"There must be a certain deviation in the experimental data. After all, the concentrated extraction method itself has a great error. My extraction method only ensures that the error is between 0.1 and 0.35 of the drug element, which can not be said to be wrong. I remember telling you about this point for a long time. There is no obvious problem with this data. However, from this data, Nakano's extraction method obviously improves my extraction method, and the effect is quite good. It reduces the composition error of concentrated drugs by 0.15, which is much better than my extraction method. "

After listening to the sterile quarrel of grinding ears for ten minutes, and the quarrel seems to be going on for an infinite long time, Chiba noticed the paper on the ground that seemed to be thrown out and fell on the ground. After taking it up and looking at it, he sighed helplessly and said in a loud voice.

As soon as this sentence was uttered, the endless and unproductive quarrel came to an abrupt end, and the eyes of four white haired old scholars in the office came to him in an instant.

"Thousand Chiba

Then, after the whole office was still for a second, the voices of four old scholars burst out, almost shaking the ceiling.

"It's me, it's me..."

At this time, Chiba's mouth almost opened.

At this moment, after confirming their identities, the eyes of the four old scholars began to glow.

"Wait a minute, one by one!"

Also in this corner of the mouth began to twitch, looking at the four old scholars in front of him, Chiba suddenly reached out and made a gesture of "don't come over" and called out in a hurry.

At this moment, this group of old scholars even excited, will run up, look at that, basically, he will be inundated by all kinds of enthusiastic questions!

"You're not dead!"

Often do experiments for you, the analysis of experimental data Daoyuan took the lead.

"Great! It happens that I have a plan. Let's discuss it together. "

Previously, he said that his extraction method had surpassed Chiba's Nakano, and he was about to jump on it.

"Come on, Chiba, I first found out that Youzhi grass has a strong dilution effect on some special toxins, and also has a special effect on some diseased cells. This is the first time that herbs with herbal properties can directly act on the diseased cells, which is also very helpful for the research on self-healing of my cells. Please cooperate with me."

Just at the moment, Masada, who was still mocking in the middle of the field, was already shining with his eyes and his hands open. He was almost like a fool and was about to rush over.

"Oh At the same time, Chiba, you are here. I have an experiment here. I want to... "

Xiangtian, who asked for the experiment with Daoyuan, was almost fanatical.

Then, as soon as the words came out, the four people had a meal. After the four pairs of eyes stared at each other

"I told Chiba first!"

"I said first, priority is mine!"

"Chiba is the top of medicine. What does it have to do with your cell self-healing theory?"

"Just now Chiba said that he has a high opinion on the collation of my experimental data. In order to improve the academic efficiency, he should cooperate with me!"

In an instant, they entered the kind of no nutrition, as if endless mind numbing quarrel.


Looking at the four old scholars who quarreled again, Chiba couldn't help but smile bitterly. This situation reminds him that when he was a temporary worker in this hospital, this group of guys harassed him in the same way.

When it comes to the noon break, these people always get together and argue in front of themselves who is qualified to cooperate with themselves in research.

"All right, all right! I'm here to seek cooperation with you and me. "

After listening for five minutes, Chiba, who has been looking for a slippery head, can't bear the noise at last. He says with a headache on his face and suppresses the four people's quarrel with as loud a voice as possible.


Then, as soon as Chiba said this, the four old scholars were together again, and the whole office fell into a strange silence.

But after a second of silence, the four turned around blankly and looked at Chiba.

Isn't Chiba a madman?

How can you take the initiative to cooperate with us?

Didn't he have much interest in research?

Although very talented, learning Ninja is a waste

I Am I dreaming?

With the voice of astonishment, the four old scholars have a tacit understanding of the impulse to pinch the cheek.


At this time, Chiba stepped forward, closed the door of the office, glanced at the four people, and said seriously: "this research, I hope that it can not be disclosed. No one except us can know."

"Why? What is the forbidden research? "Hearing this, the four old scholars immediately stopped to pinch their faces. Their faces were like a su. After one look at each other, they asked seriously.

"I don't know if it's illegal, but it's related to my health. If other people know about it, I may face life-threatening situation, even worse than death."

For the four serious questions, Chiba shook his head, took out the blood sample from his pocket and handed it to the four people: "this is my blood sample. I want you to do a blood test for me. The most comprehensive one is not enough. I can provide it at any time. However, please keep it secret for me."

Life in danger?

A situation worse than death?

Just a blood test?

When they heard this, the four old scholars were at ease. They were really afraid of illegal research, not because of the prohibition, but because they were afraid that Chiba would go astray and do something that should not be done.

Then, after they were relieved, their hearts thumped and raised again. Chiba's words were too terrible. A blood test could even touch on the life-threatening situation and the situation of having to die, which shows the seriousness of the matter.

As for the authenticity of Chiba's words, they do not doubt at all. Chiba has no reason to cheat them. It is just a blood test. For blood examination, even if it is a secret blood test, it is not prohibited.

And the blood test is not a clinical trial, it will produce some inevitable human relations pressure.

However, Chiba said it seriously, and his words also had great seriousness.

For a moment, these four old scholars looked at me and I looked at you, but they were confused and did not know why.

"Please, I'm in a condition that I can't even understand. I need your help."

Also at this time, looking at the four hesitant appearance, Chiba pursed her lips, took a breath, and then opened her mouth again.

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