"Boy, I admit that you are a man."

  Collapsing to the ground, Ai's body twitched, and with difficulty he turned his head to look at Monet, who was not too happy beside him.

  This bastard has two strokes, and his unyielding strength alone is enough to gain his respect.

  He had never seen a man who dared to slap his anus with his body, and Yawei had him convinced, not to mention others.

  The future is boundless.

  Having completely lost the chance to kill this little man, Ai sighed and struggled to get up again from the ground.

  "What's the matter, don't you agree?"

  Monet also took a sigh of relief and got up. His immortal body was very strong. After lying on the ground for a while, he had recovered [-]% of his strength, and he was not afraid of fighting.

  Staring at Qianshou Monet's originally handsome face full of bruises and swelling and the wounds of various sizes on his body, Ai finally shook his head.

  "This is the end of today. If you play 13 more, you won't be able to tell the winner."

  "Boy, no, the three generations of Hokage and Qianshou Monet, the old man recognizes you."

  "Judging from your performance today, you are worthy of this title, I have never admired anyone in my life, you are the first!"

  Standing up with difficulty, Raikage nodded to Monet.

  A man is a complex and relatively simple animal, and sometimes the last second of fighting for his life becomes an appreciation the next. Ai said that he admitted Monet, and that was his heartfelt words.

  Taijutsu and ninjutsu are so tyrannical at a young age, Konoha is Konoha after all, the soil for cultivating heroes.

  The first Hokage Senju Hashirama, the second Hokage Senju Tobirama and the Senju Monet at this moment.

  Thousands of hands, Sengoku and Uchiha's juxtaposed Xeon clan are well-deserved!

  Turning around and walking back, Ai didn't worry that Qianshou Monet would take the opportunity to attack him, this is a real recognition.

  "Master Patriarch!"

  The Qianshou clan, who were relatively close, rushed over, and Qianshou Xianyu hurriedly supported his patriarch with admiration on his face.

  "Let's go back!"

  Looking at Ai's back, Monet pondered for a moment and finally shook his head.

  The second dimension will always be accompanied by blood and emotion in such grief, and Monet's immersive experience is very deep.

  If nothing else, the third generation of Raikage is a man!There is nothing wrong with that.

  The war will continue, but not now.

  After a fight with Ai, there was no result in the end, but Konoha won in the overall situation, which was similar to the analysis of Qianshou Monet before the war.

  One thousand Uchiha, one thousand days, one thousand thousand hands and other secret arts families united together with strength should not be underestimated.

  Even Yunyin has more deaths than Konoha.

  This was a victory, but it did not reach Monet's expectations. According to his idea, he first crushed Yunyin, and then inserted into the rear of the land of wind and land to give them a heavy blow to formally pacify the war, and announced that Konoha was The final winner.

  But things are not as simple as he thought. Unless his strength can reach the strength of Ultra Shadow or the three of Jiraiya and Hatake Sakumo grow up to share the pressure on him, it will be difficult to push the battlefield horizontally.

  Shadow-level can control part of the battle situation, but it will not have much impact on the overall situation. You have shadow-level, and the opponent's Ninja Village also has it. Konoha, which is temporarily lacking in high-end combat power, needs time to settle.

  Strength is still not enough!

  Monet, who was lying on the back of Qianshou Salted Fish, showed a gleam in his eyes. Although he was on a par with Ai, who was at the peak of the shadow level and was extremely difficult to deal with, he was not satisfied.

  The battlefield that Monet yearned for was fundamentally different from others!

  In my memory, in the Fourth Ninja World War, Madara faced the arrogance of the Ninja World Alliance alone, which made blood boil!

  "Ant! Do you want to dance too?"

  This is Madara's exclusive line, despising all domineering and unparalleled, and rushing to the battlefield alone to kill all the troops in the crowd without leaving a piece of armor!

  Truly unstoppable!

  What a gesture that is.

  Complete body Susanoo, a look summons meteorites to fall from the sky...

  The longing eyes slowly turned firm, and Monet already had a plan for the next road in his heart.

  Madara can do it, he can do it too, time is his biggest opponent and nothing more.

  He needs a pair of eyes!

  It's not that he can't continue to improve without special eyes, but whether it is to plan the resurrection of the grandfather, or even the yin and yang escape attributes in his body, as well as the Indra Chakra and Asura Chakra waiting to be activated, he should rush. Eyes hard.

  Don't when the physique and spirit are strong enough to open the eyes of reincarnation, he will be a bit fucked if he doesn't have a pair of powerful eyes to use.

 433 This is a direction. At this time, he really needs to arrange a pair of eyes for himself.


  Although the current Uchiha still bears the name of the strong family of the Warring States Period, the withering of talents is a fact. Whether Shisui or Itachi are in the state of tadpoles, they do not have any good eyes.

  The most important thing is that Uchiha's Shaker Eye doesn't have the blood of the Uchiha family. It's a lot of effort to use. If his Indra Chakra has not been activated, will he not be able to close the Shaker Eye just like Hatake [-]? Chakra?

  Monet was lost in thought.

  "Why do you need to worry about the host? If you have difficulty finding a system, you can also find a system if you create difficulties. Did the host forget the scum system by the Daming Lake?"

  "The Lun family is..."

  "Go away! If there is something to say, there is a fart, and the ramble is endless!"


  "As a host, not only do you not appreciate the powerful abilities given by the system, but you even insult the system with words. Such behavior is conscience!"

  "Complete the achievement: insult the system [-] times, and get the special ability Bloodstain Fusion!"


  Second more.

  Ask for a ticket! .

Chapter [-] Uchiha is Konoha's Uchiha! (third more)

  Bloodstain Fusion: Perfectly fuse any blood-stained boundary, no need for cell implantation, just put the blood with the blood-stained boundary in your hand!

  So it is good to say that there is nothing to scold the system.

  Monet swallowed his saliva. He was really sleepy and someone gave him a pillow. He was worried about writing wheel eyes and couldn't handle it. This bloodstain fusion property came really in time.

  He has always believed that using other people's things is not as strong as his own. If he was given a pair of eyes, although it was to gain strength, he would still feel uncomfortable and awkward.

  After all, what belongs to others is what belongs to others, and it is only when you are strong that you are really strong.

  "Someone! Call Uchiha to me fiercely."

  All the way back to the camp, Monet pulled his tired body to cheer up and shouted to the outside.

  After a while, Brother Ganglie walked in from the outside a little nervously, and was suddenly called by Monet.

  Thinking of the arrogant figure of Qianshou Monet and Raikage when they fought recklessly before, Uchiha swallowed fiercely. This time, he was really reluctant, and at the same time, he also admired the third Hokage.


  Monet didn't ink with him either, pointing at the big bowl in front of him and spit out a word.


  Uchiha trembled violently.

  Sure enough, what should come is still coming.

  This kid still hasn't let himself go!

  Countless nights Uchiha woke up from the dream, for fear that the successful Qianshou Monet brought people to Uchiha and threatened to exterminate the family.

  After all, this guy has declared war on Uchiha more than once!

  With a cry of grief, Uchiha gave himself a mouthful.

  I just hate that I was mistaken at the beginning and got into such a tough stubble. Who would have thought that this kid could grow up so fast?I didn't expect Qianshou Tobirama to be able to come back from the dead and become Konoha's third Hokage!

  It's our Uchiha's bad luck!

  Uchiha let out a long sigh. .

  "Senju Monet, I Uchiha staunchly admit to this matter, I admit that I was Uchiha wrong in the past, but it is all my fault that I am wrong. I hope that after I die, I can resolve the relationship between us. The contradiction between ~'."

  "At least...Leave some sparks for Uchiha! Even if it's in the face of Uchiha Mirror, please!"

  Gritting his teeth, Brother Ganglie took out a kunai from his waist, and then stabbed his aorta fiercely!


  Suddenly being slapped, Uchiha looked at Qianshou Monet with grief and indignation. Does he still want to give himself a dignified death?

  "I didn't let you die, did I let you bleed?"

  Monet touched his head in pain, what was this kid thinking about?

  Uchiha Monet has his own solutions to the problems left over from history, all they need is a person who can hold back and fair treatment.

  These are understandable, that's what a shadow should do.

  Why did they rebel?

  It's clearly written in the original book. You are treated differently every day, so why don't you rebel?No reward for military exploits, double punishment for mistakes, no trust in any case, and it's strange if you don't rebel.

  And Qianshou Monet bet that if it wasn't for the two traitors Shisui and Itachi appear in Uchiha, it might really succeed, then if the three kaleidoscopes of Uchiha, Itachi, and Shisui were lingering, they would be hidden by Sarutobi. Konoha, who is almost the same as the scourge, shot, can they really withstand it?

  Shaking his head, thinking that those things are meaningless now, Konoha has all changed, Monet is determined to build a village like an iron barrel.

  Uchiha is a problem, but also a good solution!

  "Okay, Patriarch Ganglie, as Konoha's third-generation Hokage, my arrogance is not as small as you think, especially for my own people."

  Standing up, Monet walked over to Uchiha Ganglie, who was a bit taller than him, and patted him on the shoulder.

  "I know what you're worried about, but Uchiha has always been Konoha's Uchiha and that has never changed."

  "There's no purpose in calling you here today. I'll give you some blood to resolve our hatred."

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