It's nearly noon, Ministry of defense.

"Has Zhuo arrived yet? He is the captain of the important area. Why hasn't he arrived at this time? "

Watanabe, sitting at his desk, frowned tightly, almost wrinkling into a "Chuan" character, and shouting at the radio.

"And team five? Isn't team five in place? What about the positioning report? It's been ten minutes. Why hasn't the report arrived yet? "

Then, before the call fell, he pressed another radio channel eagerly and called again.

It's true that there are so many problems in such an urgent file. It seems that I really want to reorganize the defense forces after this incident!

I didn't expect that Chennai was really right. What she said at that time was still very implicit and merciful.


Rectify, must rectify!

The seriousness of the matter is by no means what Chennai said: "if we do not carry out regular rectification and regular rectification, we may cause certain chaos because of frequent mobilization". This is definitely a major disorder that cannot happen.

There are frequent scheduling problems. In case of emergency, isn't defense paralyzed?

After shouting this, Watanabe humbly looked at all kinds of documents in his hand, and at the same time, he began to consider the matter of rectification.

However, most of the reasons for this situation are my improper management. When Chennai was here, there were not so many things, even if they were frequently transferred.

And I didn't follow Cheney's advice.

Improper management and misjudgment.

Sure enough, there is a consultant who is superior to himself. The commander is under great pressure!


When Chennai comes of age

With the idea before, Watanabe can't help but think about it.

At this time, for him, the performance of the Ministry of defense was obviously unqualified. This morning, after reading Qianye's plan, and then signing a charter ticket in front of Chiba, he was able to complete the task 100% of the time. After he was allowed to come back for arrangement, more than ten times the assigned personnel did not arrive at the location on time, and three times there was a small disorder in defense Face to face, this is a big gaffe for a department protecting the village.

These are actually not allowed.

The defense force is to protect the village and prevent sudden danger. If there is disorder and confusion when carrying out the protection task, how can we face the enemy and the unexpected situation?

Obviously, the present defense forces are not qualified.

And he is also unqualified as the leader of the defense forces.

However, with his eyes constantly skimming from the document, his thoughts of self blame were gradually put aside and slowly sank into the situation described in the document.


Really, there is no way to compare!

When he finished reading all the documents, Watanabe sighed for a long time. At this time, all kinds of contents in the plan of Chiba to himself flashed in his mind.

Almost all the problems in the defense forces have been solved.

No wonder the enemy will call him a monster!

This Chiba is really a monster!

With the flash of various coping plans in his mind, Watanabe can't help sighing.

Then, he took up his pen and wrote down orders according to the response method in the Chiba plan, which was sent out by the defense forces.

Then, 30 minutes later, all kinds of chaos caused by the sudden mobilization of the defense forces were settled down one by one, and everything began to proceed orderly and secretly.

Since then, the arrangement of the Defense Department has been smooth without any obstacles.


"It can only be said that they are the wise men who have grasped the whole Third World War of tolerance?"

In the secret office of the intelligence department, younvzhenji's eyes slowly skimmed over the scroll in her hands. At last, she couldn't help but utter such a sigh.

No wonder elder Xiaochun will support him as the commander this time.

Although he is lack of experience, big snake pill, but this meticulous to terrible mind, enough to make up for the lack of experience.

In her heart, a series of thoughts flashed through her.

"What's the matter, Lord Kenji."

At this time, the middle-aged man sitting in the Deputy seat of the intelligence department could not help asking after he heard his chief's irresistible admiration.

"Look at it."

In this regard, you nvzhenji did not say much, but handed the scroll to the Deputy seat.


After taking over the scroll, the middle-aged man did not talk nonsense. After a sound, he looked at it seriously.


At this point, as the deputy director of the intelligence department, a middle-aged man who has always been known for his calmness, he couldn't help but beat his eyes."Yes It's hard to imagine that he listed all the possible mistakes and mistakes made by the intelligence department and gave back very feasible solutions. It's unimaginable. It's something that a child can think of. Now I can understand why Huoying and the elder are so fond of him. This boy is just a genius

Hearing this, you Nvzhen Ji could not help but show a wry smile and said.

"Indeed, it's hard to imagine what an 11 year old can think of."

At this time, the middle-aged man also read the scroll, but it was a good pause, just issued such a sigh.

"However, this boy is not too contemptuous of our intelligence department. If we still make these mistakes and mistakes, Muye's intelligence department can be removed from the list. Mr. Yasuda, we need all the information and relevant information about tuzhiguo, and I also need to have a detailed intelligence network for their movements Look at the power of our intelligence department, you little man

In this regard, the smile on younvzhenji's face is slowly fading away, turning into a cold and arrogant color and opening her mouth.


And heard this sentence, without any nonsense, the body in the side of the Deputy seat, disappeared in place.

Next, Muye's intelligence department and even the intelligence strongholds outside the village began to make some changes in an orderly manner, as well as some active investigation operations.

And an hour later, the change of the intelligence department also ended in a secret and orderly mobilization.

There is nothing unusual about the arrangement of the intelligence department.


"Is it? So, the two most important steps are over. "

One hour and ten minutes later, Chiba kneaded in the No. 2 secret hall, with tired eyes and put down his report.

How I feel, what the risk, what the success rate, these things, I think too much.

This efficiency, I really look down on the leaves of the ninja.

I'm afraid that the success rate of the above version is even 9%!

Turn to sleep Xiaochun and shuihumenyan, did not cheat me!

At this time, his heart, however, flashed this series of thoughts.

"Well, next, it's better to go to sleep. It's not good to be in a bad mood! Now, it's going to be night. "

After that, he flashed the report on the table, and then dropped the idea.

A slight snore was soon heard in the secret chamber. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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