Switch the perspective to Pei Bu Le.

As soon as he saw the monster, Pei Bu Le ran away.

He pressed his watch while running.

As the young master of the Pei family, the watch he wore was not an ordinary item.

It was a smart watch with integrated space storage and monster illustrations.

A small light screen popped up from the watch, and a sweet female voice began to broadcast the information of the monster.

Behind him, the Colt Blade Soldier was chasing closely.

As a Pokémon-type monster with a speed racial value of up to 60, its speed was far faster than Pei Bu Le, who was fat and did not exercise.

The Colt Blade Soldier roared and quickly caught up with Pei Bu Le's back.

Then the knife light lit up, and it swung its hand knife.

This is its unique skill [Continuous Slash].

Continuous Slash, a bug-attribute move, causes damage to the enemy through slashing.

Just when its steel knife was about to touch Pei Bu Le's back, a monster appeared out of thin air and bounced the Colt Blade Soldier's steel knife back like a very tough rubber.

Pei Bu Le turned around and stood still, holding a card in his hand.

"What? It's just a first-level monster, and it can only attack physically."

He smiled and pointed at the monster in front of him, which was soft and like a big ball of marshmallow.

"Marshmallow! Let this monster see that there is no future in physical attack."

Marshmallow, one of the signature monsters of Muto Yugi in the Yu-Gi-Oh World, is a low-level monster of light attribute and angel family.

Although its attack power and defense power are not high, it has a special ability.

That is, this monster has immunity to physical damage, and it is difficult for swords and guns to pierce Marshmallow's skin.

One knife did not defeat the enemy, and the horse sword soldier waved his steel knife to attack again.

It was the same action, but the power was doubled.

This is the effect of the skill [Continuous Slash]. When the continuous slash successfully hits the opponent, the power of the continuous slash will be doubled.


The steel knife chopped Marshmallow's body and was rebounded again.

Marshmallow no longer defended blindly. Its smiling mouth suddenly opened, revealing its sharp teeth, and bit towards the Colt Sword Soldier.

You cut, I bite, the two monsters fought back and forth.

Relying on the combat effect of immunity to physical damage, Marshmallow became more and more fierce, and seemed to have a great advantage.

Although its attack power was not high, its multiple attacks still caused a lot of damage to the Colt Sword Soldier.

Moreover, Marshmallow's bites were mainly aimed at the legs. The Colt Sword Soldier's legs were injured, and its speed was reduced little by little.

After being bitten by Marshmallow again, the momentum of the Colt Sword Soldier suddenly changed.

Its power became stronger again, and its two hand knives emitted a metallic luster.

"Oh no, this monster has a special feature."

Pei Bu Le smacked his lips.

The monster illustration on the watch showed that after being attacked several times, the Colt Sword Soldier's unique feature "Unwilling to Give Up" was triggered.

[Unwilling to Give Up], after the opponent's ability is reduced in battle, its own attack power will increase.

"And look at the luster on its hand blade, it's going to use the new skill [Metal Claw]."

[Metal Claw] is a steel skill, the initial power is stronger than the continuous slash, and there is a small chance to enhance its own attack power.

I don't know if it has suffered enough from the marshmallows, this time the colt knife soldier actually ignored the marshmallows and rushed towards Pei Bu Le.

"Oh, can't you afford it?"

Pei Bu Le immediately took a few steps back.

The real world is not the desktop battle of Yu-Gi-Oh, there is no rule that all monsters must be defeated before attacking the summoner.

This is also the biggest shortcoming of the summoner, their own defense is too weak.

Seeing the steel knife with a metallic luster slashing towards him, Pei Bu Le hurriedly threw out a new card.

There is a pair of orange glasses on this card, and the scene in the glasses is exactly marshmallows.

The glasses flew out of the card and were directly put on the face of the colt knife soldier.

The steel knife waving at Pei Bu Le immediately turned.

The Colt Blade Soldier ran to Marshmallow and slashed as if he couldn't see Pei Bule.

As expected, he was repelled by the opponent's super elastic skin.

"Hey, how can you attack an innocent summoner?"

Pei Bule crossed his arms and sat on the ground beside him to watch the excitement.

The card he just used is called [Marshmallow's Glasses].

The effect is that it can be worn on the face of a target monster, so that it can only attack the monster Marshmallow.

Just like what is drawn on the card, "only Marshmallow in eyes".

Although the metal claws are very shiny, they can't cause any damage under Marshmallow's super elastic skin.

Finally, under Marshmallow's persistent biting, the Colt Blade Soldier roared unwillingly and turned into gray mist and drifted away.


"That year, I used both handsPut your hands in your pockets, I don't know what an opponent is~~"

Pei Bu Le whistled, put his hands in his pockets, and then walked deeper into the fog.


On the other side of the battlefield, Li Shanyi also encountered a monster shaped like a sword with a long blue ribbon wrapped around its head.

Although there is no monster illustration, Li Shanyi studies hard and has a strong memory, so he has memorized most of the monster illustration.

Relying on his memory, he immediately recognized the monster in front of him.

The monster that looks like an ancient sword comes from the Pokémon world, It's called [Single Sword Sheath].

The single sword sheath made a creepy laugh and floated in the air like a ghost.

It flew back and forth, but didn't get close to Li Shanyi, making it hard to tell what it was up to.

But in the mist, its shadow quietly stretched out and circled behind Li Shanyi.

This is one of its skills, [Shadow Sneak Attack], which can use shadows to launch attacks, a skill unique to the ghost system.

But as soon as the shadow launched the attack, Li Shanyi quickly moved sideways as if he had eyes behind his head, dodging the shadow's sneak attack.

"Is this your attacking move?"

"How can you possibly attack me if you can't even hide a trace of malice? "

For some reason, Li Shanyi, who had left Qin Shi and Pei Bule, spoke in a voice as cold as ice, without any expression.

He slowly drew out the Sun Wheel Sword.

Lightning began to flicker in the air.

The arrogant Du Jianshao shuddered, and the monster's intuition told him that the human in front of him was not something he could deal with.

It immediately floated higher, and its steel body was as light as a piece of white paper.

Another skill was activated by it, called "Body Lightening".

[Body Lightening], cut off the useless parts of the body, greatly increase its speed, and at the same time, the weight will become much lighter.

After performing the skill, the Du Jianshao suddenly accelerated, drew an arc in the air, and floated towards the distance.

The ghost monster that sucked the life of others actually fled in a hurry as if it had seen its nemesis.

"You know to run away now? It's too late! "

Li Shanyi looked at the monster coldly. He was not dizzy, but his breathing had changed.

"Thunder Breathing, Form 1, Thunderbolt Flash."

A flash of lightning suddenly appeared, and Li Shanyi's figure disappeared from the spot.

A moment later.

Using the skill [Body Lightweight], the sword sheath increased its speed to the limit and looked at its body in disbelief.

The steel body that looked like an ancient sword had broken into two pieces at this moment, and then turned into ashes.

And Li Shanyi had already walked in front of the monster.

The Sun Wheel Sword was inserted into the sheath.

He didn't even look behind him, and walked into the depths of the fog.

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