Spit out a mouthful of blood with a mouth full of broken teeth, the third generation Raikage looked gloomy and terrifying.

  Is this a warm up?

  After warming up for a while, this old man is going to be beaten to death by this bastard!


  "Do you accept it? In the field of physical art, in every aspect, do you accept it?"

  Qianshou Monet threw away the cigarette butt and asked lightly.

  Is this what you call invisible coercion?

  Sanleizi was speechless, but quickly settled down.

  "Thousand-handed Monet, your growth rate is stronger than anyone I've ever seen, but that doesn't make me succumb!"

  "In the past five years, the penetration power of my hell thrust has doubled! If you can take it, I will leave with someone right away!"

  While speaking, the third generation of Raikage took a deep breath, endured the feeling of severe pain in his body and covered the Thunder Dun armor again. Compared with three years ago, his understanding of the stab in hell has reached the level of perfection.

  "First, let me run for a while."

  Just when Monet got up and wanted to see San Leiko's strongest moves, the old guy ran backwards, looking at the many ninjas in Yunyin Village.

  What are you doing?

  Qianshou Monet is a little speechless. When you are fighting, few people give you the time to charge up. He knows a lot of hands. The longer the sprint time, the stronger the penetrating power. If you run back to Yunyin Village After running over, he Qianshou Monet admitted that he couldn't catch it.

  However, Ai was obviously not so shameless. After retreating for about five kilometers, he finally stopped, followed by Lei Guang's masterpiece, Sanleizi's signature stunt is about to explode in the next second.

  "It's still not giving up."

  Thousand-handed Monet sighed slightly, why bother?Originally, he didn't intend to attack Sanleizi's self-confidence. After all, this man is really strong and hard-working enough, and his character is not bad. If it is not for his different positions, he can even make friends with him.

  But after all, in front of many subordinates, Qianshou Monet came here today to pretend to be coercive!

  "Hell stab! One book is perfect!"

  This is Ai's bet on the name of Yunyin Village Shadow!A consistent hand without any reservations from 713 pierced the air with sparks and lightning!

  For the dignity of Taijutsu ninjas!

  Why bother?

  Looking at the approaching figure, Qianshou Monet shook his head and twisted his body.

  "This...this is!"

  A certain thousand-handed clan behind him looked at his patriarch in shock.

  "what happened?"

  Another clan asked curiously.

  "I once saw the patriarch exercising in the same posture one morning, so I couldn't help but ask out of curiosity."

  The clansman took a deep breath and began to explain.

  "It is said that this is the start of a certain move. When it is brewed, the energy of this move will burst out, and the power is enough to destroy the world!"

  "So strong?"

  The people next to him asked in shock.

  "Can the patriarch tell you the name of this starting style?"

  "Said, if I remember correctly, it's called..."

  "The second set of national primary school students broadcast gymnastics!"


  Second more. .

Chapter [-] Six plus six does not equal twelve. (third more)

  "This... as expected of the patriarch, just hearing the name is very powerful!"

  The ninja said with emotion.

  "Not only that, Mr. Monet told me that if you can master this set of starting moves, all ninjutsu and taijutsu will be greatly increased during the battle!"

  "I heard that it can also stimulate the power of primary school students, and the benefits of staying healthy and prolonging time are countless!"

  "If it weren't for me being too stupid to learn, I would have to practice this set of gymnastics every day."

  The Qianshou tribe seemed a little regretful, sighed and shook their heads, "Brother, you also observe and observe, see if you can learn it, your wife doesn't always despise you for your short time."

  "Yeah... eh? How do you know about this?"

  "Your wife said..."


  The sharp vocabulary made Monet's eggs hurt for a while, but he didn't bother to care about some of them. The so-called radio gymnastics skills of elementary school students were all his gibberish.

  In fact, he just wanted to do something about it, the afterglow before the war...

  Seeing San Leizi getting closer and closer, Qianshou Monet took a deep breath and his eyes suddenly became sharp.

  It's time to bring that trick that made the world tremble back to light!

  Although it's a little earlier... but that's also respect for Ai!

  "Thousand-handed Monet!"

  The figure was approaching, and the fourth Raikage had already seen Monet's stubborn face, roaring, the Chakra in the body was fully motivated, and his speed increased again during his breathing.

  Fingers can be broken!

  The glory of Thunder Body Art cannot fall into his hands!

  "San Leizi! Ai, do you know what Taishu is?"


  Raikage didn't speak, and he didn't have the energy to go out and think about it.

  "The so-called Taijutsu ninja..."..."

  Monet's momentum gradually changed.

  "People who don't believe in themselves have even the value of hard work. You Ai deserves my affirmation!"

  "But what is really important, no matter how painful or sad, you have to work hard to the end, and even if you lose your life, you have to protect it with your hands to the end, so even if you die, you will leave evidence that the man lived!"

  "So, Ai! Even if you struggle in your heart, keep going! This defeat is already doomed! If you can stand up, you will be my Qianshou Monet's true opponent!"

  "Eight Gates Dunjia!"

  "Open! Open!"

  "Close the door! Open!"

  "Life! Open!"

  "Wounded door! Open!"

  "Dumen! Open!"


  The five doors opened in an instant, and the green steam from Qianshou Monet's body rose instantly, representing the standard steam of Konoha's arrogant beast, announcing that the eight-door dunge armor officially appeared in front of everyone!

  In the past five years, in addition to the improvement of various attributes, Qianshou Monet has also begun to study the creation method of the Eight Gates of Dunjia in the original book, collected all the physical skills of Konoha, and accidentally saw the still very young Matt Dai Chang chatting. After a while, he finally succeeded in researching this magical body technique!

  Matt Day, Matt Kay.

  Two miraculous men, one singled out the seven people with ninja knives and almost wiped out each other, and the other almost kicked out the finale!

  Everyone deserves respect. The characters in the original work, Emperor Kai's character is extremely prominent, and the spirit of not giving up is very moving.

  "When the new leaves sprout and the New Year arrives, it is the fiery moment when the climax of youth is burning!"

  "The blue beast of Konoha is no more, and the era of red beast is coming!"

  Madara became the strongest man...

  Monet couldn't help roaring with excitement.

  He is not Kai, his physique and resilience are there, even if he opens all eight doors, it will cause damage, and it will not be fatal. After all, he is a man who is open.

  In his normal state, he is enough to match the ordinary ninja who opened the six doors, and then he opened the real eight-door Dunjia...

  One plus one is not equal to two in the ninja world!The multiplied increase greatly increased Monet's momentum, and waves of air rushed towards the surrounding ninjas and retreated again.

  "Let's just say it! The ninjutsu after radio gymnastics is so powerful!"

  "The impact alone made me shudder, as expected of the patriarch!"

  "too strong!"


  Is this the gift you prepared for me?

  The power is indeed strong!

  Ai swallowed his saliva and the shocking posture remained unchanged, even if his momentum was like a rainbow, he still had confidence in himself.

  But next second...

  "." The sixth door of the Eight Doors Dunjia! "

  "Jingmen! Open!"

  "Unmatched power!"

  Thousand-handed Monet's second disease was committed again. In his previous life, he acted like a dog too much. For a while, he couldn't forget the power of a bloody human-headed dog and shouted it casually.

  He threw a punch against the air in front of him fiercely, and smashed Ai with a fiery punch.

  The physical strength is comparable to six gates, and then another six gates are opened. Now Qianshou Monet feels that his punch can pierce the sky!

  "Towards the peacock!"

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