Reverse psychic art!

  "You have finally waited for this opportunity."

  Nodding silently, Monet's face reappeared with a smile.

  "Okay, don't worry about him, it will surprise you and Tsunade when he comes back."


  Sixth more. .

Chapter [-] For Konoha's honor! (first update)

  In the Naruto world, Jiraiya's identity is very strange.

  Sannin, looking for the son of prophecy...

  And the characters are perfectly and full. I believe that in the original book, seeing him fighting Payne to obtain information must have made a lot of people cry.

  A real man may be silent for a while, but when he bursts out, no one knows what kind of brilliance he can shine.

  This is the case with Jiraiya. He has been willing to work hard since he was a child and is generally talented, and he has also been rewarded. After learning immortality in Miaomu Mountain, his strength has skyrocketed. When he played against Payne, Nagato felt that the powerful fighting ability showed. surprise.

  But Jiraiya's death is also very sad. The apprentices he taught by himself were not led to the right path, which was a sad thing for him.

  In fact, Jiraiya couldn't run while fighting Payne?

  The answer is yes, Miaomushan's reverse psychic and various toad support techniques are enough to escape. Monet thought that he wanted 923 to use his own death to awaken Nagato's soul.

  But the actual effect is really average. It seems that Jiraiya's mouth is incomparable with that of the prince. Often the prince can bring the dead to life with a single sentence, which Monet admires very much.

  Fortunately, Naruto is still in the state of a tadpole now, and he can't speak if he wants to escape.

  "Does it belong to Jiraiya's chance?"

  Snake brother silently repeated a change, he really couldn't figure out what the relationship between toad and chance was.

  "Okay, you'll know when he comes back."

  Monet waved his hand, "By the way, Brother Snake, how's the situation in the Land of Rain recently? You know that I'm busy with errands these days, and I don't have time to manage the troops."

  Busy with errands?

  Snake brother pouted, who didn't know that your three generations of adults left the troops and ran up the mountain with Tsunade to live a happy life?It is estimated that if he hadn't come here, he would definitely not have come out of Wenrou Township.

  However, this is a benefit that the strong should enjoy, and the figure who is advancing madly on the battlefield is envied by everyone.

  Brother Snake is righteous.

  "Since that day we defeated Iwa Ninja, Sand Ninja, and Yun Ninja and Hanzo's troops one after another, the situation has been relatively calm, but our spies have found that the number of connections between them has increased significantly."

  "After suffering such a big loss, I think they will join forces to deal with Konoha next time."

  "Monai-kun, you must be prepared. The next battle will never be easy. Every village is urgently deploying ninjas to rush to the front line. Do you think they will be recruiting more people from the village..."

  "No need."

  Similar to the situation he analyzed, Monet already knew it.

  "The ninjas in the village can't move, that is Konoha's last strength, in order to protect the development of the villagers and Konoha, tell the people below to rest assured that the idea of ​​the other party wanting to form an alliance against Konoha will not come true, I already have it. way to deal with it.”

  As expected of Monet-kun.

  Brother Snake nodded, this man who had been chasing his own pace from childhood to adulthood was always confident. Although he didn't know what he was going to do, he felt inexplicably reassured.

  After sending the snake brother away, Monet got into the three-bedroom and one-hall room and climbed onto the bed under Tsunade's terrified eyes.

  "Cousin! You are an animal!"

(bifd) After successive expeditions, Tsunade has long lost her temper. Now she has absolutely no objection to Qianshou Monet's attention to other women, and can't wait to find two women to share the pressure on this animal.

  But this beast set his sights on Kushina and Mikoto who were still in school. It was shameless to the extreme. No wonder he massaged himself since he was a child, all for the enjoyment of this moment?

  Casting a few rounds of eyes, poor Tsunade could only passively withstand the attack.

  After three days without leaving the room, Tsunade who couldn't bear it finally kicked his cousin out of bed in shame.

  "The old lady is about to fall apart, hurry up! Go find your Mikoto!"


  "The road of life is like a long road~"

  "The wind and frost in the road ~ the wind and frost are blowing dry..."

  Staring at the big footprints on his face, Monet hummed a song and walked out of the room all the way to the camp. The passing ninjas looked at their Hokage-sama with envy and doubts in their eyes.

  Can they actually understand the Chinese language?

  Stupid is normal.

  "Lord Hokage!"

  Whenever he saw White Fang, this fellow was excited and revered.

  "Yo, Sakumo, have you completed the task you were asked to do before?"

  Monet patted Hatake Sakumo's head and asked with a smile.


  Hearing these two words, Suomao swallowed fiercely, and then rubbed his kidneys and clamped his thighs.

  "Not disgraceful to the mission, the ten forty-year-old mother-san ordered by Hokage-sama are very satisfied!"

  "Well! For the glory of the village!"

  Patting his shoulder, Monet nodded in encouragement, "Go, twenty tonight! Be sure to show the majesty of our Konoha ninja!"

  "Let the kilns in the Land of Rain tremble when they hear the word Konoha!"


  After teasing White Fang, Monet entered the exclusive Hokage tent and sat on it, and the team captains below rushed over after receiving the news.

  Hokage-sama is very busy. Unless there are special circumstances, he will never come to the army. There must be a mission!

  The Konoha ninjas who have cultivated for a long time are a little excited.

  Can you follow Hokage-sama to charge into battle again?

  What a lofty honor.


  First more. .

Chapter [-] Obviously you put it away! (Second more)

  "Go, who, send over the information summary that I asked you to classify before."

  Patting the table, Monet yawned.

  After a while, the table was filled with various documents. Although there were many, the classification was relatively clear, and various types of information were clear at a glance.

  I first glanced at the news that came back from Yunyin Village.

  Monet gave himself a slap as soon as he opened it. He has been patronizing his cousin for the past few days, _ almost forgot his business.

  "Who is that, bring Sanleizi over to me!"

  Isn't it right, Sanleizi is still the captive of his Thousand Hands Monet!Solving his problems is the right thing to do.

  After a while, as the sound of the iron chain slowly approached, a man with a thin face and a thin face, wearing shorts and showing stubby eyes, was brought in.

  Is this Ai?

  Monet glanced suspiciously, shouldn't it, what about your muscles?

  "Thousand-handed Monet! Kill me if you have the ability! You can't humiliate me like this!"

  San Leizi tore at the Vajra blockade in shame and anger, and the iron chain that was still shining with golden light shook twice, but it made him sit on the ground.

  "How do I say this? Didn't I specifically explain to Haosheng's care?"

  Monet coughed and looked at Orochimaru below. Shouldn't Brother Snake be messing with others?According to his character, it's really possible.

  "It's taking good care of you. Could it be that Monet is talking about taking good care of you? Huh?"

  Brother Snake was embarrassed for a while. He was indeed in charge of taking care of Ai. Monet left in a hurry that day and left a sentence to take care of Raiying. Well, it seems that he misunderstood.

  "Cough, the result is obvious, this is a misunderstanding, come! Untie Sanleizi."

  "Kun Monet, this chain can't be opened except you."

  Brother Snake explained quickly.

  "Cut! Fake!"

  Since it was a misunderstanding, there is nothing to say. Sanleizi is an open-minded person. Since he is a prisoner, he must be a prisoner with character.


  With a snap of his fingers, the golden iron chain fell off smoothly, and Monet looked down at Sanleizi condescendingly.

  "Our personalities are basically familiar to each other, so I won't push you too much. According to the list from five years ago, give me ten times the list, and you can leave as soon as the things are delivered. It will not be difficult."

  "You fart!"


  Excited, Sanleizi stood up directly, and then he didn't know whether he was angry or just eating air these days, and he even shot in public.

  "Obviously you let it go!"

  Monet waved his hand in disgust.

  "Wind escape! The art of free air conditioning!"

  Newly researched ninjutsu, freely control the airflow in the room!A powerful skill developed by Monet for the air circulation system in the room.

  It stinks!

  His face turned red, Ai clutched his crotch, why was that gas only swirling around him?Shouldn't it disappear after a while?

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