Now, there's only the truth.

No matter any excuse, there will always be flaws. Instead of letting them be unknown under my concealment, it is better to tell them the interests.

Clearly tell them the importance and danger of this inspection to me.

Although they are addicted to learning, they are not all idiots.

And it can be trusted.

Sincerely looking at the front seems to be some hesitation of the four people, Chiba heart flashed a series of ideas.

After knowing that the previous excuse could not achieve the result he wanted, Chiba decided to inform these old scholars of the fact and ask for help during a short walk.

However, this fact hides the most crucial point.

I don't know the most critical point. For Chiba, the risk has been reduced to the lowest level. Now his physical problems, the biggest part of the risk, are the causes of his physical problems, that is, the reason why he came back from the dead.

That is to say, the biggest risk in this matter is that the reason for his "undeveloped" state of his body is directly related to the reason why he miraculously survived and his body recovered completely under the condition of death. His body now may contain the secret of survival, which is the most dangerous and sensitive part of his physical problems.

And the stream of big snake pill, no, let alone the stream of big snake pill. If we let people know that the body of Chiba contains the secret of near death resurrection and recovery, I'm afraid many people will consider dissecting and studying Chiba.

As for the big snake pill, it is more to find ways to catch Chiba, study the secret of rebirth, to achieve the purpose of longevity.

If these things are hidden, in fact, the old scholars only know that this is a blood sample. The blood sample of Chiba is just a blood test, and they don't know the secret. Even if the secret is disclosed, it means that Chiba has done a blood test.

As for blood examination, this is a very common thing. Ninja also has a similar obligation of routine physical examination. In addition, when Chiba returned to the village six months later, Huoying asked him to do a secret blood examination. In fact, it is not unreasonable.

It is also impossible to attract much attention. Without attention, no one will pay attention to the blood test, and no one will come to spy on it. In addition, these old scholars are just doing blood tests, and they can't raise the level of funding. They don't ask for funds. Because these old scholars are very simple, they can't meet a few people all year round except each other State, the probability of leakage is basically zero.

In addition to the seriousness of Chiba's statement, with the trust of these old scholars in Chiba, and the friendship between the two sides due to medical skills, the old scholars will never disclose the secret, or even try to hide it for Chiba.

The reason why Chiba wants to find an excuse is that he is afraid that the old scholars will regard his secret of body as a research project and raise to the level of funding, which naturally requires a name. If a name is set up, it is estimated that all the high-level managers of Muye may know about this matter, and not all the people in the high-level of Muye are kind, trust and care for Chiba Not everyone will protect him because of his identity. At that time, it is not clear how many people will become enemies and how many can still be friends. However, he is afraid that only when he leaves the village can he have a sense of security.

Secondly, they are also afraid that if these old scholars are crazy and can't arouse their vigilance in the statement of interests, they may be unprepared if they are absorbed in their research, or disclose such information in the process of casual discussion. After all, although these old scholars can't meet several other people in a year, they will encounter others Human.

Even if the statement of interest is not enough, these old scholars may publish the research results directly.

After all, the greatest satisfaction of these old scholars who have devoted their whole life to the medical cause is to harvest the research results and see that the research results benefit the village. If the research results are to benefit the village, it must be published. Even if it is only published internally, it is a great comfort to them.

However, for Chiba, even if it is internally announced, it must not happen.

Now Chiba said so, even lowered the posture request, in fact is reiterating one thing.

That is, the test results of this blood sample are very important to him, related to his life and death, and must not be known to others.

This is also a big truth, Chiba is not afraid of a few people to doubt their own words. Make something irreparable take over.

Speaking of it, this is also taking advantage of the feelings of these old scholars. Because of the feelings between them, these old scholars will help him keep secrets.

If this group of old scholars have no feelings for him, the statement of his interests is totally useless.

"That is to say, neither the examination of this blood sample nor the results of the examination can be made known to the sixth person, can they?"

At this time, after a series of thoughts flashed in Chiba's mind, after you looked at me and I looked at you for several rounds, Inagaki, who was in charge of the experimental data, looked at Chiba, changed his hesitation and asked."Yes."

Thousands of leaves nodded, answered truthfully.

"It's not a part of any prohibited trials, right?"

Asked seriously as an expert at the cellular level.

"Of course not. It's my personal problem. I can assure you of my life. If you find any doubt in the process, you can also report me directly to the fire

Thousands of leaves shook their heads, and answered with certainty.

"Since it is to be kept secret, the final examination data must be destroyed, right?"

Xiangtian frowned, helped him on the nose of thick bottle bottom like old mirror, seriously asked.

"Of course."

Thousand leaves also do not avoid taboo, to be honest.


After these three questions, all people are you to see me, I look at you, in eye contact, Nakano under the eyes of the three people, out of the crowd.

"If it can't be solved, will your physical problems cause life risks?"

After a while of thinking, the 60 year old, and his own call strong medical experts, a face seriously look at him, calmly asked.

In the tone, it was extremely dignified.

And when the voice falls, the rest three solutions are on the body of thousands of leaves.

"I don't know, but I don't rule out the possibility."

Touched the eyes of the four, felt the dignified in the tone of the middle field, inexplicable, the face of thousand leaves was also serious and serious, in the eyes relatively, he said truthfully.

And this words out, the four face brush a change.

"Then, there is no reason to refuse this blood test."

At this time, the door of the office behind thousand leaves was suddenly opened, a firm voice, sounded behind the door. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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