Temari also followed.

  The words of the two women completely shocked the crane. The way they called Qianshou Monet shocked her. The most unbelievable thing was that the woman said that she had an uncle who had lived for thousands of years. Calling Qianshou Monet the master?

  What's the meaning?How old does Monet look like?Twenty years old?

  Is the person next to him his daughter?No matter how you look at it, it's his girlfriend!

  "Don't make fun of this kind of thing. Are you two Monet's girlfriends? Even if you want to support your man, you have to be modest."

  The old lady He shook her head and obviously didn't believe it. She has lived forever young for thousands of years?Not even in the legends.


  Temari and Maruko were stunned for a moment, then shyly hugged Qianshou Monet's arm and nodded vigorously.

  "I have nothing to say and fart, I don't have time to ink with you navy."

  Shaking his head Monet was too lazy to talk nonsense.

  "Boy, be polite to Lieutenant General He!"

  Akainu couldn't bear it any longer, his sharp eyes instantly glared at Qianshou Monet, maybe because this fellow's voice was a little loud, and Yanling Ji, who was originally in his arms, trembled slightly.

  Monet's expression suddenly turned cold.

  "Lieutenant General Crane, right? What do you want to say? Wait a minute, I'll kill someone first."

  After kissing his daughters one by one, Monet took them into the space and looked at Akainu, taking a step with a murderous aura from his body.

  "Qianju Monet, calm down, we are here today to seek a deal from you."

  "Trust me, if you cooperate, you will definitely get unimaginable benefits!"

  Lieutenant General Crane seemed a little unsteady looking at the situation, and he didn't even have time to wonder why this man could make others disappear and shouted loudly.

  But her words obviously couldn't stop Qianshou Monet from walking towards Akainu. With his steps, the navy on the entire coast felt a breath of death from hell, like the blood demon god who had returned from the sea of ​​corpses and blood. , At this time, Qianshou Monet's handsome face gradually distorted.

  "Thousand-handed Monet! You have to know what you are doing!"

  "The Navy intends to recruit you to continue to develop this kind of warship internally. All you have to do is hand over this warship to the Navy. If you are in financial difficulties, the Navy will increase your military salaries. You must understand that you cannot keep this warship by yourself. When it enters the sea, it will only bring disaster to the world, and leaving it to the navy is the most correct choice!"

  "This is an opportunity given to you by the navy, you must cherish it! If you resist now, the navy will regard you as an enemy!"

  In one breath, Crane explained his purpose and the pros and cons of Qianju Monet's actions. He didn't say much, but the information contained in it was expressed.

  The purpose of their visit this time, just like Qianshou Monet thought, was to touch the milk number!

  The meaning is obvious. They liked the battleship, but they did not intend to pay any price. There was only one unwarranted position that could be granted to Monet. At that time, they had to listen to their navy and continue to develop the battleship.

  If you want money, I will give you a token point. It’s better if you don’t want money, and you will be taken away as free labor.

  That's what the Navy did!

  Empty-gloved white wolf, after seeing Qianshou Monet's things, he immediately grabbed it.


  Monet stopped for 760 seconds and looked over suddenly. The killing intent in his eyes made the old woman, He, who had experienced many battles, feel cold.

  The navy's abacus is good, but they overlooked one thing, that is, the man who can suddenly pull the invincible battleship out without anyone's support, is he really afraid of what others coveted him?

  They were doomed to regret not heeding Karp's warning.


  No one has ever robbed Monet of Thousand Hands, he always robbed others.

  navy?Qianshou Monet didn't mind killing Marin Fando directly with his own milk number.

  When the dark golden Susanoo rose to the ground, everyone raised their heads...

  What is this?


  Third more.

  take time off

  Uh, there are only three chapters today, I'm sorry everyone, the milk dog is very uncomfortable now, chest tightness, dizziness and nausea, I'm afraid of sudden death, I don't know what's going on. The chapter milk dog will make up for it.

  Thank you for your support....

Chapter [-] A sword! (first update)

  "Mortals will never understand the height of a king!"

  In the distance, the ninjas who were disturbed looked at the huge and outrageous Susanoo.

  Pu Shi floated in the air and was ready to take action at any time, but the huge pressure from Nasu Sano made him understand that these people are not the king's opponents at all!

  "Mara, it seems that Monet's Susanoo has grown a lot bigger."

  Looking up at the dark-gold giant carrying the wooden dragon, Qianshou Zhujian couldn't help sighing.

  "Well, at least five times my size."

  Madara tremblingly took two steps forward, and the azure-blue Susanoo used it, but regardless of size or reality, Madara's complete body, Susanoo, looked pitiful, shivering under Monet's crotch.

  After hesitating for a while, Erzhu also used his own Susanoo, and the purple giant rose from the ground, but it seemed that his Susanoo was slightly smaller than Madara's.

  Well, the reincarnation of the two Indras is at the level of the younger brother in Qianshou Monet. The two little guys under the crotch of the dark-gold Susanoo shyly brandished the Chakra lightsaber.

  However, these are just the feelings of Monet's subordinates. From the perspective of the villagers who gathered slowly and the navy at their feet, the appearance of these three giants like gods descended to earth and directly defeated their psychological defenses.

  What the hell is this thing?

  The three generals, Akainu Aokiji and Kizaru, took the crane to a relatively safe position, and they looked at each other, and they all saw the awe in the eyes of their companions.

  "Thousand-handed Monet, who is he?"

  Aokiji has already begun to become elemental in a dignified manner. Just feeling the violent energy of the combined giant has made him uneasy. It is too terrifying to be able to control this kind of power.

  "Yo yo, this is not the same as please report it' ' ."

  Kizaru stuck out his tongue with a wretched face. He thought it would be an extremely easy task to walk around this time, but now it doesn't seem to be that way.

  The old man doesn't want to go into muddy waters!

  Looking back, the yellow monkey, who has always been ineffective at work, has begun to study the way back.

  "No matter who it is, killing the navy and resisting boarding the warship can already be defined as the enemy of the navy."

  Picking up the cloak of justice that had been trampled on the ground and putting it on his body, and then throwing it on the ground again in order to pose, Akainu strode forward with a grim expression on his face.

  This time, Mrs. Crane didn't stop him, she also wanted to see how the fighting power of this tall giant was.

  Sometimes the size alone can't determine the level of combat effectiveness. This tall giant seems to be very sturdy, but the bigger it is, the better the hit. Akainu's moves are quite useful when facing such giants.

  "I'll give you that wretched face."

  Monet didn't rush to beat Akainu, but tilted his head slightly and kicked Madarasu Sano's ass.

  "Can't you use this method?"

  Madara's mouth twitched for a while, and Susanoo's hand froze and his butt rose into the sky.

  "I'll deal with that chicken-headed man who's cold all over."

  Without waiting for Monet to kick, Erzhuzi reacted quickly and rushed towards Aokiji.

  Chicken head man...

  Aokiji has another nickname.

  Monet shook his head and looked contemptuously at Akainu, who was approaching the steaming hot under his feet.

  Rock berries?He really doesn't care.

  To be honest, the temperature of the magma can only reach [-] degrees Celsius, and the heat of the Susanohuo that he has strengthened can definitely withstand it.

  As for how elementalization will deal with this problem, Qianshou Monet is not worried at all, he has not wasted the eight years in vain.

  He has figured out the three-color domineering training method through the training of Luffy, the king of the underworld, in the original book. That thing is just another use of natural energy, not only him, but his subordinates after he popularized it. They have also learned to use the two domineering methods other than the overlord color.

  "Big fire!"

  At this moment, Akainu had rushed over, and the hot magma smashed towards Qianshou Monet with extreme ferocity.

  This move has a very large attack range, and is most effective against a tall giant like Thousand Hands Monet.

  But he obviously overestimated his strength, and he was too lazy to hide from this level of flame.

  The armed color is domineering and wrapped around Susanoo's armor. The original dark-gold Susanoo's momentum is even better. Facing the fire and rain, Qianshou Monet controlled Susanoo to stride forward.

  The navy offended him, and they offended him when they decided to snatch their own battleships. Originally, it was just better for you to get out of the way, but that's not the point.

  The reason why Qianshou Monet really wanted to kill was that Akainu's voice scared his precious daughter!

  "¨'This is impossible!"

  When the huge Susanoo came out through the fire, Akainu looked at the scene in shock.

  Facing the flames, the fireballs had no effect on the giant.


  "A boring political product, but also self-proclaimed justice..."

  "I'm sorry, I don't have the idea of ​​playing anymore."

  He raised the chakra knife high, and slashed down with the blade wrapped in the immortal chakra and the domineering weapon. The surrounding space was instantly shattered, and the seemingly slowly descending Chakra pulled the lightsaber. The next second strangely appeared in front of Akainu!


  Akainu's first reaction was to turn into magma, but a second before that, he suddenly sensed that the lightsaber seemed to be wrapped in a domineering armed color!

  The top armed color domineering is colorless and can be activated at any time!

  Must resist!

  His thoughts were interrupted. When Monet's chakra sword slashed down, the main land and sea seemed to be still, and the seagulls in the air inadvertently passed by but turned into ashes and died tragically.

  The next second, disaster struck, and the sea and land in front of the sky with the sword light were cut in half. The violent Chakra continued to haunt, and the place where the water and the sky met was divided into two without stopping for a long time... Pseudo...

  First more.

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