Good news, good news, the author did not die suddenly, and is writing happily~.

Chapter [-] Scumbag, this is scumbag! (Second more)

  In the year 1518 of the Haiyuan calendar, two years before Luffy went to sea.

  A strange scene appeared on the coast of the island where Windmill Village was located. From the Windmill Village to [-] meters in front of it, there was a huge ravine that lasted for three days and three nights. It was cut in two and could not be calmed down for a long time.

  This scene was defined by the historian Nico Robin as the beginning of the king's journey, and the windmill village also became a great king. Monkey D. The yellow monkey, ah bah, is the starting point of the thousand-handed Monet's expedition. Few people came here to see what the small village where the emperor lived looked like...

  Of course, that's another story, and Wang's journey has just begun.

  After that sword, the three admirals of the navy and the lieutenant general of the staff crane disappeared strangely and their life and death are unknown.

  The aftermath was a bit big, Madara, who was fighting with Kizaru at that time, had to give up, and Sasuke also flew to the sky.

  Everything ended in that sword, only the sea could not calm down for a long time.

  "Are you going?"

  Under the touch number, Monet gave Maggie a warm embrace.

  "If you want, you can go to sea with me."

  Monet touched Maggie 560's head. For him, the navy's provocation was just a small episode. The question of whether there will still be three generals in the navy after a sword is very uncomfortable. As for the consequences of all this, yes It doesn't matter to Monet.

  This world is here, sooner or later Monet will conquer it, only if he promises to cooperate vertically and horizontally or something, and he will not be involved with Monet, he can be regarded as a real king by doing whatever he wants.

  "No, you'll be back, right?"

  Maggie suddenly smiled. She didn't want to leave the Windmill Village. It wasn't that she didn't love Qianshou Monet enough, but that she knew that she, an ordinary woman, was lucky enough to be favored by this man. She had no strength. She is a burden to follow Qianshou Monet's side.

  Her man is destined to be extraordinary, facing the three admirals of the navy and defeating each other. With such strength, how could he be willing to stay in this small windmill village?

  "I (caad) will wait for you to complete your dream and come back and marry me."

  Maggie plunged into Monet's arms with tears in her eyes. From this moment, this gentle and kind woman will only wait for a man's arms.

  Monet shook his head, parting sad?Please, he's not a freshman, and it's not just a thought for him to go back to the Windmill Village?Whether there are thousands of marks left by Monet on Maggie's body, he won't just throw away the woman who was given a beautiful necklace by him.

  Maggie likes Windmill Village, and it doesn't matter if she stays here. With his short-tempered personality, Maggie's protective measures are enough to deal with general-level characters. Once danger occurs, he will be able to rush over as soon as possible.

  Besides, with the character of Qianshou Monet, Maggie's gentle and water-like character is irresistible. I am afraid that it should not be too simple if a thunder god will come back every three days to do something he loves.

  "Okay, I'll give you a surprise at night. After taking a bath at night, read my name three times, and unexpected things will happen."

  Looking at the time, Monet kissed Maggie and then left a sentence and jumped to the touch number.

  Women are always sentimental, and it seems that they have to increase their efforts at night...

  Sail!set sail!

  Because of the arrival of the navy, Monet's original plan to go to sea at noon turned into dusk, and the sea amusement park could not be taken away, so he simply assigned the amusement park to Maggie's name. As for the navy who came to provoke again?

  Unless they are really tired of living, he doesn't give his things, and others can't rob them!The amusement park is a token of love he gave Maggie, and there are many protection measures in it. It is estimated that the next time I come to Windmill Village, my cute Maggie will become a little rich woman.

  Smiling, Monet finally stood on the deck and waved to Maggie.

  "Don't forget to call my name tonight."

  "Okay! I will definitely!"

  Turning around freely, Monet shamelessly wrapped his sister-in-law with one hand and Tina with the other, and walked backwards. In the blink of an eye, the seemingly affectionate man shifted his target.


  Tina quietly wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and then whispered.

  Scumbag, this is scumbag!

  I just said to let the girl below wait for me, but now I am embracing my waist without any scruples, and where is your hand?

  Tina is ashamed and angry, but she dares to be angry and dare not speak out. If it is the reason...

  This man is so scary!It's not as scary as it is, the three admirals of the navy and Admiral Crane are still alive and dead so far!And what he did all that was just an understatement of his sword. At that time, Tina was watching the situation from far away. She dared to guarantee that if Qianshou Monet's goal was not the three admirals of the Navy and the sea, the current windmill The village no longer exists.

  Who is he?

  Tina was a little confused. She didn't know why she didn't take the opportunity to escape, but got on Monet's boat in a strange way, but she was undercover, and she was afraid that something would happen in the moment.

  In the windmill village, this guy has nothing to do to fry noodles. On the boat, he is only a little fan girl in name!

  With his strength, how can he resist?

  Thinking about it, Tina's face blushed strangely. The first time she got on the boat, she didn't think about continuing to go undercover, but about the problem after being walled.


  What happened to Tina?


  Second more.

Chapter [-] Simple Monet with Thousands of Hands! (third more)

  Regarding the news of the battle, Tina sent it out at the first time while the chaos was in place, and now the Warring States period estimated to have received the news that they were searching for Lieutenant General Crane and the three generals.

  However, the sea is so big, how to find it?And the three generals are all devil fruit powers, if they encounter sea water...

  Shaking her head, Tina was extremely worried about the prospects of the navy. Originally, because of Roger's words before his death, countless crowds flocked to the new world. The navy is very short of manpower. Now that three pillars have fallen, what should I do?

  And what worries Tina the most is where is Qianshou Monet going now?

  Was he dissatisfied with the actions of the navy and directly killed Marin Vando?

  According to Monet's character, it is really possible to do so!

  What should we do now?

  Tina was extremely confused, and just as she sighed, she suddenly found a burning gaze that seemed to melt herself away.

  Looking at it suspiciously, he found that Qianshou Monet was admiring something in an indescribable position on his body. Seeing that fascinated appearance, he seemed to have watched it for a while.

  "Natizi is very angry, the Monet-sama in my impression is not such a scum-man."

  Tightening her clothes, Tina said with a stern face.

  "Scumbag? No, no, I'm more dedicated than you think."

  Monet waved his hand and hurriedly retorted, "If you don't believe me, let's have dinner tonight and let's have a deeper understanding. You'll understand how devoted I am to you."

  "Yes, brother-in-law is very devoted."

  Seeing this guy flirting with other women in front of his face, Hua Huo, who is Qianshou Monet's sister-in-law, is extremely dissatisfied. This guy eats the clean food he eats when he eats himself. What he said is that the sister-in-law is brother-in-law's little padded jacket. Now he seems to have forgotten own importance.

  "Thank you for the compliment."

  Violently snorted on Hua Huo's little face, Monet took it as an encouragement to himself, the world is like this, if you are not a scumbag, should you be a licking dog?

  Although there is everything to lick a dog to the end, in terms of Qianshou Monet's capital, if you want to be a dog lick, it is a woman's responsibility.

  And he is not scumbag enough to see the level of the previous one. As a king, he has high requirements for the quality of girls, and his body and appearance coexist, so he can do it.

  It's not a bad thing for men to have the habit of collecting beautiful women, but the premise is that you have the corresponding strength to protect them. Monet's Crystal Palace has collected all kinds of beautiful women, but each one will feel very happy and satisfied. This is his strength.

  "Where are you taking Natizi? World government?"

  Being immersed in the joy of being a scumbag, Tina suddenly asked in a low voice.

  "Don't worry, it's not the World Government and it's not the Navy Headquarters."

  Smiling strangely at Tina, Qianshou Monet's hand used a little strength to cause Tina to scream.

  There is no way to get out of Lao Tzu's thief ship. At this time, Qianshou Monet is too lazy to play bullshit role-playing. When his interest comes, he will make this daring woman who dares to go undercover next to him. pay the price.

  Well, it's the price of blood, it's cruel, and the process causes great comfort.

  But Monet didn't lie to Tina. He didn't plan to go directly to the world government or the navy to vent their anger. To be precise, there was no need. It is estimated that now the Warring States already knew the news that the three generals were defeated and disappeared. He wanted to is this effect.

  After this time, the navy will have to weigh in on itself. The three generals who are dispatched collectively are not opponents. What if there are many people?

?? 0 ask for flowers 0 ??????

  This time, it was just a warning. Akainu scared his lovely Yanling Ji, and gave him a sword to make him understand what father's love is. Equal exchange. When you die, you can only blame yourself for being weak.

  King, go wherever you want.

  This time, the reason for leaving the Windmill Village is to leave the navy’s surveillance. Although the ants are small, they are always a little uncomfortable. Qianshou Monet wants to build a maritime empire that only belongs to him, and the first stop is the isolated Nine Snakes. The island is also the country of the arrogant beauty Boyahan Cook in the original book.


  It is true that Qianshou Monet is not for the goddess. He swears that he is not a man who thinks about problems with his lower body. Monet knows that some people, including his subordinates, do not believe it, but you listen to his analysis.

  His ultimate goal is to conquer the world and become the only king, right? Then he has to develop his own downline, right?I have to sell the artificial devil fruit in my hand, right? I have to find a stable experimental base for Brother Snake, right?

  People can’t hang themselves on a tree, they have to try a few more, so the trade in artificial devil fruit can’t just be made by the revolutionary army, and he doesn’t like to deal with those big bosses. Set up an experimental base next to Nine Snake Island, and then discuss with the neighbors about the sale.

  How pure is the goal?

  Therefore, everyone has misunderstood Qianshou Monet.

  Empress or something, he only has a little interest, and he is also a partner, why not find a seductive one?

  Therefore, there is nothing wrong with the first stop on Nine Snake Island.

  Let Tina and Hana go to rest, Monet called his men to start the first meeting at sea.


  Third more.six.

Chapter [-] Warring States, Peach Rabbit, Garp! (fourth more)

  "Kay, are you alright?"

  In the conference room, the assembled ninjas were looking at the documents in their hands. Kakashi glanced at Akai next to him suspiciously and asked.

  Isn't his physique very tough?Why doesn't your face look good?

  "It's okay, youth doesn't care about seasickness! Vomit! No, I can't vomit! Such a beautiful battleship as Lord Naruto must not be polluted by me."

  Abruptly holding back the desire to vomit, Akai looked at Kakashi beside him with green eyes and said.

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