hokage Rock with one kick.


  The eighth is for the first order!

  Cough cough, sneakily tell the book friends of Milk Dog, you can find it by looking through the book review area of ​​Milk Dog's kennel organization number. If you can't find it in the related works of old books, I will say it once, Mother Lu won't let it. Number it.

  Thank you to all the book friends who support Milk Dog! .

Chapter [-] A Sudden Mission! (Ninth more)

  "Monet, this is Konoha's fiscal expenditure and income this quarter. You have to learn to analyze the current situation of the village from the book."

  "And this, go out to the ninja to perform a mission..."

  In the office, the second master turned into a chatterbox and pointed to one file after another to explain to Monet.

  Looking listlessly at the pile of documents, Monet's eyes were filled with silence.

  Suddenly, I don't know where this fellow took out a kunai with a cold light, and then stabbed his head fiercely in Qianshou Tobirama's terrified eyes.



  A puff of white smoke dissipated, and the shadow clone announced his death.

  Staring blankly at that burst of air, Tobirama sighed up to the sky, even if he compromised Monet's shadow clone to accept his teaching in the Hokage office, but this guy's shadow clone really has a temper, committing suicide if he disagrees, a typical example of preferring death rather than yielding , and that little bastard is completely of the same nature!

  How many are these?

  The second master asked the sky silently, and silently began to pack up the documents.


  In a foot-washing town in the prosperous area of ​​Konoha, oh no, in a hot spring, Monet 610 was lying on the side comfortably, and two good-looking waiters in maid costumes massaged his back and shoulders.

  "What's wrong boss?"

  Next to him, Jiraiya is being ravaged by a middle-aged old aunt, but from his demeanor, it can be seen that this fellow must be very happy, and Monet asked with a light sigh.

  "It's okay, the shadow clone committed suicide."

  Monet said lightly.

  Shadow clone... committed suicide.

  Snake brother, who was silent in the corner, paused and was obviously a little shocked. You must know that the pain of the shadow avatar will be passed on to the body, but Mo Nai-kun does not seem to be affected in any way.

  Really heroic!

  How could Brother Snake know that Monet's shadow avatar technique has been completely eliminated by the transformation of the master of ninjutsu, and the negative emotions brought back have been reduced to a minimum.

  "Boss, you said that you vowed to be a good Hokage a few days ago. Is it really appropriate to take us to a hot spring massage now?"

  While enjoying the strength of the aunt's hand, Zilai also raised his head and asked curiously.

  "Being a Hokage doesn't mean giving up your life, you guys, you all come into the misunderstanding, Hokage, you have the right in your hands, you should naturally enjoy the top service, and you have to understand that you are a fart in the office every day. catch."

  Monet said disdainfully, who stipulated that Hokage must be as busy as a dog all day like Sarutobi Hizan?Isn't that sick?Hokage is the most powerful person in the Ninja Village, so he should be able to enjoy the benefits before working, right?

  "Lord Hokage, please turn over."

  The two maids leaned sweetly beside the pool and said respectfully.

  Turning over, Monet yawned, and a trembling pattern of panties fell off into the pool.

  "Lord Hokage is mighty."

  The two little maids turned slightly red and started to massage their faces.

  "You too, turn over!"

  The middle-aged aunt next to her violently tossed Jiraiya over and tore off the shame cloth.

  "Hehe, young man, although you are still young, but looking at the Lord Hokage next to you looking at you, I really don't know what courage you have to live until now."

  The aunt sneered and looked at the caterpillar with disdain.

  "My mother has been in the industry for more than [-] years. You have never heard of this scale. In the future, someone will follow you. It's really bloody mildew for the eighth generation (bced)."

  What does this mean?

  The unprovoked Jirai also looked at his boss suspiciously.

  Glancing at the man's work, Monet's mouth twitched. Is it underdevelopment or... This scale is a bit unreasonable. Could it be a side effect of the Tathagata Buddha Stick?

  No, it's magic medicine.

  "You will understand in the future. When you are older, I will show you what a real man is."

  Monet smiled and shook his waist, causing the maid to smile again and again.

  Too lazy to care about Jiraiya, Monet looked at Brother Snake. The death of Father Snake was not a big blow to him, but he left a Mother Snake anyway, so Brother Snake's blackening speed would not be very fast.

  And scientists want to study immortality, there is nothing wrong with this, the wrong thing is that the means are not appropriate.

  He comfortably took his younger brother to a hot spring, stretched his waist, and was thinking about what to do at night to relax his mood. Who knew he was picked up by the second master from behind and carried on his shoulders as soon as he came out.

  "You two, call Tsunade and come to Hokage's office."

  Glancing at Orochimaru and Jirai, they also gave orders, and the second master disappeared instantly while carrying Monet.

  When Sanren came to the office in a hurry and thought Monet was going to be beaten, he found that the situation in front of him was not like this.

  "So, I have to go?"

  Monet was sitting on the special sofa he bought with his legs crossed, and he was a little hesitant with the task scroll in his hand.

  "Not only you, but also the three of them. This time the task is to touch the milk team. How to arrange it is your business."

  The second master said lightly, he can understand it, and it is impossible to count on his grandson to calm down and learn to be a Hokage, so it would be better to change it!

  Ninjas who have not experienced blood are not worthy of being called ninjas. Although it is very distressing to send the grandson who has been pampered since childhood on this road, Qianshou Tobirama has no choice!

  His age is set here, before he can't hold on, Monet must grow up to become a real shadow!

  Maybe Monet didn't know it himself, but the burden on his shoulders had already been dropped. This was the price he had to bear as a shadow.


  The ninth is delivered!Ask for a ticket! .

Chapter [-] The goal, the country of rain! (The tenth is for the first order)

  Carrying the expectations of Qianshou Tobirama, Monet got up early the next morning and brought the assembled Monet team to the entrance of the village.

  If you go out, the weather is not good.

  Without saying much, Qianshou Monet looked back at the village and took the lead in stepping out~ Bu slowly left.

  "Teacher, you really don't have to - should I follow?"

  Not far away, Uchiha Mirror turned pale and said to the second master next to him.

  "This is a process he has to go through, and Jing, you know your body well, so let's cultivate at home."

  The second master sighed and did not continue to speak. If possible, he wanted to protect Monet for the rest of his life, but he would eventually be like his elder brother. In the rest of the time, he would save the Konoha and give it to his grandson.

  Before that, Monet had to learn how to become a qualified ninja and a qualified shadow. He was not worried about Monet's safety. He had his own flying thunder god mark on him. If there was any danger, he could arrive at any time.

  Hope it doesn't show up that day.


  It has to be said that Senju Tobirama is a conspirator with great strategic vision. There is a reason why Erye can lead Konoha to win the first ninja war after the death of the first generation.

  Before the Second Ninja World War broke out, he had already thought that the next battle would be more brutal, and his analysis of the current situation was very thorough.

  To be honest, when the second master called Monet to the office yesterday, Monet was surprised.

  Senju Tobirama didn't say much nonsense, just pointed to a spot on the map.

  Rain country!

  The place where the Second Ninja World War broke out!

  The purpose and mission of the second generation is very clear, stand on the ground before the next friction and strive for a favorable situation for Konoha!

  Monet was so shocked by these eyes. Not long after the end of the First World War, the second master was already thinking about the future. He did not think about the problem according to his elder brother's way of thinking.

  For example, after the first Ninja World War, everyone knew the pain caused by the war and then understood each other. Maybe Dazhuzi would think so.

  But the second master is much more sober than the first generation, and he knows very well that a war broke out after the establishment of Shinobi Village, so there will definitely be a war next time!

  And next time, the scale will be even bigger!

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