
In the light footstep sound, the black ground like water quality slowly raises the light color wave, slowly rippling away, infinitely extending away, just like a layer of round light diffusing away.

"Oh... Is this the heart of the world? Why is it so dark? I remember... It's not so dark. "

After that, a sound that is easy to make up and even has a little taste in it rings out in this silent world.

Then, a beam of light slowly lit up, illuminating everything in the square, but it was a young man wearing chakra's coat, with his left eye turning in circles, his right eye shining, his eyebrow turning like a bright red full moon, with the reincarnation pattern as the bottom, and his eyes dotted with nine gouges of jade radiating an inexplicable fit with the dark space.

That's right, Chiba.

"Oh... Here you are."

At this time, in front of Chiba, where the light of chakra's coat could barely reach, a wide sleeve gun dressed in white flame burning gouyu appeared slowly. Seeing Chiba, an old man sitting on nine gouyu appeared slowly. He put a smile on the corner of his mouth and said.

Exactly. Six immortals.

"As agreed, I brought the heart."

And hear this sentence, see such a soft smile, Chiba is also put away the tone of judgment, serious and serious mouth way.

The voice was low, but with a rare softness.

Then, he slowly raised his right hand. When his right hand opened, a bright pure white flame burst out in an instant. In an instant, everything between them was illuminated, and the deep darkness seemed to be dispelled, forming a circle outside them, It was as if they were covered by a light curtain.

At this moment, in Chiba's right hand, there is a heart beating like a pure white flame.

"When did you find out that my heart is in yuzhibo shinhiko's body?"

In this regard, as if connected with the darkness of the six immortals, but did not look at the heart, just looking at Chiba, so asked.

"It's not long since you told me that your heart has disappeared. I realized that your heart, in fact, is in yuzhibo's body. At first, I thought that the world could produce the power of transcendence, but later, I understood that the world could only produce the power within the rules, or in accordance with the rules. If we want to create a transcendence that can be reincarnated infinitely, we must start from the rule of reincarnation, that is, we must use the world rules, Chakra can continue through reincarnation. In chakra, there is human spiritual power, and the spiritual level is basically the sum of memory and will. Since it is spiritual power, chakra can also have memory and will. As long as the quality of chakra is good enough, then, Can reincarnate with enough memory and will. But chakra, Asura and Indra can't do it with enough memory and will. Then, all they can do is your mother big tube muhuiye and six immortals yourself, and your heart just disappears again. It's obvious that the world has put your heart into yuzhibo's body, Let him have enough chakra strength to carry the memory and will of previous life for reincarnation. In this way, he can be reborn indefinitely. Moreover, because of your chakra strength and nature, as long as he develops it and accumulates knowledge from generation to generation, he will only become stronger and stronger. It is not a problem to deal with the immature outsiders. "

In this regard, Chiba is very frank said

By the way, even the six immortals have answered the following questions.


And for Chiba's answer to the following questions, liudao immortal is still smiling, as if he doesn't know Chiba's current state and situation, just as he nodded when he first saw Chiba in the spiritual space.

"Well, may I ask you a question?"

In this regard, Chiba slightly stepped forward and opened his mouth.

In his words, he was not surprised by his reaction to the six immortals. To tell you the truth, if liudaoxian doesn't have this attitude, but is in a bad mood or other unstable performance, then he will not be calm.

After all, it is also the spokesman of the will of the world. The existence of God is also the existence of the power of mastering the origin of the world. In a sense, Chiba may not have as much influence on the world as the six immortals.

If you are flustered because of the current situation, this is the biggest mistake, the biggest abnormality, and abnormality is the demon. At this critical time, if there is another demon, it is really a big demon.Chiba thought to herself that there was no way to deal with the big demon at this time according to the original plan.

"Of course."

Smell speech, six immortals smile to nod, a pair of what you can ask appearance,.

"Are you now the six immortals, the son of the world who sealed his own mother and saved the world, or the son of the world who saved the world in a narrow sense, or the God representing the will of the world who was infiltrated by the world consciousness and lost the shell of consciousness of the six Immortals?"

In this regard, Chiba was not polite and asked directly.

Now that we are here, any lies and stratagems are basically verbal and meaningless.

For the six immortals, he is already a complete outsider. He is the destroyer that the world really fears and always wants to eliminate, and does not hesitate to take risks to create an extraordinary world. He has mastered the power that is closest to or even the origin of the world. There is no surprise in front of this power, It is almost impossible and unnecessary to take advantage of such power holders.

Therefore, there is no need for him to be polite, and there is no need for him to be hypocritical. In front of each other's absolute strength, what they have to do is to be frank with each other.

Otherwise, the two absolute forces really fight, then, the result is not the victory of one side, but two losers.

For Chiba, he doesn't want the world to be destroyed, although he does have the power to destroy the world. No, it should be said that the world will be destroyed without his hands.

Moreover, at the level of his power, the whole world, even the world itself, is not a fatal threat to him. At the beginning, the guy who blew out the core of the nightmare reincarnation should be similar to his present situation.

Although I am in the world, I am out of the world.

At least, in terms of power, the world can't easily kill him.

Of course, because it can't kill easily, then he has absolute influence on the world. He may not be as good as the spokesperson of a world, but it won't be much worse. He is not the existence that can't ripple when he plunges into the turbulence, but the existence that can change the turbulence at will, because he is such an existence, And the world will certainly not allow such a person to exist. Will certainly try to eliminate him, or reduce his influence on the world.

However, he didn't want to be against the world in a real sense and make the situation that one side must be destroyed.

And since he doesn't want to destroy the world, and doesn't want to destroy the world, there is only one choice for him, that is to be frank and open.

There's nothing to hide.

Even Chiba doesn't want to destroy the world. In a sense, it is saving the world that is bound to be destroyed.

The two sides also share a common language.

If the world wants to get rid of him, it can only choose to be frank and open at this time.

At this time, it is helpless for the weak to think about winning by surprise and accumulate opportunities with lies and strategies.

"No, I'm still the independent one. At present, the three of us should be in the middle of the will of the world."

In this regard, the six immortals answer is quite straightforward.

"It seems that the will of the world is very wise. After all, it makes me so many obstacles. If it comes to talk to me, I'm afraid I can't help it. However, after all, you have helped me to create such a spiritual space to accommodate my soul body in the past. Although it is also a transaction, it is more or less a kind face, and it is not so easy to turn over. The will of the world is not a simple procedure. I'm beginning to wonder whether the will of the world is sentimental or emotionless. In other words, it's a sophistication of human feelings and worldly wisdom, or it's similar to the existence of aloofness and supremacy. "

Smell speech, Chiba smile, so said.

"This... As the existence of this world, I can't know. In our view, we naturally have a good feeling for it, just as children are to their parents, we can't objectively see the will of the world."

In this regard, the six immortals said very objectively.

"Well, you can represent the world now, can't you?"

After all, he is not really interested in the will of the world, whether he has feelings or not. Maybe, these are very important to Chiba in those years, but they don't matter to Chiba now.Although his influence is not as good as the six immortals or the world will, he is equal to the world will or the six immortals in position.

Since it's an equal dialogue, it's almost self degrading to care about what's emotional and what's not.

Now, it's not that he wants to cater to the will of the world, but the will of the world, and his ideas must be considered.

"Yes, I can convey what you mean, and I'll convey what it thinks."

To this, the six immortals nodded.

"Well, I want to ask, the world... No, here I use you to refer to you two. Now, do you want to take back this heart?"

And hear this sentence Hu ah, Chiba is not nonsense, straightforward mouth way.

Then he handed forward the beating heart of the pure white flame in his hand, and looked at the heart position of the pure white flame gouyu clothes of the six immortals.

There, there is a hole, where the heart was originally stored.

"Then I also use me to refer to the will of me and the world. Here, I want to ask, is this heart the original one I lost at the beginning? No other additives? "

In this regard, the six immortals are still smiling, with a tone of inquiry said.

"Of course not."

Smell speech, Chiba shook his head, body slightly a short, but he sat down in the air, and as he sat down, originally in the back of the nine divergent ray of jade for the road automatically pad in his body.

It looks as like as two peas of six fairies.

Moreover, it seems that there is a feeling of long talk.

"I have made up for all the chakras consumed in it. After all, yuzhibo Xinyan has been reincarnated for so many generations, and this life has developed the supreme power of the eye of reincarnation. Although the heart can naturally recover in each life, just like the normal recovery of chakra, it seems that this life has a sense of not making ends meet, So it's my free gift. "

At last, he said again.

It seems to be very honest and too white.

"Really... Thank you so much. Can I ask you how you made it up?"

In this regard, the six immortals gave a little meal, seemed to listen to something, and seemed to think for a while, so they said.

In the tone, there was obviously a little tit for tat.

"As you know, I have the core fragments of another world, which can supplement the supreme power of the heart's loss, and even some of the world's original power. Naturally, I have to use the original power of another world."

Smell speech, Chiba answer is very simple.

"The power of another world? Chiba, you're joking. It's the original power of another universe. I can't afford it. "

In this regard, six fairy smile slightly astringent, said.

At this moment, where is the discussion of the ownership of the heart? No, it should be said that there is the question of the return of the heart.

This heart, which is so generously taken out from the opposite side, and "kind" to make up for the loss inside, seems to be a good start for the next "common words". However, this family can take it out and return it without grudging. However, whether to accept it or not depends on whether he dares to accept it.

In this heart, there is not only the power to complete the origin of the world.

But there is still a higher level of original force, belonging to a universe, the original force of the universe put together by countless worlds.

It is also the original force of other universes under the control of the total outsider.

If you put it in your chest, I'm afraid it's not your heart, but your ancestors!

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