
  Maruko and Temari, Qianshou Monet's two lovely daughters have had enough fun in the Naruto world. I have to see what a world that is more magnificent than the ninja world is like, from the ninja world to the Shenwei space, and then from the Shenwei space to the world. Here, this is the unique connection method belonging to Senju Monet.

  It's just that they were obviously not very satisfied with the result. Here, there is nothing but water.

  In particular, the salty sea breeze in the air made them a little uncomfortable, but if they just looked at the scenery, it was still good.

  Those who have not yet gone to sea have not discovered the true charm of the sea.

  "But old lady, I think you seem a little depressed?"

  After thinking about it, Temari asked with some doubts.

  "Nonsense, didn't we agree to sleep with my father last night? Who knew that only the third sister would sneak in in the end."

  Maruko smashed the boulder next to him with one kick and said with dissatisfaction.

  "My daughter is old, go to sleep by herself."

  This is the original words of Qianshou Monet. Temari and Maruko have become big girls. What's the matter with sleeping with him? Besides, his willpower is quite weak. Who knows when he drinks too much...

  Well, so in the end, only Yan Lingji, his youngest daughter, was hugged and slept by Qianshou Monet.

  Yan Lingji is already eight years old, and Qianshou Monet can feel a kind of oriental kindness from him alone. This feeling has supplemented some of Qianshou Monet's obsessions in his previous life, coupled with the cuteness of the little girl The appearance of Monet is quite fond of his third daughter.

  Of course, it doesn't mean that Qianshou Monet doesn't pamper his other two daughters. After all, they are his own seed, so he won't be partial or anything. It's just that kind of feeling that only he can understand as a person from the heaven.

  The classical beauty of my great dynasty.

  Monet is quite looking forward to what Yan Lingji will look like when he grows up, but he is a little curious about how he gave birth to Yan Lingji. After the fusion of his blood and Kaguya's blood, he turned out to be a pure oriental bloodline?

  Of course, Qianshou Monet didn't bother to tangle with those problems.

  "I guess, Maruko just spoke ill of me."

  Yawning, Qianshou Monet grabbed Yan Lingji's little hand and appeared behind Maru and Temari. After the meeting last night, he had planned to take the opportunity to give Tina, who had nowhere to escape, to the wall. How could he know of his three daughters? They all came to play, and simply let Tina escape.

  "Respected father, as your daughter, how dare you say such a thing."

  Maruko shrugged his shoulders helplessly, then put on a small aggrieved face and grabbed Monet's hand at a flying speed. Looking at Chu Chu's pitiful appearance, he was afraid that people would think that he was bullied.

  Silently pinched the ball's little face, Monet had to admire the actress' daughter, she didn't follow him or Mikoto, and she didn't know where she learned it from.

?? 0 asking for flowers????? ??

  "Father, are you going to sea today?"

  Temari didn't say much, glanced curiously at the exaggerated Monet and asked.

  "Well, leave here at noon without incident."

  After excluding a few reclining chairs, Monet sat on it with Yan Lingji to enjoy the sunrise. He had been in Windmill Village for eight years, and everything that should have been prepared was ready. The news of Itachi from the Revolutionary Army has come back. With his own unique ability, the current Itachi is flourishing in the revolutionary army.

.. ......  

  After that, Qianshou Monet ruled out the dried persimmon shark to assist him, and Akatsuki's duo worked together flawlessly.

  And what Monet needs to do next is to catch up on this thread to find the dragon to reach a deal, and by the way, let Itachi make a contribution.

  The revolutionary army is expected to be shocked by the trade of artificial devil fruits!

  No one is willing to give up such fat. To develop a revolutionary army, Long needs powerful people. The most direct way to become stronger in the world of One Piece is the Devil Fruit!

  As for why Monet didn't choose Doflamingo for the same deal, it's pretty obvious.

  He Qianshou Monet couldn't look down on that kid, that's all.

  Brother Doflaming is the No. [-] character, but he doesn't appreciate it, and inexplicably wants to beat him. This desire to beat him has nothing to do with the kid himself. If you want to beat him, you just want to beat him, and there are not so many reasons.

  "Father, there is a boat over there~"

  When Monet was thinking seriously, Yan Lingji in his arms turned over on Monet's body, then stretched out his little finger and pointed to the distance and said softly.

  Suspiciously raised his head, Monet looked away.

  On the coastline, three huge warships are slowly coming...

  First more.pill.

Chapter [-] To be his enemy is a disaster for the Navy! (Second more)

  The navy is here?Karp?Something is wrong, even Garp's warships are not that big, and there are three when they are dispatched.

  What do you mean?

  Monet touched his chin and looked towards the sea.

  "Is that the so-called invincible battleship?"

  "This is a bit too big."

  "Look at the cannon in the center, my God, is it too big?"

  Gradually approaching the island, the navies on the three warships were completely shocked. They were gorgeous and majestic. The huge muzzles on both sides seemed to be roaring towards the sky. The unknown material exuded golden light and was dazzling under the sunlight , If nothing else, the tall posture of the battleship can prove that a lot of money has been spent.

  "Lieutenant General Crane." On the warship in the middle of "Zero Four Zero", Akainu, who was standing on the deck, shouted to Lieutenant General Crane, who was deeply immersed in the power of the Mo milk number. As an alternative in the navy who strictly enforces justice, Akainu didn't care too much about the shape of the warship. What he cared about was the authenticity of this thing that could trigger a sea tornado with a single shot.

  If it is true, then the destructive power is a bit exaggerated. You must know that there is more than one cannon on this battleship. If they are launched together, they will be so powerful...


  Although Mrs. Crane is only a lieutenant general, she has a very high status in the navy as a naval staff officer, and in this operation, Sengoku named Lieutenant General Crane in charge. The three generals are only protecting her safety and putting pressure on Qianshou Monet. .

  The three warships moved slowly, docked in the three directions of the Mo Nian, and a discerning person could see at a glance that this was preventing the warships from breaking through.

  The corners of his mouth twitched, and Qianshou Monet seemed to understand the Navy's plan.

  When Lieutenant General Crane and the three generals went ashore to discuss the milk number, Qianshou Monet walked over with his three daughters.


  Just as Monet was approaching, a navy minion simply stopped him and drew his gun with a warning.

  "I'm so disgusted with people pointing guns at me, so please die."

  Monet stretched out his hand expressionlessly, don't blame him for being angry, I was blocked from going to his battleship?Is the navy challenging itself?

  "Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

  The repulsion suddenly erupted, and the navy who blocked him didn't even have time to shoot and flew out.

  Qianshou Monet's pupil strength and physique are not comparable to those of Nagato. Naturally, the power of Shen Luo Tianzheng is stronger than Nagato. He followed the three generals of the navy and came to the shore to admire the navy who touched the milk number. They were half dead in an instant, and a single blow turned into a vacuum in front of him.

  The violent shock naturally attracted the attention of Lieutenant General Crane and others, and the navy fish quickly filled the positions of their previous companions and took out their guns and pointed at Qianshou Monet.

  "Even the death of your comrade didn't let you learn your lesson?"

  Monet stretched out his hand again with a cold face. He didn't care about this kind of bullet, but his precious daughter was next to him. He rubbed a little bit of skin on these three. He vowed to kill all the navies in the world. Qianshou Monet, who can spoil his daughter, can really do such a thing.


  At this moment, the old lady He had already rushed over with three generals. She looked at the information in her hand, and Lieutenant General Hou He took a deep breath and looked at Qianshou Monet. Battleship people?It doesn't look like it anyway.

  "If you tell me to stop, I'll stop?"

  For the navy, Qianshou Monet would not give any face at all. Since the other party decided to find fault, he would never be used to the other party.

  Provocatively, he glanced at Aokiji Akainu and Kizaru, and the next second, the navy fish with a gun that was closer to Qianshou Monet unexpectedly exploded in place!

  Blood spilled into the sky, and the originally clear sky was stained with blood, and the smell of blood made people nauseous.

  Akainu clenched his fists, and he didn't do anything like murder, but it was the first time he saw this kind of brutal behavior.. 0


  Yan Lingji, who was just eight years old next to her, seemed to be moved with a small flame in her hand. Instead of being frightened by the blood, she was eager to follow her father.

  Thousand-handed Monet's daughters are all freaks. In addition to being wrapped in flames after birth, Yan Lingji perfectly inherited Monet's physique!The talent is even stronger than Maruko Temari's two older sisters.

  After all, she was born of Monet and Kaguya, one is the true god of the ninja world, and the other is the ancestor of Chakra. The next generation of the combination of the two will definitely not be bad.

  "Lieutenant General Crane, there is no need to negotiate. This kind of person entering the sea is definitely a hidden danger. I have decided to eliminate this threat now."

  Akainu tore off his cloak, exuding bursts of heat, killing so many soldiers in front of him was a provocation to the navy. The most important thing is that those who had guns before were all on his warship. , This beam is settled, and no one can solve it.

  "I am in charge of this mission."

  Lieutenant General Crane responded with only one sentence to Akainu who was irritable and wanted to do it. I didn't say do it, you have no right to do it.

  In the 5.5 minutes just now, Mrs. Crane remembered the words Karp found herself and said before leaving.

  "To be his enemy is a disaster for the Navy."

  This is Garp's original words. After so many years, Garp will never lie to himself. He doesn't believe that the original naval hero will be frightened at will. It must be that this young man has something that makes Garp jealous. s things.

  If what Karp said is true, then there is no need to completely tear up the face of Qianshou Monet for these dead soldiers. The most important thing is that Qianshou Monet must be at a loss for the first move. At this time, the purpose of this mission is proposed to the Navy. Very beneficial!

  After calming down, Lieutenant General Crane gave Akainu a warning glance and spoke slowly.


  Second more.

Chapter [-] I am the father you will never get! (third more)

  "You are Qianshou Monet, you really are a talent."

  Lieutenant General Crane said generously without being stingy with his compliments.

  "I'm sorry, if you were a few decades younger, I'd probably be interested in you, but it's useless for you to praise me now, Lieutenant General Crane, I advise you to be kind, I'm the father you'll never get."

  Well, Lieutenant General Crane looked pretty good when she was young, but it’s a pity that years are a butcher’s knife. Crane, who has dedicated all her youth to the navy, is already old and yellow. She has never found a man in her life. She obviously lacks moisture, I’m afraid it is Live on cucumbers all day.

  "Young man, I'm also your elder anyway, is it a little bit..."

  Lieutenant General Crane frowned and was molested when he spoke, and he was a young man so much younger than herself, this feeling was quite bad for her.

  "Another old woman who relies on the old to sell the old."

  The ball next to Monet finally interjected and sneered with a sneer. 20

  "My father is probably older than you. It's a good thing to be a young man."

  "Yeah, Uncle Pu Shi is thousands of years old, and he always calls his father master. This old lady is so rude."

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