"I'm full. You eat slowly. I'm training. "

In the clatter of dishes and chopsticks, Chiba put down the big bowl of Haikou and suddenly stood up.

All of a sudden, the beating sound of the dishes and chopsticks in the room stopped. Kakashi, Dai Tu and Lin raised their heads one after another, watching Chiba run out of the kitchen with a look of astonishment.

And Chennai, Nai Xu and Hongyan slightly pause for a moment, then see accustomed to continue to eat.

"Oh, it's OK. Chiba has always been like this."

But at this time, seems to feel the surprise of Kakashi and others, Chennai quickly added a sentence.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Just as Cheney's words fell, there was a sound of flesh hitting the stake outside.

"That guy is really a practicing fool."

Hearing Chennai's explanation, and the sound of the sound outside that seems to be in line with Chennai's mind, he picked up chopsticks again with soil, impolitely clipped the meat, and swallowed the rice into the mouth, vaguely said.

As soon as this sentence came out, the percussion sound of the dishes and chopsticks, which had been gradually remembered, was suddenly smothered, and the eyes of the remaining few people immediately fell on his head.

Being called a fool by the soil, I don't know if Chiba will turn his face after listening to it

In their hearts, such an idea came out.

While taking soil is eating with a stuffy head. It seems that they don't notice the strange things around. Gradually, people's eyes move away. They eat separately. Naixu, Chennai and Lin also talk about things that girls are interested in, such as where the ornaments are more beautiful, where the clothes are comfortable, and so on I didn't talk about chakra, ninja and other things belonging to ninja.

As for the boys, Kakashi is also destroying the dishes on the table. Although Hongyan is basically eating, his eyes have turned scarlet before he knows it. San gouyu's writing wheel eyes pay attention to Kakashi's mask from time to time, and occasionally frown, as if wondering how Kakashi ate that without taking off the mask So many things.

However, although the boy group is quiet on the surface, in addition to Hongyan, the other two people's minds are somewhat scattered.

The guy, not only a genius, but also didn't give himself the rest time, was he training all the time?

To what extent does he have to fight before he gives up!

This is the idea in the heart of a man who eats with his head down.

What is the reason for Chiba's fatal training? I'm afraid that in recent years, he has no entertainment time at all. He has been training all the time. As long as he can make use of the time he can make use of, now, after completing such a task, his strength has far exceeded that of his peers. Even those of us who are older may not be able to match him.

Those who were in the same period with him, except Hongyan and Chennai, had been dumped by him for hundreds of streets. Although they had graduated, they could not reach the moderate tolerance level. Of course, there were some excellent people, but they were still far from being able to catch up with him.

But why?

What is chasing him behind, forcing him to train recklessly and improve his strength recklessly.

There must be a reason for this. If there is no deeper reason than getting stronger, even Kay can't sacrifice everything for training like Chiba.

Chiba is too abnormal. His persistence in improving his strength is too abnormal.

But is there a deeper reason for Chiba?

He has already completed the task that is absolutely S-level in difficulty. His strength, comprehensive strength, has been able to cope with most of the dangers, even most of them.

Even if you relax, it doesn't matter, and he should also know that training this thing, also need to relax, blindly carry out high-intensity training, and ultimately can only bring himself down.

In a sense, it is unwise for him to train so hard.

And he can't be so unwise. His wisdom, in our issue, is the strongest, and I can't compare with him.

He would not have explained that.

In the end, there is only one possibility that this "deeper reason" is forcing him to do such training. He has to

What is on his back?

At this time, when Kakashi turned his mind, he still flashed all the things he saw when he came to the celebration party that day, those wooden piles, the bloody open space All of these show the training process of Chiba in recent years. At the same time, his heart has gradually confirmed that there is a secret in Chiba that he doesn't know and can't guess, which forces Chiba to train hard.

This secret can never be defeated, and it needs great strength.

That's all he knows.

Moreover, intuitively, he felt that the secret could never be told. Chiba could only bear the secret alone.

Is it better to just ask?And in the end, he came to this conclusion.

"With soil, in the afternoon, continue fishing?"

After reaching this conclusion, Kakashi put down her clean bowl and opened her mouth.


As soon as this sentence came out, he almost spouted the soup out of his mouth with soil, and looked at Kakashi with wide eyes.

Not only with soil, Kakashi's words, even Lin almost exclaimed, a face of incredible looking at Kakashi.

Even Chennai and Hongyan are surprised to look at each other.

Are you kidding? Kakashi asked to take the soil?

The sun didn't come out in the West today!

And at this time, several people's hearts have such an idea.

Kakashi I don't have a fever today

Even, as the party's taking the soil, the idea in the heart is more surprised than these people, people are in a daze.


The chopsticks in the hands of the earth fell on the dining table and made a crisp sound.

Today, Kakashi, what's wrong!

This sound, in addition to Kakashi himself, all the people's hearts have issued a cry, slowly is incredible.

"To go?"

But Kakashi did not seem to feel these incredible, but asked again, even his head turned to the soil.

"Oh Oh, go

Noticing Kakashi's familiar and disgusting dead fish eyes, he was not angry at all with the soil, and he was stunned.

No, is Kakashi broken?

And in his heart, can't help but rise such an idea.

"I'll go shopping with Chennai and NASH in the afternoon."

Almost in the soil should be under this sound, Lin busy mouth way, in the voice, with a touch of urgency, as if a bit "shaken".

"Well, the three of us are going shopping."

Chennai and Nai Xu nodded to confirm Lin's words, for fear that Kakashi did not understand why Lin could not accompany the fishing.

"Er Sorry, I'm going to remodel the bathroom. "

After the girl group's words, Hongyan was also busy opening his mouth, with a faint apology on his face.


On the words of Lin and others, Kakashi pulled the corner of his mouth.

I invited to take the soil. Why do you all explain to me why you can't go? I didn't ask if you wanted to go fishing.

Then, he quickly thought of something.

I invite to take soil, is it really so incredible?

He gave a wry smile, but it soon began to subside.

No matter what reason Chiba has, I believe he won't hurt any of us. Let him train at ease here and let the guy with soil leave him alone.

But in his heart, it was the reason for inviting the local people.

Today, Kakashi is so abnormal. Forget it, you'd better take a good look at him, and don't go to Chiba.

At the same time, with a helpless look at Kakashi, heart out of this with the idea of regret.

Alas, I also want to ask why Chiba is so desperate!

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