One-time skill scroll, water escape, water rush wave!

One-time skill scroll, fire escape, dragon fire technique!

One-time skill scroll, wind escape, wind cutting technique!

One-time skill scroll, earth escape, earth prisoner!

Water, fire, wind and earth.

Su Xiaoxiao tore open the skill scrolls around her like crazy, and ninjutsu of various attributes hit Qin Shi who was running at high speed one after another like cannonballs.

For a while, the arena was full of bricks and stones broken by ninjutsu.

But every ninjutsu was narrowly avoided by Qin Shi.

The aftermath of the ninjutsu affected the less flexible wooden man clones.

One wooden man had his leg cut off by the wind cutting technique.

One wooden man was buried directly in the mud by the earth prisoner.

Another wooden man was even worse, burned to ashes by the dragon fire technique.

In less than a minute, Su Xiaoxiao failed to kill the enemy, and instead broke three puppets herself.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it!"

"Why can't I hit you!"

Su Xiaoxiao roared, picked up two scrolls on the ground and continued to tear them apart.

Ninjutsu was generated in the void and smashed in the direction specified by the scroll user.

But Qin Shi dodged them all at super high speed.

LV2 level physical skills, plus the dynamic vision of the Sharingan, plus the instant body technique.

Qin Shi's speed soared like an afterimage.

Suddenly, Qin Shi's figure paused slightly.

His eyes were blurred, and the whole person seemed to faint.


Su Xiaoxiao only then looked at the scroll she had torn apart.

One-time skill scroll, illusion, fox heart technique!

This is an illusion that makes the enemy lose their sense of direction and can only wander in place.

"Haha, you finally revealed a flaw!"

Seeing that the ninjutsu took effect, Su Xiaoxiao immediately commanded the wooden man clone to attack.


The double magatama Sharingan turned quickly.

The Sharingan, which can cast illusions, is enough to resist illusions of average quality.

In just one second, Qin Shi woke up from the illusion.

But the wooden man had rushed up from all sides and surrounded him tightly in the middle.

On the wooden man's fist, green spiritual power gathered, and he had already activated the [Super Power] Ninjutsu.

Seven punches with huge power.

If this blow hits Qin Shi, his only ending will be death!

At the moment of life and death crisis, Qin Shi suddenly raised the corners of his mouth.

"Just what I want!"

He opened his hands, as if pulling something.

A faint silk thread was exposed in the air.

One end of the silk thread was connected to the kunai on the wooden man, and the other end was connected to Qin Shi's hand.

"Ninjutsu, Windmill-Three Swords!"

Qin Shi pulled the silk thread with force.

The wooden man who rushed three meters in front of him was tripped.


Because they were too close, many wooden clones collided with each other.

Seeing her clones fall down in a mess, Su Xiaoxiao was shocked.

"How could so many threads suddenly appear... Could it be...!?"

She was cultivated by the Su family with the most resources, so she was not a stupid vase.

On the contrary, with the A-level inheritance, she had superb combat thinking.

In just a moment, she guessed Qin Shi's method.

It turned out that as early as when Qin Shi shot her wooden clone with a kunai at the beginning of the game, the end of the kunai had been tied with silk thread.

Keep running and keep shooting kunai.

Qin Shi's goal is to use the kunai tied with silk thread to cover the entire ring with fine threads to achieve the effect of restraining the wooden man's actions.

The reason why the silk thread cannot be seen.

is because Qin Shi also used another skill at the same time.

A skill that can make objects invisible.

"This is... Binding Dao No. 26, Qu Guang!"

Su Xiaoxiao was completely angry and hysterical inside the barrier.

"Damn you, thief, you stole all of Xu Taotao's skills!"

"Damn it, I shouldn't have arranged Xu Taotao to deal with you!"

Ignore Su Xiaoxiao's impotent rage.

Qin Shi stood still, pulled the silk thread in his hand straight, and bit the silk thread fiercely with the corner of his mouth.

He wanted to give these wooden clones the final blow.

"Fire escape, great fireball technique!"

This is the ninjutsu given by the system after he upgraded.

The great fireball technique after adding points is amazingly powerful.

The hot flames spewed out of Qin Shi's mouth like a fire dragon.

Along the silk thread in Qin Shi's hand, it quickly surged in all directions.


In just a moment, the flames enveloped all seven wooden men.

"Oh oh oh!"

The wooden men all let out a tragic howl.

The fire was incomplete.

The black ash of dead wood floated on the ground.

The wooden man clones were all burned.

"Damn it, even the epic skill scroll can't deal with you!"

Su Xiaoxiao's face turned cold.

"Humph,But do you think you have won! ? "

"Our Su family has more than just this one epic scroll!"

The space ring flashed, and an epic scroll appeared in her hand again.

One-time skill scroll, C4 Garuda!

This is the ninjutsu of Deidara, the explosion artist in Naruto.

It can summon a huge puppet composed of countless tiny bomb spiders as small as dust.

Once the puppet explodes, it will scatter the dust-sized bomb spiders in the air.

People who inhale the bomb will be blown up from the inside out by the bomb, and they can't die anymore.

"This is one of our Su family's trump cards, Qin Shi, you should be proud!"

"I have defensive ninjutsu [Return to Heaven] and [Water Array Wall] as a barrier, and the bomb spiders can't threaten me!"

"But the audience around me will inevitably be killed and injured!"

Su Xiaoxiao muttered, but there was no fear on her face, but a hint of madness.

"But so what! ? You forced me to do it, who told you not to die well! ”

“Those students who were watching, and even the teachers of the recruiting schools, died because of you! What responsibility do I, Su Xiaoxiao, have!”

She picked up the scroll with both hands while grinning.

Suddenly, her brows furrowed.

“Where is he…?”

Su Xiaoxiao looked around.

On the huge stage, there was no one except for a few dead trees burned by fire.

“Damn, where did he go! ?”

Su Xiaoxiao panicked.

“Did he use curved light to become invisible? Or did he use some kind of sleight of hand?”

“No matter where you hide, as long as you are still on this stage, you can’t avoid [Garuda]!”

Su Xiaoxiao’s face became fierce, and she exerted force with both hands, about to tear the scroll apart.


Just as Su Xiaoxiao was about to tear apart the scroll, the soil under her feet suddenly cracked.

A hand stretched out from the soil and pulled Su Xiaoxiao into the ground.

“Underground! "

Su Xiaoxiao screamed, her body sinking rapidly.

"I was careless!"

Her keen combat awareness immediately made her understand that the reason why Qin Shi disappeared before was because he used earth escape to hide underground.

Although Water Array Wall and Heaven Return are powerful defensive ninjutsu, they are not without weaknesses.

Under the feet, these two ninjutsu cannot protect the place.

Qin Shi used [Earth Escape-Earth Dragon Hidden Technique] to sneak into the ground and bypass [Heaven Return] and [Earth Array Wall].

Then, he used [Earth Escape-Heart Beheading Technique] underground.

With this ninjutsu, he created a crack in the ground where Su Xiaoxiao was standing and pulled her into the mud.

The strong protection formed by [Heaven Return] and [Water Array Wall] has now become a cage that restricts Su Xiaoxiao from leaving.

"Damn it, even if I use [C4·Garuda] in the Water Array Wall, I can't escape! "

Su Xiaoxiao made a judgment instantly.

She quickly threw out the scroll in her hand that had not yet been activated, and suddenly supported the ground with both hands.

"Ninjutsu, [Super Strength]!"

Su Xiaoxiao snorted heavily, and the super strength in her hand surged, stopping her sinking body at once.

Under the effect of the super strength, her body not only stopped sinking, but also rose rapidly.

"In just one second, I can... escape from this sinking mud!"

Su Xiaoxiao was about to continue to exert force, and suddenly raised her head.

Above her head, there was a figure.

Qin Shi got out of the mud and jumped in the air.

"Physical technique, Lion Combo!"

A fierce whip kick hit Su Xiaoxiao, half of whose body was still in the soil.


The powerful kick hit Su Xiaoxiao's head.

She was deeply smashed into the sinking mud, leaving only her head on the ground.

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