At night, around 8:10, according to the village gate hundreds of meters of location of the broad road.

"Ahead is Muye village, your excellency."

Looking at the wooden leaf wall looming in front of him, the Muye Ninja named Zhentian, who was arranged to lead the mission of the land Kingdom, pointed to the front and turned back to the six people of tuzhiguo behind him.

"It's finally here. Thank you very much, Mr. Tian."

In this regard, the rock mountain of the land country looked at the high wall in front of him, and his mouth was filled with a happy smile.

Next, the loss of the whole village and the whole country in this battle is on our shoulders.

We must be careful and careful.

We still have enough time for the preliminary negotiation of peace talks and alliance building, which can be two weeks at least and one month more.

You can't be impatient here.

But his mind, is slowly sinking down, flashed this series of thoughts.

At the same time, when he said this, his back, except for the old blue soil, the other guards could not help but stiffen their backs.

They know that there will be a hard battle and a dangerous war, and they will still be in the enemy's base camp without any support, and now the enemy's base camp is almost full of powerful people.

Even the monster, which is almost the nightmare of Yanyin, is also in the base camp. It is only heard that he has just resigned from Muye's assistant some time ago, so he should not participate in the peace talks and alliance building.

However, they must not take it lightly.

That monster, however, was praised as "born all rounder of war" by three generations of Tu Ying. They did not kill him by 5000 people. He was almost immortal.

The immortal body is just about it, but it is still good at strategy. The plan of defense plan made by the three generations of tuying adults with painstaking efforts was destroyed by this monster.

Without this monster, they would have been the leaves of wood.

Now, it is Muye, the victorious country, who will come to the peace talks and mend the alliance!

"No, that's what I should do, please!"

At this time, the real field looked at the rock mountain, a smile, and then on the side of the body, made a please action. After all, the other side is the ambassador of the land country, so there should be some etiquette. But they should not be slighted because they are here for peace.

There can be no mistakes in the details of the country and the country.


Finally, I got home. Fortunately, nothing happened.

This past all the way, did not encounter the spy this matter, is really frightening ah!

However, there should be no spies from enemy villages around here.

According to Lu Jiu's conjecture.

Words, real Tian Jun's heart, but flashed a series of ideas of celebration.

Along the way, Zhentian was also worried. When he set out, he was supposed to use the Chiba adult as a bait to lure spies. However, he followed master Nara Deer all the way until he separated. He did not meet any enemies, let alone spies, or even ninjas.

It's totally different from what was inferred.

Until now, he was relieved that there was no spy. According to the statement made by master Nara Lujiu at the time of separation, if there is no situation when he goes back, it means that all spies have been evacuated and can be at ease.

Now, he is really at ease.

After all, there are spies all around. As a Muye ninja, who carries out the important task of escorting the ambassador of the land country, he can't be relieved, nor can he not be afraid.

Therefore, now the real field, is also to send a big breath.

"Yes, thank you very much."

In this regard, Yanshan was not polite. After saying thanks, he left first.

But the true field is after six people walk, followed up.

"Your Excellency the ambassador?"

However, before he took a few steps, the six men in front of him suddenly stopped. He had to stop and ask.

How How could it be like this!

But at this time, standing in the front of the team, the eyes slowly opened, but the pupil was constantly shrinking because of extreme shock and as if frightened. The lips were also slightly opened, and the facial features condensed into a kind of shocked expression.


Why are you here?

This is Welcome us

this How How

His mind, at this time did not know what to think, his head is completely blank.

Even, the faces of the four guards behind him were similar to those of him, and they all seemed to be shocked. Even, some people had subconsciously touched the sabers around them. Almost all of them were stiff and speechless."Pa!"

Then, at the next moment, the blue soil beside the rock mountain sighed a little. Then, he stretched out his hand and gently patted it on the shoulder of the rock mountain.

At that time, the moment of this clapping, the rock mountain is almost a thrilling spirit, and the head is clear immediately.

Is it the blue earth Lord?

Damn it!

I'm so hopeless!

Then, he also woke up, took a little breath, but took another step to meet the man standing at the wooden leaf gate.

And see their captain step out, the guards are also quickly aware of their gaffe, busy to follow up.

It seems that this mission, I'm afraid

It's a lot of bad luck!

At this time, the first time to follow the blue soil of the rock mountain, the eyes under the white eyebrows are staring at the front. At the gate of the Muye village, together with a smile, has stepped out to meet their youth.

That, the whole village, nightmare!

"I'm sorry, ladies and gentlemen, it's too late to send enough people to meet your ambassador. Please forgive me."

At this time, Chiba, who has already reached the rock mountain, has a formulaic smile on his mouth, and his mouth is an apology.

"No, it's serious."

In this regard, the rock mountain, who has awakened and forced down the ominous feeling in his heart, also said with a smile.

In addition, the corner of his eyes, is to sweep the young behind his eyes, to confirm whether he is really alone to meet.

To tell you the truth, looking at the young man in front of him, he has a kind of inexplicable illusion that there may be a large group of wood leaf ninjas will kill them in the next second.

"Next, let me lead the way, please!"

Hearing this sentence from Yanshan, Chiba just raised his eyes, glanced at the six people in the land country, and then made a gesture of invitation.


In this regard, Yanshan didn't say much about it. After making an invitation, he walked side by side with Chiba with a smile on his face and walked into the gate.


Oh, no!

Muye, not only knew our plot, but also sent such a evil star!

Just, behind this smile, in the heart of Yanshan, in addition to bitterness and heaviness, there is no mood linked with smile! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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