
  Uchiha, Uchiha of Konoha!

  Treating my own people, my temperament is not so small...

  This was the first time he heard this from Hokage's mouth!

  He understands what Uchiha wants!

  Yes, our Uchiha has always been the Uchiha of Konoha!

  All they need is a fair deal, right from the start...

  ".々Hokage-sama! From today, Uchiha will be yours! Uchiha is willing to shed the last drop of blood for Konoha! Uchiha's glory and Konoha coexist!"

  Gang Lie knelt down on one knee, his eyes shone with the fire after rebirth. This was the first time that he wholeheartedly pledged allegiance to Hokage!

  Even the second generation won't let him give in, but this young Hokage actually understands what Uchiha wants!

  Sincerely convinced!

  Regardless of means or strength, Uchiha has already admired the five-body projection for his steadfastness. Such a Hokage is worthy of Uchiha's allegiance!


  Monet swallowed his saliva, joking, it couldn't be easier to win people's hearts or something, giving the trust and deterrence that should be given is enough, but this guy is a little embarrassed to kneel like this, this old man If the boy knew that his son had been turned into a ladyboy by the person he was kneeling on, he would not be able to vomit blood.

  "Patriarch Ganglie, please hurry up. We will have time to discuss some problems of Uchiha and the village in the future. I know how to rectify them."

  "The reason why I called Patriarch Ganglie today is just to let you have some blood. From now on, the grievances between me and Uchiha will be written off!"

  Putting the bowl in front of him generously, Monet patted his chest.

  Although he was a little puzzled about this way of resolving hatred, Uchiha, who had just been affirmed, didn't think too much about it. He cut his fingers, and drops of crimson blood flowed into the bowl.

  Here it is!

  Write a round eye!

  Monet took a deep breath and stared at the blood in the bowl.


  Third, ask for tickets! .

Chapter [-] Hold on!Need a gun! (fourth more)

  After sending away the grateful Uchiha, Monet picked up the bowl with half a bowl of blood.

  Bloodstain fusion!

  Monet swallowed, the powerful plug-in does not need any explanation, the ability to be in the world of Naruto is a heaven-defying existence.

  In the later stage of Blizzard, it was bloodstained. Your father's surname has something to do with Liudao or Kaguya.

  Integrating other people's blood and boundaries for their own use, the level of strength is even higher than that of a master of ninjutsu.

  Someday try the special scolding system?If you scold him [-] times, maybe there will be more rewards.

  Monet thought to himself.

  "The great host is thinking too much. Each achievement can only be completed once. It is impossible to exploit the loopholes."

  The angry female system elf was very provocative and explained it in Monet's mind.

  "Hey, little bitch, I remember I said before, if you can come out in the future, I will knock you down, look..."

  The system was silent, it was the first time she had seen such a shameless host, and System Elf 440 would you not let it go?

  No more ink, Monet poured the blood from the bowl into his hands, the residual warmth and stickiness made Monet narrow his eyes.

  Three seconds later, the crimson blood began to boil and evaporate, and then slowly danced in Monet's palm to form the appearance of a three-hooked jade writing wheel. …

  In an instant, there seemed to be something in Monet's head, and the intense stimulation made his eyes begin to swell and hurt.

  A burst of dizziness struck, and Monet threw the bowl and fell onto the bed.


  Silent all night.

  Monet slept very well this night, and even had a wonderful dream. In the dream, Yingge Yanyu, with one arm in his arms, was very happy...

  Comfortably stretched his waist, Monet opened his eyes.

  The world has become different.

  Through the gap in the tent door, Monet could easily find the small and plump raindrops outside.

  It is clearer and brighter, and the details that seemed a little laborious before can be easily captured. Is the role of the writing wheel?

  As if he had discovered a new world, Monet stood up in surprise and planned to go out for a walk, but just as he was about to move, he looked at his crotch in surprise...

  what happened?

  Monet moved his body in horror. It shouldn't be. In theory, Lao Tzu is only ten years old. Even if he is talented, it would be too scary to wake up at this age, right?

  This, how can this be good?

  Monet swallowed his saliva. Could it be that he, a pure and innocent man, is going to be a self-propelled gun from now on?

  "It's a great host, which fits the scumbag setting! Your cousin has grown too!"



  Abuse the system!

  Speed ​​+1!


  "Cousin! Are you okay?"

  At this moment, the tent was pulled open, and Tsunade came in and looked in with a small head.

  "Cousin! You are awake!"

  Seeing Monet sitting up, Tsunade rushed in in surprise and threw himself into Monet's arms.

  "You girl!"

  Monet's expression changed. Today is different from the past. From now on, he is an upright man!

  Hit the gun now!

  She is only nine years old!

  "What's the matter, cousin, I see you... eh? Is this... writing wheel eye?"

  At this moment, Tsunade raised his head and happened to meet Monet's eyes, and the scarlet double hook jade looked particularly permeable!


  Monet felt it for a moment and suddenly realized it. No wonder he saw things so clearly. After waking up, the writing wheel was already activated, and the most powerful one was the double hook jade!

  Yes, Sao Nian! !

  Monet nodded with satisfaction, the spiritual attribute is not far from the three thousand mark, and it is estimated that he will be able to break through the three hook jade or even the kaleidoscope in one fell swoop!

  "You're wrong, it's actually a cosmetic contact lens, fake."

  Monet hugged Tsunade and said casually.

  "What are beauty contact lenses?"

  Tsunade was taken aback and asked.

  "It's an ornament that looks good on the eyes, but cousin, beauty contact lenses are fake decorations. Don't tell others that your cousin wears beauty contacts. Anyway, I'm Hokage, right? Did you hear?"

  Monet coughed and forcibly explained, Tsunade was still obedient and should not talk nonsense to the outside world.

  "I always think that's the writing wheel eye."

  Tsunade shook his head noncommittally.

  "But cousin, do you sleep with a weapon as well?"

  As he spoke, Tsunade looked down suspiciously.

  do not!

  Monet's eyes are green, big sister, what do you want?

  Is this forcing me to commit a crime?

  Seeing Tsunade about to reach out, Monet quickly stopped her.

  This is the bayonet you want!

  "Forget it, forget it, don't show it to me, really, when did you become wary of your cousin, and it's a beauty contact and a mysterious weapon."

  After expressing his dissatisfaction with Monet, Tsunade jumped out of this guy's arms.

  "Second grandfather sent someone to deliver the letter just now. No one dares to tear it apart except for you Hokage. You love it or not."

  After speaking, Tsunade snorted at Monet and turned away.

  "Brother, press the gun! Press the gun! Hold on!"

  Monet's little face twitched...

  Did you give it to me, big guy?

  Fourth more.

  Ask for a ticket! .

Chapter [-] Cousin!massage! (fifth more)

  After calming down in the room for half an hour, Monet found a set of clean clothes to put on for himself.

  Well, I have to control it a little in the future. Although Tsunade has not fully developed yet, but the scale has already taken shape, he is really afraid that he will do something unconscionable.

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