Heavenly Master Never Win Online, Never Lose in Reality

Dragon Kingdom, Qingyun Mountain.

After returning from Bangzi Country.

Qin Hao returned to the familiar Tianshi Mansion.

He breathed the air here.

Qin Hao: “Sure enough, it’s more comfortable to stay in the Tianshi Mansion of Longguo! The air is much better than abroad!”

After returning to Tianshi Mansion.

The first thing Qin Hao did was go to the vegetable garden to see how his gourd vines were growing.

In the vegetable garden, the size of the green cow has been covered with fat after eating and drinking during this period of time.

The body size has grown a lot.

Even the cultivation of this green bull has reached the completion of foundation establishment.

The bloodline of the divine beast really wasn’t covered.

Eat and drink whatever you want to grow.

It’s okay for Qin Hao not to be envious.

Seeing Qin Hao’s return, the green bull rubbed against Qin Hao enthusiastically.

The same beast.

The character of this green bull is obviously much better than that old smoker Suan Ni.

Qingniu has a docile personality, no wonder I also use it as a mount.

Not without reason.

Qin Hao stroked Qingniu’s big bull’s head.

Then he walked towards the gourd vine.

In the vegetable garden, the two elixir boys of Qingfengmingyue visited the celestial master one after another.

Qin Hao nodded towards them, and came to the gourd vine by himself.

The red leather gourd at this moment.

It’s still as big as it used to be.

In less than a month, without using incense to ripen, the red-skinned gourd will not grow at all.

When Qin Hao left Tianshi Mansion, the maturity of the red-skinned gourd was 1%.

Back now, it’s still 1%.

Didn’t move.

Qin Hao glanced at his current incense value.

Incense value: 19.5 million incense value.

After going to Jizhou Island, Qin Hao’s incense value skyrocketed.

19.5 million incense value.

Qin Hao intends to throw everything on this red-skinned gourd, and he doesn’t know how much maturity he can increase.

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for consuming 500,000 incense points and successfully ripening gourd vines once!”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for consuming 500,000 incense points and successfully ripening gourd vines once!”

Upgrade the red skin gourd once, with 500,000 incense value.

Expensive is expensive.

But now Qin Hao is used to it.

This time, a full 19 million incense points were spent on the gourd vine.

Ripe the red-skinned gourd 38 times.

Qin Hao still kept 500,000 incense value for himself as a spare.

After ripening 38 times.

At this moment, Qin Hao checked the maturity of the gourd vine.

Maturity of red skin gourd: 20%

Qin Hao smacked his lips.


really expensive!

My own 19 million incense value!

It took an old man’s nose to earn incense points.

When you get to the gourd vine, it is a bottomless pit.

The 19 million incense value is 19% mature.


According to this ratio.

It will cost at least 80 million incense points to ripen this innate red skin gourd.

This is still guaranteed.

It is possible that the specific situation will be higher.Plus the incense value that Qin Hao brushed in before.

In other words, a fortune-grade red skin gourd.

Want to spend Qin Hao’s 100 million incense value?

Qin Hao felt a pain in the flesh thinking about it.

This 100 million incense value is not easy to earn.

Brush the maturity of the gourd daily.

Qin Hao returned to Tianshi Mansion.

He took out his mobile phone and looked at the most popular rankings on the Internet recently.

It is said that it is the Blue Star Extraordinary Power ranking released by a foreign website called Huishen.com.

It lists all kinds of powerful extraordinary forces that exist on Blue Star today.

Every force has extraordinary abilities that ordinary people can’t imagine.

Qin Hao looked at the list one by one.

He didn’t need to look at the last few.

The main focus is on the top few.

First place: A mysterious organization in the United States called the Prophet.

There have been some rumors about this organization on the Internet a long time ago.

There has always been a mysterious organization called the Prophet among the high-level people in the United States.

On the surface, the United States, which is now powerful, is controlled by the top leaders of the United States.

In fact, the real helm, every move of the United States, is managed by members of this organization called the Prophet.

It is said that every member of this organization is called a prophet.

Prophets have foreseen the future and hold the key to unlock the future.

The United States can have what it is today because of the prophets behind it.

The strength of the Prophet is unknown, but it is definitely extremely powerful.

It is the strongest force on Blue Star today.

Ranked second is Longguo Yuxu Mountain.

A hidden mountain gate.

The inheritance time is as old as Qingyun Mountain, but it is more mysterious than Qingyun Mountain.

At any rate, the celestial masters of Qingyun Mountain still open the gate to receive incense.

But Yuxu Mountain has been hidden from the world for thousands of years. ..

The disciples of Yuxu Mountain all live in the huge bronze gate to practice, seeking longevity and detachment from the vast immortal way.

It is said that in the past every ten years, on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, the gate of Yuxu Mountain would be opened to enter the common world to recruit disciples.

But in the past hundred years, Yuxu Mountain has never opened the bronze gate for some reason.

No news of Yuxu Mountain has been heard among the common people.

Many people even speculate that Yuxu Mountain has actually been destroyed.

But at this moment, Lian Yuxushan, the mastermind behind Huishenwang, is also on the list.

There must be something else hidden.

Dragon Kingdom Yuxu Mountain is still a force that cannot be ignored.

Ranked third is a group called EF in the United States.

This group is a private group.

But it has a history of no less than 200 years.

It can be said that it is the elder group that already existed at the beginning of the founding of the United States.

This group is introduced according to the list of Huishen.com.

For more than 200 years, it has devoted itself to the production of superpower potions.

It was successfully developed a hundred years ago, and various superpowers have been mass-produced.

The produced superpowers were sent to various killer organizations and mercenary legions under the group to make money for the group.

Very powerful.

The overall level of strength is second only to the Yuxu Mountain of the Dragon Kingdom and the Prophet Organization of the United States.

Even Qingyun Mountain has to be ranked behind the American EF Group.

Qin Hao looked at the names of the forces on these lists.

Qin Hao: “It seems that on the Blue Star, it’s not as simple as it looks on the surface, everyone is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!”

Ordinary people have limited access to information after all.

The upper echelons only let ordinary people know what they want to know.

A lot of really top-level information, only a small group of people are qualified to contact and understand.

Ordinary people can’t see it at all.

Not to mention that in the Internet age, information transmission is developed.

The real top level, if you want to suppress one thing, within ten minutes, one thing can completely disappear on the Internet.

So in the past, from the perspective of ordinary people, they didn’t even know that there were extraordinary people and extraordinary forces on Blue Star.

That is, some time ago, the Celestial Master of Qingyun Mountain appeared in front of others.

They just learned a little bit.

But now, the foreign Gray God Network has made this kind of list on such a large scale, and pushed the extraordinary forces to the front.

I don’t know what kind of wishful thinking the boss behind Huishenwang is planning.

I’m afraid that the supernatural forces listed on the list didn’t expect to be caught off guard.

It has been hidden for so many years, so well hidden, and suddenly it was exposed.

Who can be comfortable?

No one is comfortable.

In Longguo at this moment, countless netizens are discussing this list.

“Brothers, do you think this list is reliable? Is it true?”

“Greyshen.com, I’ve never heard of it. It’s a small website. I guess it’s a nonsense.”

“Not even the Lord of the Dragon King and the Supreme Lord of Shura? How dare you call it the leaderboard? You’re dying of laughter, it doesn’t matter if you don’t look at this gray god net!”

“emmm! What are the Dragon King Palace Master and Shura Supreme? Fictional characters in the novelThe products that come out, the ones listed in this list are all the superpowers that actually exist in the real Blue Star, okay? understand? ”

“Don’t make trouble, everyone, this Huishen.com is really not a small website. It has a great reputation overseas. Those who can access this website are industry leaders, and the power of the managers behind the website is even more unfathomable.

The news released by Huishen.com is generally correct. For this ranking this time, although I don’t know what the administrator behind Huishen.com is trying to push these top superpowers to the surface.

However, the leaderboard must be informative! ”

“I don’t know anything else, I am familiar with Qingyun Mountain! Is the blue star ranked fourth? The Celestial Master is really awesome!”

“I don’t agree, my celestial master is so good, why is he ranked fourth? What kind of prophet organization, Yuxu mountain, and EF group have never heard of it, and they can beat Qingyun mountain?

I really don’t know what data the Huishen.com ranks according to. ”

“Tianshi: Don’t say it, don’t talk about it. It doesn’t matter what rank Qingyun Mountain ranks. Qingyun Mountain ranks fourth. What does it matter to me, Zipao Tianshi? Should I be invincible or invincible? This is not a ranking list of personal strength.”

“Tianshi: I have never won on the Internet, and I have never lost in reality! Don’t accept the reality?”

Longguo netizens are somewhat dissatisfied with Qingyun Mountain’s fourth-ranked strength.

After all, two of the top three are from the United States.

Who is it comfortable for?

Inside the Tianshi Mansion.

Qin Hao looked at the list and the dispute over the ranking among netizens.

Qin Hao himself didn’t feel much.

Qingyun Mountain ranked fourth?

Fourth is fourth!

It’s just a leaderboard, just look at it, who takes it seriously?

And, fourth is pretty good.

Isn’t it good to hang out?

Qin Hao easily forgot about the ranking list.

Only those who are full of food and have too much time will argue endlessly because of a leaderboard.

For the real strong, if you have time to compete for the leaderboard, it is better to spend more time improving yourself.

for the next period of time.

Qin Hao practiced in seclusion in the Heavenly Master’s Mansion.

At the same time, he instructed his disciple Li Yixi to practice magic.

As a disciple of the Celestial Master.

It must not be too shabby!

Li Yixi’s parents handled the transfer procedures for her. From now on, Li Yixi will go to school near Qingyun Mountain.

Every day after school, I come directly to Qingyun Mountain to study magic and martial arts.

A few months later, Li Yixi’s thunder technique and flying sword technique also inherited the lineage of the celestial master and made some achievements.

Become Qingyun Mountain lineage, one of the few sword cultivators who switched to flying sword.

In Qingyun Mountain, each of the red-robed priests practiced martial arts in different ways.

In the past few years, it has been popularized by Qin Hao.

In Qingyun Mountain, Lei Fa has become a compulsory course.

If you don’t know Leifa, don’t say you are from Qingyun Mountain when you go out.

Can’t even learn Lei Fa, what a shame!

Secondly, the sect of Tianshi and Taoist Jingxuan is the Feijian sect.

It is a sword repairer who mainly practices flying swords.

Jingfeng Daochang has a door, which is the sword method.

What he practiced was Lie Yan Dao and many swords and martial arts.

The rest are Taoist Jinghai and Jingchen.

It is to specialize in different ways such as talismans and spells.

Each has its own strengths.

Qin Hao likes Li Yixi, this little kid.

In a few months, the foundation has been established successfully.

Become a foundation monk,

Moreover, Qin Hao discovered that at such a young age, Li Yixi, a brat, can actually do two things at once without delaying each other.

A rare genius indeed.

The flying sword technique that Qin Hao passed on to her is Ten Thousand Swords One Thought.

During her foundation building period, she was able to control two flying swords at the same time.

It is indeed suitable for the way of practice.

Qin Hao made an exception and turned her into a regular student, from a registered disciple to a direct disciple of Tianshifu.

And, extract a micro-level sword Tai’a sword and Chengying sword from the yellow leather gourd and give it to Li Yixi.

Two micro-level sabers.

It is enough to see how favored Li Yixi is in Qingyun Mountain.

Seeing Taoist Jingxuan, they were all envious.

Into the micro-level magic weapon ah!

Who doesn’t want this?

What Daoist Jingxuan is using now is just an ordinary divine weapon below the micro level.

Li Yixi, who was a latecomer, not only got the micro-level magic weapon, but also got two of them.

Taoist Jingxuan cried enviously.

But he also knew that even on the side of the Celestial Master, the number of micro-level divine soldiers was limited.

If you work hard on your own, you will also have a chance to get a micro-level magic weapon.

On this day, Qin Hao practiced daily in the Heavenly Master’s Mansion.

Taoist Jingxuan went up the mountain to report something.

There is a special guest who wants to meet the Celestial Master.

Taoist Jingxuan said: “Tianshi, that layman’s situation is unusual, although he has not been to our Qingyun Mountain very often, his wife used to come to our Qingyun Mountain to donate incense.

And every shot is hundreds of thousands! We Qingyun Mountain after a lotThe main hall that came to be built was all helped by that female layman, and it is also famous on the stone tablet donated by Qingyun Mountain. ”

Although Qingyun Mountain pays attention to donations according to fate, but if someone donates a large amount of money.

Qingyun Mountain will not be ambiguous.

There is a donation stele.

How much money each person donated is engraved on it.

This time I want to see the layman’s wife who is a heavenly master.

The amount of incense donated is huge.

Over the past few years, there have been tens of millions.

Now this woman’s husband came to Qingyun Mountain to see the Heavenly Master.

Qingyun Mountain is incensed by people.

Daoist Jingxuan was not very good at rejecting others, so he came to the Heavenly Master’s Mansion to report.

Qin Hao asked: “Supreme God, that person wants to see me? What can I do?”

Daoist Jingxuan said: “There is no way to know about this.”

The other party didn’t say anything, and he had to wait for the celestial master to come before he would say anything. It was probably related to privacy, so Daoist Jingxuan didn’t ask.

Qin Hao pondered for a while and said, “Forget it, you can bring him up the mountain to meet me.”

After all, it is a layman who donates big incense.

People have donated so much money, now I guess there is something to help.

Qingyun Mountain bears its incense, and this busyness probably cannot be escaped.

Taoist Jingxuan nodded, and went down the mountain to lead the people.

Ten minutes later, a man with a pale face and a fleshy face in a mink coat stumbled up the mountain with Daoist Jingxuan.

After Taoist Jingxuan brought him to the gate of Tianshi Mansion, he made him stop.

The two Taoist boys also stopped the fat man at the door.

Taoist Jingxuan said: “Blessings are boundless, Layman, if you have anything to do, just talk to the Celestial Master here. The Celestial Master is in the mansion. You are not from my Taoism. enter!”

Tianshi Mansion is the most important place of Taoism.

The residence of the Celestial Master.

How can ordinary people be qualified to enter.

Even if Taoist Jingxuan wanted to come in, he had to notify in advance.

A rule is a rule, and it is impossible to break it just because you donate a lot of money.

The fat man in the mink fur coat nodded, and then he knelt down without hesitation.

He kowtowed to the Heavenly Master’s mansion and shouted, “Tianshi help me! Disciple Wang Bucai, please save me!”

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