"Are you sure?"

Facing the words of the six immortals, Chiba looked at the heart of the pure white flame in her hand, raised her head, but asked a rhetorical question.

It seems that it is not easy to muddle through.

But in his heart, then flashed such an idea.

Although just holding a try mentality, but, really to be seen through, Chiba still can't help but give birth to some lucky hope.

After all, if the six immortals did not see through the mystery of the heart, then the next thing would be easy, he just needs to ask.

There's no need to bother with the next negotiation.

There are some things that he really doesn't want to happen.

As for what this mystery is and why it can compromise the will of the six immortals and even the world, it is also very simple.

The reason is that just now, when resisting or neutralizing the concentrated and high-strength chakra contained in this heart, or the original force of a part of the world, Chiba used the core of the nightmare cycle of the last part of her body, that is, the power of the world beyond this world.

It's a power that transcends the world in a real sense.

Even his soul can make the core of this nightmare reincarnation, so it's natural to suppress this heart.

Even more than enough.

Although there is not much power in the core of this nightmare cycle, which is about one tenth of the original power when I obtained this core fragment, the power of the core fragment of this nightmare cycle, while suppressing the heart, can still passively complete the supreme power of the heart without consuming much power, That is the world power of the fire shadow world. In addition, he has completely mastered the heart, and as long as the six immortals take the heart back into the body, of course, the body is not a physical body, but a deeper body.

At the beginning, this heart was used as a loophole in the rules to be implanted into yuzhibo's body, so that he could have unlimited reincarnation ability, become a reborn person, become a supernormal in the world, and be used to deal with and eliminate outsiders. In fact, it is a part of the rules of chakra's reincarnation in the world. Although the will of the world can not destroy the rules of the world, after all, the rules of the world are the basis of the world. Without the rules, or violating the rules, it is not allowed.

However, it is still possible to drill the loopholes in the rules. What the world will do is what Chiba said just now. The new branch rule of "infinite reincarnation and complete reincarnation memory and will", which is produced by drilling the loopholes, needs two things: one is the carrier of the new rules, the other is the carrier of the new rules, And chakra's rules of reincarnation.

First of all, if there is chakra's reincarnation rule, there will be infinite reincarnation. Infinite reincarnation is based on the rule that chakra can reincarnate, and can reincarnate with memory and will. If it is uncoupled from chakra's reincarnation rule, then unlimited reincarnation can't exist.

Secondly, as a new rule derived from the rules, it is originally created by drilling the loopholes in the rules. Although it can exist in the world, it is a new creature that is not recognized by the rules of the world. Generally, the birth of new branch rules or rules is directly fixed in the world. For example, the world is a building, and each rule is a wall The newly added rules, such as supporting load-bearing beams and various steel frameworks, are naturally corresponding, and are directly used to form and support the world, which is born to form the world.

However, this kind of rules created by exploiting loopholes are like inferior structures that can't fit into the whole structure or even hinder the structure, which may eventually damage the building, or even represent a kind of damage. Nature can't naturally integrate into the world, so a carrier is needed to carry the new rules of infinite reincarnation, In this way, it will not hinder the world because of its existence, but also can be easily implanted into Yuzhi boshiko's body.

After all, it is impossible for mortals to bear the rule itself. Only the rule itself and the world itself can bear the rule itself.

The complexity is to take a container and take out the new rules. It's like taking out a part in a building that threatens the stability of the building and storing it separately to cushion the corner of the table.

This container, of course, is the heart.

In other words, the heart carries the rules of infinite reincarnation, that is, the ability of infinite reincarnation.

In itself, it carries a rule, and even, it can be said, this heart is included, which is the extraordinary created by the world's will to exploit the loopholes in the rules, that is, the heart of the reborn.

In a sense, the power of the core fragment of nightmare reincarnation is to carry out various operations on the level of rules, so as to achieve things that even outsiders can't imagine, such as replacing all genes in the body of a baby who belongs to this world and is still in the womb with Chiba, through transformation, Let Chiba regain the body, and can transform the body into a power compatible with any world.In other words, the power of the core fragment of this nightmare reincarnation is completely superior to the rules of the world's power system. If the power to control and use the rules is called authority, then the authority of the power of the core fragment of this nightmare reincarnation will be more powerful, It is totally above the rules of the world's power system.

And changing the body cells of a newborn involves the rules of life and death, the rules of life carrier, that is, the rules of life, and so on. These rules have been regarded as the core of the world, the most important rule.

Generally speaking, being able to control this kind of rule basically represents the core fragment of nightmare reincarnation. Even if it is a fragment, its authority is much higher than that of the world.

According to what Chiba now knows, the core fragment of nightmare reincarnation has been implanted into the heart. When the heart is recovered into the body of liudao immortal, Chiba, who has been able to control the core fragment of nightmare reincarnation, will be able to control the core fragment of nightmare reincarnation completely beyond the jurisdiction of the world, Through the connection between the new rule of infinite reincarnation and other rules of the world, we can control the rules of the world.

In other words, the world is in his hands.

In other words, the will of the world and the six immortals are under his control.

In this case, how can he has the final say?

However, this is a kind of innocence after all.

The will of the world, the world itself and the six immortals are not idiots. How can such a simple trap not be seen through?

Since the core fragment of nightmare reincarnation has higher authority than the world, how can it not be found?

With high authority and the ability to operate without being aware of it, Chiba does not need to implant the core fragment of nightmare reincarnation into the heart. Is it better to control it directly?

"I'm sure."

In the face of Chiba's obviously mixed with some lucky words of hope, the six immortals were silent for a long time before they spoke.

Sounds, but hesitates.

It seems that we have weighed the pros and cons.

"Really... OK"

In this regard, Chiba sighed a little, and the fluke in his eyes disappeared after all. But the heart is very important to the six immortals or the will of the world. However, compared with the higher level of power inside, it can control their power. This important thing is not so important.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

In this sound, Chiba's right hand with the heart was suddenly transpiration with countless white gas. Chakra's coat seemed to be burned, showing a kind of gray black, but it was soon restored to its original appearance, and then it was burned again to gray black, and so on.

Obviously, it is Chiba that takes out the core fragment in the heart that belongs to the cycle of nightmare.


At this time, Chiba's left hand slowly opened, soft light from between the fingers to shine out, waiting for the palm to all expand, a small ball of light, quietly floating in the left palm.


When this little light ball is fully exposed, the whole dark space seems to open up suddenly. The light that was originally just a light curtain seems to expand and illuminate the whole space in an instant. In this instant, the original dark tone completely turns into a piece of light, and the surrounding light circle turns, as if the night turns into a sunny day in an instant.

"What are you doing?"

In this regard, the six immortals didn't care about the changes around them. They just looked at the hissing right hand and said with a little doubt.

"As you can see, I've brought out the other powers in it. You should also be able to feel it, so it's acceptable. "

Hearing the words, Chiba said so.

"Just return it?"

In this regard, the six immortals are silent for a while, it seems to accept what information, just open a way.

"It's my sincerity, and it's also a way to thank you for what you did for me in the past."

Smell speech, thousand leaf tiny smile, opening a way.

"Really... I don't doubt your sincerity, and I believe you didn't put anything else in my heart. Now, I just want to ask why your attitude towards me has changed so much. In any case, I can be your enemy, and everything you lose is more or less blocked by me. I can also be your enemy. In addition, you and I stand on the opposite side. What I do to your disadvantage is much more than what I do for you. What's more, what you promised in the past is also because the things on your left hand can completely destroy the world. It's just a trade. You don't have to do that, do you? "In this regard, the six immortals did not mean to accept the heart, and quite frankly said.

There is no doubt that the six immortals, the will of the present world, are not at ease with the heart sent by Chiba.

To be clear, now the six immortals, no, it should be said that the will of the world does not believe in Chiba, whether it is the heart sent by Chiba, or the so-called expression of sincerity, or what kind of thanks.

It's obvious. I don't believe you.

"Besides, you don't need six fairies anymore, do you?"

Finally, the six immortals spoke again.

Direct Chiba may say "that year promised you things, I at least complete the transaction" and other excuses also to erase.


Chiba gave a slight smile, but in the laughter, there was a hint of ridicule. Obviously, there was some dissatisfaction. However, although there was dissatisfaction, his tone was still quite calm. He only heard him say: "well, since you don't receive the good intentions, I really don't need any six fairies, or even, Now that I am able to awaken to samsara and write lunyan, I have mastered the six fairies. Well, in other words, the reason why I return my heart to you is to tell you that even if I don't need to rely on this so-called transaction, I am still destined to succeed and achieve my goal. And even if you make up for yourself and really reach the peak, you are doomed not to win me. Besides, I don't want anyone to come in any more. "

The implication is a naked declaration of victory.

On the contrary, he frowned, as if Chiba were right. He was in an absolute weak position.

"So, do you want to solve it in a peaceful way?"

Then, after a long time, liudaoxian said.

"Yes, maybe this world is insignificant to me. I have the power to tear up space, and I can go to another world. Even whether the world is destroyed or not has nothing to do with me. However, all the people I cherish are the people of this world and the life bred by this world. They have a natural dependence and trust on the world, just like children's dependence and trust on their parents. This is rooted in their souls and can't be changed. If this world is destroyed, they will always be missing a piece in their heart. This is what I don't want to see, so, To solve this matter peacefully and to solve the problem of the present position between you and me is my attitude, and this heart is the sincerity to express my attitude. "

In this regard, Chiba nodded and said.

"That is to say, if I do not accept this heart, it is a declaration of force to you?"

Wen Yan, the six immortals said so.

"Then you look down on me. It doesn't matter whether you accept it or not. I will still choose the path of peaceful settlement."

In this regard, Chiba's mouth raised a touch of scorn, light mouth way.

The implication is that this is my gift to you. It doesn't matter if you want to have an attitude.


And hear this sentence, the face of six immortals, but it is exposed a touch of bitterness helpless meaning, then gently sigh.

"You... Are really strong and impeccable."

Then, this sentence, with a sigh, blurted out.

This attitude, as can be seen from the six immortals, or the will of the world, is really the attitude that we should have when we are absolutely superior.

In other words, it's the strong side


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