The fists danced like machine guns, and the flames rushed towards the three thunders and slammed into the past!

  What is this?

  (Mano's) Ai was a little confused, and tried to break through with a consistent approach.

  But when the flames hit him, he was completely stunned. After only two hits, his Thunder Dun armor almost didn't withstand the pressure and was scattered!

  "Modada! It's not over yet!"

  This is not an ordinary peacock with six gates, its power is more than double that of Kaihuang!


  After being attacked only about five times, Ai's body was forced to stop.The flames in front are getting denser and denser, and he can't charge it at all!

  Maintaining the Lei Dun armor with all his strength, Ai's movements became smaller and smaller.


  Third more.

  Recommend a good book to a friend. I have a fighting spirit training system in Hokage. The subject matter is novel and well written. Interested book friends can go and read it. .

Chapter [-] You are already a prisoner! (fourth more)

  After Kaiser's iconic bombing was over.

  The battlefield became a mess, and the smoke-filled ground seemed to be crying about the inhuman behavior of Qianshou Monet just now, and the silent wailing was also telling the resentment brought by Qianshou Monet's overpowering Mother Earth.

  After a long time, the smoke and dust dissipated, and Monet closed the eight doors and took a deep breath and looked at the ground.

  He didn't want the muscular man Sanleizi to be killed by himself. Sometimes people are like this. It's easy to sympathize with each other. Although they don't spend much time together, Monet can be sure that Sanleizi's character has all aspects. Nothing to say.

  Someone once said that there are no villains in the Naruto world.

  Even if it looks evil, the Great God Kishimoto can force you to wash the "five six three" white.

  But this is not the case. There are still evil people, and there are many good people. The strange character of Sanleizi is quite attractive.

  If you can make your subordinates retreat and face [-] enemies by yourself, where can you be in a bad character?For that alone, he is much better than Danzang or something.


  There was a crack in the ground, and San Leizi crawled out of the ground naked. There wasn't much room left for the whole body to be scorched, and she sat on the ground panting heavily.

  Monet walked over leisurely, except that after the first few attacks he deliberately deviated from his position, he knew that this guy would not die.

  "Shouldn't be."

  Coming to Ai, Monet squinted and glanced at a certain location. It stands to reason that with the muscles of this brother, how could...

  Tsk tsk, is it all like this in the Naruto world?So is Kai, so is Ai, no wonder your wife is not satisfied, that has nothing to do with Dandan being kicked.

  "Look at the fart."

  Ai squeezed the soil from the ground to cover herself, not knowing where to put her ashamed face.

  The two went to the ground, and the atmosphere was suddenly awkward.

  With the drizzle around, the naked Ai is not afraid of contracting hemorrhoids.

  "Thank you for your mercy, although I don't like this."

  In the end, Ai sighed and felt a little decadent. He thought that he might fail in his challenge five years later, but he didn't expect to fail so neatly. One who was beaten face to face was like a pig's head, and he didn't kill him in the next second.

  Such strength... Looking at Qianshou Monet, Ai didn't know what to say. Although he had never seen the first Hokage, he somehow felt that Qianshou Monet's future achievements could at least be comparable to that of the god of ninja.

  "I hung up, that's different."

  Monet waved his hands and stood up.

  Hang up?What's the meaning?

  Is that the name of the move that's full of green energy?

  Ai thought to himself.

  "This is the battlefield, and I will not show mercy to you, so Sanleizi, you are now my captive."

  Unlike five years ago, Qianshou Monet didn't leave last time to capture this kid in exchange for benefits, but now he is different from before. What kind of benefits can he gain from Yunyin Village by capturing Lei Ying?

  Excited just thinking about it.


  Ai burst into anger. It is shameful for a warrior to be taken as a prisoner. He would rather be killed on the battlefield than bring a negative image to the village because of him.

  "I'm sorry, you don't have to say that."

  Qianshou Monet smiled slightly. The last time I spared you, I already gave you face. Your kid took the initiative to provoke this time?

  Everyone has a temper. Although he admires Ai, it is different from war. Since he is an enemy, he must be prepared for this.

  "Sealing Technique! King Kong Blockade!"

  A golden iron chain sprang out of his hand to directly wrap Ai's body. Monet had already studied and understood the seal technique that even the Nine Tails could control.

  Regarding the sealing technique, he really learned a lot from Grandma Mito, and the King Kong blockade he improved does not need to be controlled all the time. After cutting the chain, he still has a strong binding ability...  ..

  Before the injury has healed, even if he is as strong as Sanleiko, the man who can fight against the eight tails will not be able to break free!

  "You are shameless!"

  Ai struggled angrily, but he couldn't break free from the bondage at all.

  To tell the truth, he thought that Monet of Thousand Arms came to talk to him. Like Monet, he also admired the Hokage of this thunderous method, but where is this now?

  Are all friendships on the battlefield eaten by dogs?

  "Shut up, Konoha is short of money, whether you can go back depends on the sincerity of Yunyin Village."

  Monet waved his hand and pulled off his socks and stuffed them into Ai's mouth.

  San Leizi is about to cry, this kid turns his face faster than his mother turns a book!

  "Tsk tsk, so small."

  "Yeah, I didn't expect it at all."

  "His wife won't divorce him?"


  Dragging Ai's body, Qianshou Monet walked over to him as if showing off his trophies. The ninjas in Yunyin Village had long been stunned. Shadow was captured alive, and they dared not move for fear of Monet's anger. The next to Ai to dismember the body.

  And Zhou 3.7 Wai's cynicism made Ai Yuan's livid face turn green with anger. He really wanted to say that the environment in the Land of Rain was too cold, and his combat power was not so small!

  "Come on, give me a good look at him, and when the golden light of the iron chain blocked by King Kong fades, replenish Chakra!"

  Throwing Ai to the guard, Monet shook his hair, Oh Yemu's rock ninja troops had already run away, otherwise he would still have the energy to do his mother's shot.

  But when he slipped away, he slipped away, and Monet didn't bother to take care of it. It would be a matter of time to clean up Onomu.

  In contrast, he was more worried about Tsunade's side.

  Hanzo is not so easy to deal with!


  Fourth more.

  (Patting the table) Where are the flowers? .

Chapter [-] Give you a face!Fifth)

  "Hahaha! With your strength and age, I Hanzo admit you!"

  After repelling the joint attack of the three, Uchiha, a Hanzo learner, covered his face with a mad laugh and laughed out loud, like a dung beetle that just ate shit and excited.

  So strong!

  Snake brother, Tsunade, and Jiraiya stood in the distance with awe-inspiring expressions on their faces. To be precise, this was the first time they fought against Hanzo in the Land of Rain. The disdain and arrogance before them disappeared instantly.

  There is a reason for being called a demigod.

  Not to mention his poison, in fact, Hanzo has not used poison so far. Just fighting them with swordsmanship and sword energy can suppress the three of them. Now they have been injured to varying degrees!

  As expected of the men who can rely on Yuyin Village to fight against so many Shinobi villages in the Land of Rain, their strength is indeed very strong!

  "You, deserve the name of Konoha Sannin!"

  After pondering for a moment, a smile suddenly appeared on Hanzo's face, as if the feeling of 18 bestowing a name on someone else made him extremely comfortable.

  Force, he is pretending to be very mellow and very similar.


  Sannin, who has been nurtured by Qianshou Monet for a long time, no longer recognizes other titles, the bullshit Sannin, is that compassion for them?

  "Do you think you won? Even if we can't beat you, how many troops will you have left?"

  "The so-called three endures or something, it's not as good as the son of kidney deficiency that the boss gave me!"

  "That's right, does the old lady need you to admit it?"

  Jiraiya gritted his teeth and pointed to the screaming Yuyin Village ninjas who were killed by the Konoha Allied Forces in the distance. They had already won this battle!

  "Subordinate? What is that? I am an army by myself!"

  Hanzo shook his machete in disdain. He never trusted his subordinates. His guards changed every day. Would he take those ordinary ninjas seriously?

  They are just tools.

  There is only one true leader!

  One person is an army?

  "I wanted to let you go, but now, I'm sorry, even if you are Monet's cronies, you have to die!"

  Feeling uncomfortable not being acknowledged, Hanzo sneered and tightened his respirator.

  "Physique! The body is poisonous!"

  The real battle has just begun, and Hanzo, who has decided to kill, decides not to keep it!

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