"Well? This is... "

The darkness in front of his eyes slowly spread, and the general light gradually spread in front of his eyes. The past Chiba eyebrows slightly wrinkled. He had lost his feelings, but he was still confused.

In short, his way of existence over the past ten years is personality. Although he has normal thinking, memory and even the original will, it is only under the protection of the core fragments of the nightmare reincarnation universe that he can survive in the cracks of the world.

At this time, after more than ten years of operation, the rule of the fire shadow world and the dimension of the core fragment of the nightmare reincarnation universe, the transformation rule and grafting rule based on the present self, the nightmare reincarnation universe fragment that maintains his body consciousness and even personality, has been out of the body. Now he should have completely lost consciousness. No, it should be said that he should die out, It doesn't exist.

It is impossible to see the flow of light in front of us as we are now.

"What's the matter?"

And almost subconsciously, he looked around. At this moment, after the light fainted, his side was not that dark, but a kind of dreamlike light, soft and warm. Even if he had no feeling in his heart, he felt a kind of warmth that seemed to have been absent for a long time.

Of course, in this observation, what he saw was not a brilliant external image, but trying to distinguish all the details in the brilliant. But in this observation, he did not find any improper place.

In other words, it was beyond his common sense, and he could not see anything from it.

And all he could do was whisper.

"Is it over?"

At this time, behind him, there was a familiar but slightly strange voice.

This voice should have been familiar to him before. However, because he hadn't heard it for a long time, at first hearing it, he felt strange and different from the voice in his memory.


And although it was a familiar voice, he still subconsciously turned his head and asked.

Then, as soon as this sentence was uttered, he was stunned on the spot.

To tell you the truth, he hasn't had the feeling that his head can't turn around for a long time since he lost his feelings.

Although the loss of emotion has brought him a lot of trouble and even a heart disease, it has to be said that it has given him many magic weapons to survive in the nightmare samsara universe. For example, after losing his feelings, he will not be surprised or afraid. Therefore, no matter what happens, he will always have a constant calm, which is described by a commendatory word, It's true that Mount Tai has collapsed in front of him and never changed his face. Not only has he never changed his face, but he can even start to think at the first minute. Whether he is analyzing the situation or making up his mind, he seems to be extremely quick without the shackles of emotion.

Moreover, he has no feelings, but he has the experience and experience when he has feelings. After all, man is the same kind of animal, whether it's physical habits or psychological habits. As early as in the first stage of the cycle of nightmares, he has already felt it clearly. Only when he has feelings, he is disturbed by his own feelings and does not study deeply. After he loses his feelings, he has no feelings, These naturally appear in the memory, not only in the memory, but also in other people's body. Then, he looks at other people's emotions and emotional fluctuations, just like a bystander looking at the person's psychological narration, and can grasp the person's emotional weakness in an instant, So as to tempt him with words and make him obedient.

As a matter of fact, although the participants in the cycle of nightmares are all ferocious demons, in any normal world, they are basically the disaster of one side, or the culprits of destroying the world, they are all absolute egoists who have lost humanity and are extremely vicious, but just because they are absolute egoists, Their own human nature has gone to an extreme, or not at all, which makes them more simple and easier to think from their standpoint. Although some of them are extremely cunning, compared with the complex situation of human nature and animal nature, it is more complex and difficult to guess the direction of human thinking.

To tell you the truth, Chiba in the past preferred to deal with the vicious reincarnation of nightmares. After observing his own way in the fire shadow world, he was quite unsure of the idea of the people who could completely control the fire shadow world. After all, the people in the fire shadow world are more likely to go to extremes and frequently go to extremes, At least, he didn't expect that Hongyan, Chennai and jiuxinnai would interrupt his own reincarnation and natural skill.

Although he won't be depressed because of frustration, it still makes him feel a bit tricky. No matter how he thinks about it, it's impossible to prevent such a situation, because the initiative in this matter lies with the three of them, and he can't control the emotion of not saving other people's lives.

This is also the reason why he always wanted to regain his emotion. Emotion will make people contradict, and dispel their own reason because of contradiction. It will also make people weak. Because of emotion, they are timid, lose their spirit, and become weak. However, many miracles, which cannot be explained by logic, are often caused by emotion.

Emotion makes people weak, similarly, emotion also makes people incomparably strong.

At least, in the face of emotion, Chiba in the past can not confidently think that he can also show the devil's whispers.

And now, this kind of a Leng situation, let immediately reaction over the past Chiba, a little flustered.

After that, he didn't know what to say.

"Hard work, Captain!"

At this time, in front of him, came the uneven, familiar but different tones of sound.

"You... You..."

At this moment, it was almost subconscious, as if there was something hard in the heart suddenly broke. Chiba in the past trembled and opened his mouth, said a few words, and then seemed choked. He stopped talking, but he couldn't say anything.

At this moment, in front of him, in the world of flowing soft white light, empty space, in front of him, just three or five meters away, a group of people were standing.

There are beautiful women with graceful figure, lively and smart children with deep eyes, strong and honest men with scarred face, delicate and beautiful young people who look like women, and middle-aged people who are honest, honest and silent

At this moment, are looking at themselves with a smile, as if a long time to meet the old, each showing a sincere smile of joy.

It was during the cycle of nightmare that his teammates, who accompanied him to the second stage, also died miserably in front of him before the second stage, so he closed his heart, rejected his feelings, and finally lost his feelings.

It's also true, in countless trials and cruelty, the family members who are closely linked.

"We've been waiting for you, brother Ye."

At this time, seeing the appearance of Chiba in the past, the lively child jumped down from the woman's arm with a great effort, and stopped half a meter in front of Chiba in the past. He raised his head and blinked. In his deep eyes, his hands finally showed the child's unique clarity and simplicity, and said with a smile.

"But you... Even if there are six samsara, hell, and the world after death... No, no, I should have disappeared. I shouldn't see you again. Even if I can see you, it's another one..."

And at this time, looking at the child in front of him, his eyes were almost trembling, obviously shocked.

"Xiaoye, it's really hard for you all the time. Next, there won't be so much trouble."

Also at this time, the past his head into a dead end, unable to extricate themselves, the woman over there has come forward, soft voice said.

In the eyes, only gratitude and inexplicable tenderness.

"No! It's supposed to be an illusion... Right! The number is not right. What about autumn? What about Xiao Qiu? "

Then, almost subconsciously, Chiba said.

"Not here, ah Qiu. He's not here. Ah ye, it's time for us to go."

At this time, the scar horizontal face, seemingly ferocious, but only reliable and honest man in his eyes also came forward, so he said.

"We've been here, waiting for you."

At the same time, the pretty girl who came together, like a young girl, also said.

"Where to?"

In this regard, Chiba in the past forced down some hard things in his heart and broke them, and then all kinds of turbulent and unclear anger came. He took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

"Go to peace. This time, you are really dead. We are going to the final destination."

At this time, heard his words, looking at his nowhere to place the line of sight, finally stepped forward to open the silent middle-aged man, said.

"But... I'm just a personality, a mirage. Even if there's a destination or a place of stability, it's not me going, but another me going."

In this regard, the eyes of Chiba in the past flashed a trace of vigilance, retreated half a step, so he said.

But when it comes to the back, Chiba's words in the past are stable, and a familiar mechanical sense arises spontaneously.

As soon as the words came out, the five people looked at each other. For a moment, they didn't know how to explain it.

But after this did not know how to explain, five people actually did not have the initiative to open the mouth, only also with the past Chiba same, stepped back half a step.

Then, quietly waiting up.

As in those days, when they enter a nightmare world, they always wait for the people in front of them to figure out the situation, and then tell them what to do.

The atmosphere suddenly quieted down.

"What do you mean, we... Can go to a place of peace together, where... We can live?"

Under the sudden silence of the atmosphere, Chiba's eyes in the past trembled and seemed to think carefully, just like what he would do for the first time after entering a nightmare world“ Well In this regard, the five people looked at each other and nodded“ So, the place of peace, where is it? Or... Nightmare space? " Wen Yan, as like as two peas of Chiba, looked at the faces of all the people present, and after a definite similarity with the past, a strong sense of familiarity came to him. I don't know. " To this, five people skillfully shake head, a ask don't know“ How do you know the name of the land of peace? " Smell speech, in the past Chiba is not strange, and familiar to ask up, everything is so natural“ I don't know. " To this, 5 people shake head skillfully again, 2 ask do not know“ So, how did the name come out? " Smell speech, in the past Chiba is still familiar with the road“ I don't know. " After that, five people asked three questions“ That is to say, do you know this peaceful place unconsciously or instinctively? " In this regard, Chiba asked again“ Well Smell speech, five people repeatedly nod, looking at the past Chiba, a face of curiosity“ What about autumn? Why isn't Xiao Qiu here? " In this regard, Chiba nodded and asked another key question. The girl who rushed into the fire and detonated the last bomb, which would destroy the enemy who killed five people in front of her, and finally annihilated in the explosion, was the one who cut through the thorns with herself at the beginning“ Ah Qiu... Since he is not here, he should not be dead. " Smell speech, five people thought for a while, pursed lips, opening a way“ That way... Can you survive? " Chiba in the past was a little surprised and speechless“ I don't know. You all have great skills. " Smell speech, five people shrugged“ This... "In this regard, the past Chiba frowned, fell into deep thinking, no words. The five continued to remain silent, as if they were used to the things in front of them. However, this time, Chiba thought very long in the past. For a long time, there was no words. Finally, the five people could not sit still“ This... The captain means that we are waiting for ah Qiu here? Anyway, we are here when we die. Ah Qiu should be here when he dies. " After they couldn't sit still, they spoke straight“ Well... Don't wait. Maybe we'll never be able to wait for Xiaoqiu. Besides, if Xiaoqiu comes, we will be able to find us. Now the key is the place of peace. For you, you know instinctively, but I don't know instinctively. I'm different from you, but the only thing in common is that we are all dead. Interesting... Come on, let's go to this peaceful place. It's called tranquility, but it can also be restless. " And at this time, hear this, the past Chiba, that originally expressionless face, suddenly burst into a smile. In his eyes, he felt a little excited. Especially after seeing the five familiar people who can't be more familiar, the words are even more exciting“ Good“ We'll do whatever you say! "“ Go And five people are also happy, although Xiaoqiu may not wait for some loss, but this endless time of waiting, or worth it. As long as the young people in front of us are there, it doesn't matter where we go. Said, six people step out together, thinking of the source of light, strode away. On the other hand, people's faces are full of happy smiles, contented and peaceful. And with the steps of the people, the streamer also slowly burst out a blazing white light, and in a moment, it dissipated into darkness. As if these people had never appeared. And here, there was nothing. www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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