"Hold your breath, don't be poisoned! It will take a long time for me to get rid of this poison!"

  Tsunade shouted loudly.

  "Hold your breath? What's the use of holding your breath when your body is cut in half?"

  Hanzo grinned and waved his scythe fiercely. The venom-stained scythe was a sharp weapon for harvesting life!

  "Two-stage strike with chain and sickle in Taijutsu!"

  The ultimate stunt of Sanshoyu Hanzo!He used this move to defeat Sanchuan before, and it was a crushing attack!

  "I'll give you a face! Traitor!"

  Just as Hanzo's sickle rushed towards Tsunade, a golden light flashed, and a powerful fist slammed into Hanzo's face!

  A figure stood in front of him, Tsunade excitedly went up and hugged him. The taste of his relationship with him for more than ten years was still fascinating. Even after being separated for such a short time, she still missed her deeply.

  Looking back, Monet looked at the Monet team that he had cultivated. In the original book, Sannin and Hanzo would be a few years later when they played against each other. Although their strength has improved rapidly, it is still a little difficult to face Hanzo.

  "It's all told to those of you, just let you entangle with this old guy. What's the use of him when all his people are dead? Who hangs him?"

  Monet silently hugged Tsunade.

  "Boss, it's no use killing him, he said he was an army himself."

  Zilai also quickly explained.

  You are so arrogant!

  Mo Nai glanced at his little brother speechlessly, do you believe what he says?

  Pointing to Hanzo who was punched by him in the distance and couldn't stand up and covered his face, Monet asked, "Are you sure this kid can be used as an army? What nonsense? I don't even dare to say that."

  "Is your boss awesome or is he awesome?"

  "You're afraid you're blind."


  Zilai's face turned purple for a while, but he didn't really believe it, but this kid's words made people angry, isn't the name of my kidney deficiency son bad?You have to give me a three tolerance, is it disgusting?

  "Hahaha!! Uh! Ow!"

  At this moment, Hanzo, who was in the end, suddenly burst into laughter, but just halfway through the laugh, Monet appeared in front of him again and faced his crotch with a trick.

  For some reason, he is now more and more obsessed with the feeling of kicking the balls.

  "You said that your surname is not Uchiha. How about pretending to be your mother?"

  After kicking Hanzo again, Monet was still speechless.

  Hanzo may be very strong, but Monet, who is the God of Flying Thunder and a master of Taishu, is too simple.

  "Look at your hands and feet first!"

  With severe pain on the ninja balls, Hanzo stood up tremblingly and said with his legs between his legs.

  "It's fine, what's wrong?"

  Monet stretched out his clean cartoon finger and looked at it suspiciously, no problem, it's still that white hairpin.

  Tsunade next to him was envious for a while, not to mention, her cousin's skin is so perfect that it makes women extremely, so she likes to hug and not let go every night.

  "Where's the poison? Where's my poison?!"

  After a glance, Hanzo became anxious.

  "That's impossible! What about my body's poisonous technique? You'll die if you touch it!"


  Fifth more.

  Attached are the four heroes of Uchiha's wild laughter. .

Chapter [-]: The Chance of the Kidney Deficiency Young Master! (sixth more)

  Looking at the crazy Hanzo in confusion, Monet was really speechless.

  The poison of sansho fish?

  Die on hit?

  What's wrong!

  Is the Sanjiao fish so powerful in your eyes?

  Qianshou Monet sighed, who taught you?

  Your poison may be very powerful, but who stipulates that it is [-]% effective?

  His body is semi-digitalized. Maybe he was poisoned before, but after activating the immortal body, his physique is approaching the [-] mark. How could he be poisoned when his various resistances tend to be abnormal?

  The so-called body poisoning technique... It should have no effect on him!

  Looking at Hanzo roaring and fleeing, Monet was a little speechless, who are these people?

  It is estimated that the faith in this fellow's heart was directly shattered, Sanjiaoyu Hanzo?

  Did the poison of the sansho fish irritate him so much?

  "Go! Go back!"

  After thinking about it, Monet waved his hand to retreat. After fighting for so long, the soldiers were basically tired and their eggs were broken, and they had to rest.

  "Cousin, don't you take the opportunity to destroy Hanzo?"

  Tsunade asked curiously while lying in Monet's arms.

  "If he is destroyed, the buffer zone of the country of rain will be meaningless. I will settle the war, but not now."

  Monet waved his hand and killed Hanzo?

  He had thought about it, but who will take over the country of rain?Now is the age of war, and the Land of Rain is a good battlefield. If Konoha takes over, then the conflict will go straight to Konoha.

  Even if you don't fight, you need to divide your troops to defend. Can you not guard against the surrounding Ninja village that is eyeing?

  So the country of rain is a mess, whoever takes over is an idiot.

  Now is not the time to wake up after the Third World War, Yuyin Village has no effect on Konoha.

  Mingjin withdrew his troops, except for White Fang who drove Sand Ninja and his three thousand ninjas, all the remaining ninja army of Konoha gathered, and the seven thousand ninja troops went to the border of the rain country to set up camp.

  The tragic war will continue for a long time, but it will not have much impact on Qianju Monet.

  The defeated Yan Ninja didn't come over so quickly. Even if the three generations of Kazekage and Sand Ninja escaped back, they would have to cultivate for a while. The Sanleizi of Yunyin Village was directly captured by him!

  Such a feat is enough to announce to the ninja world the strength of his Thousand Hands Monet.

  But even so, the nations still did not quiet down, and White Fang returned three days later, but judging from his expression, he seemed a little frustrated.

  In the end, he failed to leave Chiyo and Sandai Kazekage so that they could smoothly merge with the Sand Ninja forces on the border of the Land of Winds, but the blood of the dog was the same as the original, leaving behind the broken scorpion's parents who were tortured to death by White Fang and could no longer die.

  After comforting White Fang, Monet said nothing.

  The war is not over, although all countries have suffered damage, but not fatal.

  From the situation, it can be analyzed that there will still be battles in the future.

  Yunyin Village, Yanyin Village and even Sand Ninja Village still deployed troops on the border of the Land of Rain and refused to give up this battlefield.


  "Cousin...oh...you lightly"."

  On this day, independent from Konoha Camp, in the hut on the mountain outside, a couple of dogs and men were doing things that single dogs would envy, and the war stopped with someone's howling.

  Monet's wooden escape three rooms and one hall technique is quite powerful, even if it is not difficult to create a luxurious room in a chaotic battlefield.

  Even in the war years, no one could stop Monet from being an animal.

  Enjoying the afterglow and holding the beauty, Monet was in a very good mood.

  The fly in the ointment is that the cousin has been unable to satisfy his offensive.

  "You're an animal."

  He arched his body softly in Monet's arms, and Tsunade rolled his eyes.

  "Don't panic, I'll find you more comrades in the future."

  Monet said vulgarly, just as he was about to molest his cousin, he suddenly sensed that the password left outside had been touched.

  It was said in advance that it would only be activated if there was an emergency. After all, Monet definitely didn't want others to disturb him when he did this kind of thing.

  "." I went out. "

  Putting on his clothes, Monet turned and left like a ruthless beast.

  "Monet-kun, Jirai is also lost."

  At the foot of the mountain, Monet's body instantly appeared, and the snake brother in front of him reported with a question mark on his face.

  "Kidney deficiency son lost?"

  Monet was stunned, "Could it be that he went to visit the kiln with Sakumo?"

  "No, Sakumo is still there, and he didn't leave a mark, there are no footprints at the door, it seems that he disappeared directly from the room."

  "Monet-kun, could it be the enemy who did it?"

  Brother Snake frowned and began to analyze.

  "Impossible, my perception, you know, even if I fall asleep and a strange Chakra approaches me, I can perceive it."

  Monet waved his hand to deny Brother Snake's idea, and it was impossible for him to leave without saying goodbye (to Zhao), and if he disappeared directly from the tent...

  "Huh? By the way, did anything strange happen before Jiraiya disappeared?"

  "Strange thing?"

  Brother Snake thought for a while and finally shook his head, "If it's strange, only a few guards who were relatively close before that saw a toad jump in..."


  Monet suddenly realized, he understood!

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