
In the center of the world shrouded in darkness again, the six immortals wrapped in the pure white flame of chakra's coat radiate soft white light. As soon as they pick their eyebrows, they seem to find something and say.

This sound, as if to remind here invisible someone or some existence in general.


But in this sound, in the darkness, there is a gap suddenly. Then, it suddenly opens, and the same pure white light escapes from it. Suddenly, a light curtain comes to the center of the dark world again, just like the scene of the first light when the world is just born and evolved.


Then, a foot, covered with pure white flame, slowly stepped out of the light curtain.

Then, the torn space closed, and under the light curtain, there was a young man wrapped in a pure flame chakra coat.

That is, Chiba.


Who is this man?

And as like as two peas in the world, Chiba is just a little bit stunned. At this moment, in addition to six fairies, beside his six fairies, there is still a dark shadow, which is exactly the same as the six fairies. Squinting, the shadow is made up of countless chains of similar rules and various information languages.


Is that the will of the world?

And the next second, he knew what he saw.

"Where did you... Go?"

At this time, squinting at Chiba's six immortals, there was such a question in his mouth.

"Yes, where?"

At the same time, the six immortal like shadow also said.

Just now, although they knew that Chiba, the outsider in front of us, went to see the master with the permission of the world itself, they did not know that when Chiba, the outsider, went, no matter the will of the world or the spokesperson of the world, liudaoxian, no longer felt this person, just like Chiba, the outsider, had never appeared in the world.

This is the first time since the birth of this world. One is the will of the world, the other is the spokesman of the world. The scope of perception is worldwide. No matter the world of the living or the world after death, as long as the person they lock in, they will be able to sense the way.

Such things as the sudden disappearance of the alien Chiba in their perception are really unprecedented and their biggest question now.

"I went, out of the world."

To this, Chiba honestly replied.

"Is the person you want to see outside the world?"

And hear this words, that six immortals appearance of black shadow is almost subconscious opening to ask a way.

"Yes, at first, I didn't think that he was outside the world."

In this regard, Chiba a show hand, with a smile, such as opening way.


It must be the will of the world.

At the same time, in his heart, he further determined that the shadow of the six immortals in front of him was the will of the world.

"Can you hear me? No, you can not only hear me directly, but also see me? "

At this time, the will of the world is startled and blurted out a surprise.


At the same time, the six immortals, who are also aware of this, can't help opening their mouths.


And at this time, feel two people surprised mood, for a moment, did not pay attention to this layer of Chiba also froze.

Obviously, because of the grafting rules, under the irrigation of one percent of the world's power, and the connection between the grafting rules and the world itself, he has a higher dimension, at least a world-class dimension. Although the world will and the six immortals are closely related to the world itself, they are lower than the world itself, It's not strange to be able to hear and see the will of the world that can't be seen or heard.

However, Chiba didn't know how to explain it.

Now, facing the creation of the world, he can't say that I designed a rule to draw on the power of your mother, and then, connected with your mother. Now I can say that I am half your mother.

This sounds like a bit of a beating.

"Is it... Does the world recognize you?"

However, next, the six immortals did not embarrass him for long. After frowning and silence, they suddenly said.

Obviously, it should have received the information of the world itself.

"Recognition? Recognize an outsider? "

The will of the world is indeed the will of the world to get rid of outsiders, which was created specifically to suppress the existence of outsiders. Hearing this, it almost exploded on the spot and blurted out.

The implication is no doubt a joke or something. If an outsider can admit it, what is the significance of its existence and what are the things he has done for thousands of years?

Are you kidding?

"Well, so you can rest assured that I'm on your side."

Chiba said.

In a sense, he is indeed recognized by the world itself, but he does not know whether this recognition is due to the self thinking recognition of the existence of the world itself, or because of the connection of grafting rules, the world itself has to recognize him.

Therefore, Chiba is quite conservative.

More or less, he was a little guilty.

After all, half of the possibilities are that he robbed the power of the world, that is, the two mothers in front of him, and then said that this is actually the world, that is, what your mother gave me, not only for me, but also for your mother to let you completely believe me and help me.

In any case, Chiba is not so brazen as to say that before making clear whether this recognition is in the world itself.

However, since they think so, it is necessary for him to emphasize or imply that his current position is the same as theirs.

Now, the world itself has become the source of his strength, the basis of his travel to the universe, the key to capture the new core of the universe, and the key to protect his own universe and his mother. Here, maybe these two people are not as strong as his intention to protect the world.


For Chiba's words, the will of the world almost subconsciously hummed a cold, open mouth will be ironic.

"All right! That's what the world itself says

However, the irony and disbelief of the will of the world didn't come out after all. The six immortals looked at it and interrupted its words. Then, after looking at Chiba, they asked, "that perfect world, have you found a solution?"

"Well! Tell me if you have found a solution! "

As for the interruption of the six immortals, the will of the world does not seem to have much opinion, or it is very convinced of the world itself. At least, after the six immortals put out the world itself, the will of the world softened.

"Found it."

Chiba seems to have been prepared for this. When his left hand is slowly raised, and the light is overflowing between his fingers. When his left hand is fully opened, both the six immortals and the will of the world feel that the whole dark center is completely illuminated, and a palpitating atmosphere suddenly fills the bright center.

"What is this?"

Seeing the object in the palm, the six immortals and the will of the world screamed out almost at the same time.

At the moment, in front of them is a familiar but strange thing.

It's familiar because they've seen it before. It's the light ball of the debris in the core of the universe, the nightmare cycle of Chiba.

It is strange because of the power it radiates, the strong feeling that it seems to suck them in and melt them, but the light sphere of the debris in the core of the universe in the previous nightmare cycle is completely different.

If we have to make a metaphor, the light ball before was like a calm ocean. Even they could feel a kind of gentleness, as if children met adults with a sense of security. Now, although the light ball has no change in appearance, it feels like a rough wave of choosing people. If they are not careful, they will be crushed into powder, Become the dust in the storm.

To tell you the truth, if they didn't have to face up and show their timidity, they would have run far away.

"Cluck, cluck!"

At this time, they blurted out their surprise subconsciously, but the only bright color of the ground suddenly raised, as if in the sound of hard ground friction, a half man high round platform composed entirely of light rose between them and Chiba.

"That's the solution."

To this, Chiba gently put the light ball on the platform, and then raised his head and said.

"The solution?"

In this regard, the six immortals and the world will frown at the same time, obviously some unknown, so, at the same time, frown at the same time, they retreat a lot of distance without trace.

"Yes, it is used to deal with the perfect world. As long as the perfect world is close to a certain distance, it can use the rules written by the core of the universe to destroy the core of the world."

Hearing this, Chiba explained.

The sphere of light on the platform in front of him is the core fragment of the nightmare reincarnation universe, which is another choice given to him by his past self.

Although this choice cannot be used in this world, it does not mean that it cannot be used in other worlds, such as the perfect world.

In a word, Chiba now has the power of the world, even if it is only one percent. In addition, the perfect world and this world should be homologous. When he enters the perfect world, he also has absolute power. It's easy to reach the core of the world. Just by implanting this transformation rule into the perfect fire shadow world, he will be able to obtain the power of the whole world. At that time, he will not only be able to solve the crisis faced by the world, but also be able to save the world's jiuxinnai who he cherishes, It can be said that it's killing birds with one stone. As for jiuxinnai in the perfect world, Chiba, who has experienced the cycle of nightmares and the cruelty of the world of fire shadow, is not so hypocritical. As like as two peas, the two world as like as two peas, but the same as their own, they are independent of their feelings. Indeed, the nine world of the world is able to give him life and selfless love for him. But jiuxinnai of the perfect fire shadow world doesn't know him. If jiuxinnai of the perfect fire shadow world is still alive, he, an outsider, will break into the world and do harm to it. I'm afraid jiuxinnai of the perfect fire shadow world will be the first one to kill himself. Chiba doesn't care about the life and death of a stranger. Of course, the perfect world of fire shadow has already evolved the plot of the original work, which is the so-called fixed fate. Jiu xinnai should have died, and there can not be Hongyan and Chennai in that world, or even three idiots. They may not exist. In doing so, Chiba has no psychological burden at all. And because of the perfect evolution of that world, the protagonists are whirlpool Naruto and yuzhibo Sasuke. To tell you the truth, these two people can't stop him who has the power of the world. With the dimension reduction blow of the core debris of the nightmare samsara universe, Chiba can easily win even if it is perfect. However, Chiba doesn't like the term "evolution perfect world". That perfect world may be more like the original work. If Naruto in the original work can also evolve into a world, it must be the perfect world. And their frequent appearance of outsiders in the world is more like fire shadow novels. It's just that it doesn't matter. What's more, there is always a strange feeling when you think about it, as if fire shadow and people want to eat the original Naruto. It's full of the feeling of "down and up". However, some of them are in line with the ideas of the producing countries of the original work, which makes Chiba a little uncomfortable“ You mean, this can directly destroy that perfect world? " And at this time, a little Leng for a while, the world will said. However, although the tone of questioning, but in the language, it is able to see a positive. Obviously, just feel the power of this light ball, the world will be sure, this light ball can destroy the perfect world“ Yes, but in terms of distance, it needs to be quite close. Otherwise, if I move over, I will consume a lot of power of the core fragments of the universe. I don't have the power of the extra core fragments of the universe on hand. " Smell speech, Chiba nods, affirmation is associated with explain general say“ Do you... Want to leave this here, in this... World? " And the six immortals asked directly at this time. For him, the world itself and his connection had let him know that there was no doubt. His doubt was another aspect“ Yes, or that sentence, it's my sincerity. " For the words of the six immortals, Chiba said with a smile. Chiba, who has experienced the reincarnation of nightmares and the cruelty of the world, knows that this low posture is easier to gain people's hearts. Moreover, compared with the obedience that comes from the pressure, the cooperation brought by this deep-seated sense of security is a long-term and safe way. Besides, this sphere of light, the core fragment of the nightmare reincarnation universe, is fused with his soul, and no one can launch it except his soul. Why not? www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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