"101, 102..."

Without a trace of laziness of the punch, heavy hit on the new wooden pile, the pile slightly vibrated, layer by layer of tiny crumbs rustled down.

"Chiba, I went fishing with Kakashi!"

At this time, the voice of soil came from behind.


Chiba, who frowned slightly, nodded, but did not look back.

"Let's go!"

At this time, behind the dirt that jumped out of the back door, Kakashi slowly turned out of the back door with his fishing rod, bucket and bait, and went straight around the thousand leaves to the woods.

"Well, Kakashi, it's rude of you to do this!"

Seeing Kakashi go straight away, he didn't say hello to Chiba at all. He rushed to catch up with him and criticized him unhappily. By the way, he also added his dissatisfaction with this guy since this morning.

"Chiba is training. You are very rude."

However, to his displeasure, Kakashi quickly responded with his unconcerned voice, and by the way refuted all his words.

"What do you say, Kathy?"

At that time, with soil some jump feet angry cry.

"Be quiet. It will disturb Chiba. It's very impolite."

Obviously, Kakashi didn't pay attention to the anger of jumping feet with soil, and poured a handful of oil on the fire.

"What! Card! Card! West

Obviously, he was completely angry.

"Hush! Be quiet

Kakashi said lazily, without looking back.


This time, the rustic ones couldn't speak at all.


At this time, the two have entered the woods, and there is a faint sigh of Kakashi. Even the "fool" implied in this sigh is "clearly audible".

"Kakashi, have a competition! We must have a contest and fight! It's a showdown! "

After this sigh, Dai Tu finally couldn't hold back and roared. In this sound, Dai Tu's teeth and claws were almost all "close in front of me".

"Yes, yes, a contest, yes, a showdown..."

Kakashi's careless voice sounded again, and seemed more helpless.

"Card! Card! West! I will kill you

And after this sentence, it seems that the land is completely rampant.


As the roar of the rampage fell, the sound of a face hitting a tree faintly came. It seemed that a tree in the forest trembled, and the leaves fell in succession.

"Stop for me

Then, there was a roar of anger.


"What a shame..."

At this time, behind Chiba, came Lin's helpless voice, and a complaint: "really, Kakashi and daitu, can't get along well?"

"Why, I feel they have a good relationship."

At this time, Nai Xu's voice sounded, as if to comfort Lin.

"Well, it has to be a good relationship to do that."

Then Cheney's voice rang out.


Lin's voice is full of broken feelings.

"Chiba, we went shopping."

At this time, Chennai's voice sounded again, but it was a farewell to Chiba.


Chiba nodded and hit the stake with a fist.

"Well, let's go."

Hearing Chiba's response, Chennai in the door simply called Nai Xu and Lin with a helpless face. The three girls went out to the front door in a ring.


The door closed.

Have you all left?

Hearing the door closing, Chiba's stiff face softened a little, and his fists kept pounding at the stake.

Why say hello to me There was no such rule before?

Chiba's eyebrows seem to be more tight.


At this time, the back door seems to have been opened, but Chiba didn't pay attention to it. He just counted silently and wasted a morning's time. In order to complete today's training plan, he can't waste a little time now.


Then, the voice of Hongyan sounded behind him.

Can't you?

Hearing Hongyan's voice, Chiba frowned and his face became stiff.

Even Hongyan accepted the new rules? Is this polite to me, or is it intended to disturb me.

When the idea came to light, Chiba pulled at the corner of his mouth.

"I'm going to cut down trees. I'm going to finish the bathroom today. I've seen your plan, and I'll follow that."Hongyan said,

really came to say hello to me!

Chiba's mouth twitched for a moment, and then nodded, "Oh" one.

The next step is light sound. From the sound of footsteps, Chiba can imagine Hongyan walking behind him.


Chiba hit the stake with one blow, but he stopped. His fist was stuck on the stake, but he didn't take it back. The second blow did not continue to hurt.

"Wait a minute, Hirohito!"

All of a sudden, he turned his head to look at Hongyan and stopped him.

"What's the matter?"

Hearing Chiba's shouts, Hongyan, who has already walked out of a distance, turns around and says with a poker face.

"Help me get some wood and make stakes."

Chiba maintained the posture of punching and opened his mouth.


Hongyan nodded and took a look at the three new piles erected by Chiba, as well as the corner with no logs. He felt clear in his heart and answered.

"Well, thank you."

Chiba said, turning back, ready to continue physical training.

Hongyan did not respond, but took a look at the posture of Chiba. With a slight frown and a slight flicker of doubt, Hongyan went to the part of the forest where he had been cutting down trees.

It's strange. How do I feel that the footwall of Chiba and the standing posture are a little strange, but they seem to be very familiar. It seems that I've seen the footwork of Chiba. Where have I seen it?

Not only the familiar footwork, but also the familiar people

Who is it?

What is the pace?

As he walked, Hongyan's brows became more and more frowned, and his doubts became stronger and his recollection became more careful. However, it seemed that there was something wrong with him, he never remembered it.

And at the same time, Chiba at this time, also fell into a doubt that how can't remember.

Er What is the next punch?

Looking at the hand stuck on the stake, Chiba a face bitter down.


After thinking about it for a while, Chiba gave up and decided to start over a hundred times. At the same time, the idea of interrupting because of the greeting with soil also turned again.

Physical training is too time-consuming. If such training continues, then I may never be able to perfect the two self-made Ninja arts, nor can I configure new prescriptions to cure Nai Xu.

The total time of physical training is eight hours, which is basically a day time. However, the drug research will start tomorrow. In other words, I can't do anything except physical training.

Now, what I need is not step-by-step training, but explosive training, so that I can make rapid progress in sports in a short period of time.

3000 base is not enough!

What I need now is

5000 base training!

What's more, 5000 base training to be completed in ten hours!

Only in this way Only in this way can we

Thinking, Chiba's teeth slightly bit up, 5000 cardinal number, is the limit of his body that he judges now, and is also the best cardinal number to consolidate his body and improve his physical ability!

You can only put all your eggs in one basket. Instead of taking care of this and that, you can't do well on both sides in the end. It's better to do one side first and then do other things!

Moreover, if only physical training, even if you are exhausted after ten hours, there will be five hours for drug research that day

Well, training plan changed!

Soon, Chiba made up his mind.

Then, at the moment when he made up his mind, he took back his hand with a sudden thump, and the green light in his eyes burst out.

It feels like

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