On Qin Shi's side, the battle ended earlier than the two.

The sudden appearance of the two monsters, the Colt Blade Soldier and the Single Sword Scabbard, did not slow down Qin Shi's pace.

He walked while forming seals with both hands.


Fire escape, Great Fireball Technique!

A fierce fireball spewed out of Qin Shi's mouth and sprayed towards the Colt Blade Soldier.

A killing move as soon as they met.

Before the Colt Blade Soldier could react, he was burned to ashes by Qin Shi.

Fire system defeats insect system.

The Great Fireball Technique caused high attribute damage to the Colt Blade Soldier, resulting in a one-hit kill effect.

Shocked by the instant death of the other monster, the blue ribbon of the Single Sword Scabbard began to tremble.

But unlike the same monster facing Li Shanyi, this Single Sword Scabbard was obviously much braver.

Its body became parallel to the ground, and it stabbed towards Qin Shi like a flying sword.

This is one of the skills of the Dujianshao, "Chop"!

A complete attack skill, using the characteristics of the sword to thrust or slash at the opponent.

But Qin Shi just raised the corner of his mouth, and he pulled out the Zanpakuto from the system space.

Then his eyes were stern, and black magatama appeared in his eyes.

Under the effect of the Sharingan, the high-speed thrust of the Dujianshao was like slow motion.

Qin Shi turned sideways and perfectly avoided the thrust of the Dujianshao.

Then he held his long sword and slashed at the blade of the Dujianshao.

Zanpakuto, naturally has higher damage to ghost-type and evil-type creatures.

Especially Qin Shi's Zanpakuto, which has awakened the memory of the sword and turned into the most powerful fire-type.

Just one collision, the Dujianshao was immediately like tofu, and was cut in two by the Zanpakuto.

The whole battle took less than ten seconds.

The two monsters were eliminated by Qin Shi.

After dealing with the attacking monsters, Qin Shi continued to walk into the depths of the fog.

The deeper he went, the more broken swords he saw.

"These swords are not ordinary broken swords."

He picked up a sword and looked at it.

This is a sword with flame-like patterns, the curvature of the blade is very small, and there is no ridge (the ridge is a narrow groove on the blade that is polished or hammered out).

Qin Shi immediately recognized the sword.

In the One Piece world, Tashigi's sword is one of the "50 Best Swords" and is called Huazhou.

It is also a famous sword in the One Piece world.

"But the flame patterns on this sword are uneven, not as neat as the pattern of Huazhou in the anime."

"This seems to be..."

Qin Shi thought for a while.

"Someone is imitating Huazhou, but the imitation failed and only made a defective product, so this defective product was thrown in the sword tomb."

He picked up another sword not far away.

This is a long sword with a white handle, a straight blade, and a guard that is flush with the handle.

"This should be the Kusanagi sword that Sasuke used in the Naruto world."

He picked up the Kusanagi sword and flicked the blade with his fingers, making a dull sound.

"But it seems that the strength of the blade is average."

Qin Shi held the long sword, and a burst of lightning burst out from his hand.

He was trying to inject the "Chidori" lightning into this Kusanagi sword.

After [Chidori] was upgraded to LV4, Qin Shi already had the strength to use the "Chidori Flow".

But not long after his lightning was injected into the Kusanagi sword, the blade began to make a crackling sound, and then cracks appeared.

After a while, with a snap, the blade broke into more than a dozen pieces.

"Sure enough, the strength is far inferior to Sasuke's sword in Naruto!"

In the Naruto anime, Sasuke often infuses Chidori into the sword body to increase the attack range of the lightning escape.

Qin Shi looked at several other knives and swords scattered on the ground.

There is a wooden sword made of wood with "Dongting Lake" engraved on the blade. This is a replica of the sword of the male protagonist Sakata Gintoki in the anime "Gintama".

There is a long sword with hundreds of tiny saw teeth. The whole blade smells of grease. It can even ignite the whole sword by wiping sparks from the ground.

This sword is made to imitate the real "Infinite Blade" of Shishio in "Rurouni Kenshin".

There is a long sword with a black blade and a guard shaped like a quarter of the sun.

This is a sword made to imitate the "Elucidator" sword of the male protagonist Kirito in the anime "Sword Art Online".

"Wow, there is such a big knife?"

Qin Shi looked at the ten-meter-long big knife in front of him. The blade was wide and thick, but the handle was very slender.

"Is this a replica of the [Dust Blade] used by Wu Ya in "The Worm Envoy"?"

The Worm Envoy world is a world where giant insects run all over the ground. The Dust Blade can be said to be the most amazing knife that kills giant insects in that world.

Not only is it easy to kill insects, but it can also absorb the energy of insects.force.

"I don't know if this sword can absorb the power of insect monsters. If it can, it must be above the legendary level."

Qin Shi sighed as he looked at the huge long sword in front of him.

"I roughly understand."

"This sword tomb should be the place where the swordsmiths in the legendary Cangjian Villa discarded the defective swords after refining the swords from another world."

"Such a large sword tomb, there are more than tens of thousands of defective swords in it."

"With such a large number of swords, the sword energy and sword energy have reached a very high level. No wonder some monsters related to swords are born."

Just as he continued to move forward, he felt a breath of air gathering, and finally transformed into a huge long sword phantom in front of him.

The voice of the long sword phantom suddenly appeared in Qin Shi's mind.

"I... am the sword spirit born in this sword tomb, and also the guardian of this sword tomb."

"I was created by the resentment of countless abandoned swords, but the Cangjian Villa is still the master of our swords, and we cannot easily disobey."

"This sword tomb not only has countless broken swords abandoned by those sword forgers, but also has foreign swords that were attracted by the sword energy of the sword tomb and transported here by the gray fog."

"Outsider, are you willing to accept the trial, get the opportunity to continue exploring in the secret realm, and the signpost leading to Cangjian Villa?"

"If you refuse, I will send you out of the secret realm immediately and never allow you to enter again."

Qin Shi looked at the majestic sword spirit in front of him, and the monster illustration on his face had no reaction.

Obviously, this is a monster that the old professors of Tiangong College have never seen.

He immediately activated the Eye of Inheritance, one of the three major abilities of the system.

The Eye of Inheritance can be said to be a magical skill in this secret realm.

Not only can it search for enemies, but it can also analyze the abilities of powerful monsters in the secret realm.

[Analyzing the sword spirit...]

[The system prompt sounded. ]

[Sword Tomb Sword Spirit: A rule-based monster, formed by the countless broken swords and souls of the world and other worlds in the sword tomb. ]

[Attribute: Ghost]

[Level: Sixth-level monster]

[System suggestion: This monster is similar to the NPC in the game, has no malicious feelings towards the host, and can act according to the rules of the sword spirit. ]

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