A heavy blow!

Su Xiaoxiao felt a splitting headache and her mind was a mess.

Her inheritance was the A-level inheritance Haruno Sakura.

In addition to her natural supernatural ninjutsu, she was also a first-class medical ninja in the Naruto world.

Her body had a defense and self-healing ability far beyond that of ordinary inheritors.

Therefore, a lion combo that hit the bull's eye did not knock her unconscious.

"Damn... bastard!"

"Let me lose face in front of so many people! Qin Shi, I will make you die!"

Su Xiaoxiao cursed, blood flowing from her head and down her cheeks.

Her face was distorted, and she was obviously extremely angry.

"I will kill you, kill you, kill you!"

Su Xiaoxiao screamed.

Even though she only had a head exposed on the ground.

But if eyes could kill, Qin Shi would probably have been cut into pieces by the woman in front of him.

"She... is she crazy?"

"So scary, will the Su family take revenge on me?"

"Seeing this woman's embarrassing scene, it's so scary but also so cool..."

The students around all stepped back.

"You want to kill me?"

Qin Shi was unmoved, but instead his mouth curled slightly, revealing a smile.

"But sorry, I don't want to kill you... because..."

He lifted Su Xiaoxiao's hair and let her resentful eyes look directly at him.

"It's too easy for you to die like this!"

Qin Shi smiled, but his voice was like ice in the winter night, with only endless cold air.

Two black magatama turned.

Illusion, Sharingan, torture technique!

Su Xiaoxiao's malice towards Qin Shi has reached a peak.

Long-term pampering has made her never suffer a humiliating failure.

Under the almost abnormal hatred, Qin Shi's illusion has also had an opportunity to take advantage of.

Illusion, the more emotional the caster is, the easier it is to fall into the illusion.

Depending on the illusion set by the caster, the illusion can weaken the opponent's will, gather intelligence, etc.

And the illusion set by Qin Shi is exactly the intelligence gathering type.

Illusion, Sharingan, torture technique!

"You... stop... stop..."

Su Xiaoxiao opened her mouth wide, and her pupils began to dilate.

All the onlookers saw the weird scene.

"Help... ah... monster, there are monsters everywhere!"

"Don't eat me... don't... ah!!!"

Su Xiaoxiao, with her head exposed on the ground, was like crazy, and her screams resounded throughout the People's Square.

She was hysterical and her head was full of sweat.

No one knew what Su Xiaoxiao had experienced, but everyone could feel it.

She was experiencing great fear at the moment.

"This... this Qin Shi is not a good guy either!"

"If Su Xiaoxiao is a female devil, then this Qin Shi... is the big devil who subdues the female devil."

"Too scary, fortunately I am only an F-level inheritance, so I don't have to face these two crazy people..."

All the onlookers felt a chill in their hearts, and an inexplicable sense of relief surged in their hearts.

Fortunately, the person fighting on the ring is not himself...

Half a minute later, Qin Shi stared at Su Xiaoxiao, who was completely exhausted, with two magatamas in his eyes turning non-stop.

"Now, I will judge you."

He said coldly.

In the illusion, Qin Shi's figure was like the King of Hell.

"Tell your crimes to relieve your pain!"

Su Xiaoxiao drooled at the corners of her mouth, her eyes were dull, and she nodded woodenly.

She ahed a few times and talked about the crimes she had committed in a stiff tone.

She was jealous of the beautiful hands of the girl at the same table, so she arranged for the killer to chop off the girl's hands in the alley.

There was her killing of a family slave to practice, and later found out that the family slave's relatives were going to report to the provincial capital, so she entered the house in the middle of the night to kill and destroy the body.

There was her accepting bribes from others, and then falsely accusing the originally upright official of soliciting prostitution, and letting the bribed person replace the official's position.

Many of these cases involved his father, Su Baizang, the head of the Su family.

For a time, people and gods were outraged.

"This Su family is so bold that they have done so many evil deeds!"

"Eat people without spitting out bones, is this Su family a gang?"

"Gang? Their family has already covered the sky with one hand, what kind of evil things can't they do?"

"Down with the Su family, and give me Linhai City a bright future!"

The noise from the audience became louder and louder, and the voices denouncing the Su family's crimes were as loud as thunder.

"Tell me, where did you get those medicines that can increase the inheritance value?"

Qin Shi stared into Su Xiaoxiao's eyes and continued to ask.

"......We and...... [[Pillar] made a deal... "

Su Xiaoxiao murmured, and suddenly her pupils shrank, and the whole person broke free from the illusion.

"I... what did I just say! ? "

Her face showed fear, as if she mentioned a taboo name.

"No... it's not me, you forced me to say it!!!"

Su Xiaoxiao screamed, her voice trembling uncontrollably.

The fear she suffered in Qin Shi's illusion was even stronger.

"[Pillar]? What is this?"

Qin Shi muttered this word.

"Why... Su Xiaoxiao can be so scared just by mentioning this word."

He thought, and glanced to the side.

A figure flew from the air.

That was the direction of the rostrum.

The person who came was the head of the Su family, Su Baizang!

The sound of whistling wind came from his ears, and Qin Shi turned around abruptly.

"This is... Moon Step! "

Moon Step, one of the famous six styles of the navy in the One Piece world.

It is a powerful martial art that can move in the air with just a feint kick.

[System warning, strong malice is sensed!]

[Source of malice: Su Baizang, A-level inheritance Rob Lucci!]

[Inheritance profile: One of the members of the "CP9" organization in the One Piece world.]

[With dark justice as his main job, he is known as the strongest and coldest killing weapon of the "CP9" history, and is known as the strongest of the "CP9" in Judicial Island in 800 years.]

"Is it actually Lucci's inheritance?"

Qin Shi was shocked.

In the One Piece anime.

Rob Lucci not only mastered all six styles of navy martial arts, including shaving, moon step, finger gun, storm kick, iron block, and paper painting.

He also mastered the powerful devil fruit ability of the animal system, cat-cat fruit, leopard form.

The powerful malice fluctuations made Qin Shi have no doubt about the other party's determination to kill.

"Sure enough, did you reveal the big secret of your Su family? "

Qin Shi gritted his teeth and chanted the spell quickly.

"The Thirty-Nine Way of Binding: Round Gate Fan!"

For him who has not yet mastered defensive ninjutsu, the round gate fan is his only defensive skill.

What? Why didn't he use the water array wall that Su Xiaoxiao just used?

Brother, that is released by a one-time skill scroll.

There is no hand seal, so the Sharingan naturally cannot copy it.

Ding Ding Ding!

Three circular light curtain barriers appeared in front of Qin Shi.

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