The man in the mink fur coat called for help in front of the gate of Tianshi Mansion.

Daoist Jingxuan next to him took a look at Wang Bucai.

Good guy!

Wearing a mink fur coat and kneeling at the gate of Tianshi Mansion, what is the way?

Then, Wang Bucai started talking at the gate of Tianshi Mansion.

According to Wang Bucai, it turned out that his original wife passed away unexpectedly half a month ago, and Wang Bucai inherited a large amount of property left by his wife.

After the death of his original wife, Wang Bucai was unwilling to be lonely, and found another woman to come back.

But these days, a lot of weird things happened at home.

For example, when he fell asleep, he and his current girlfriend felt that their bodies were heavy, and they often couldn’t wake up even if they wanted to wake up.

On the ceiling of the house, a personal footprint suddenly appeared inexplicably.

It was as if someone was walking on the ceiling.

Every midnight, the TVs at home would turn on together, making a loud noise.

Sometimes Wang Bucai can often see the back of his original wife at home.

Also, every night when he went to sleep recently, every time he woke up, he would find a deep pinch mark on his neck.

It’s getting more serious every time, and it’s definitely a ghost coming to claim his life.

During this period of time, the man was so frightened that he couldn’t sleep all night, and his mind was deranged.

He spent a lot of money to invite masters to perform rituals at his home.

But in the end, it had no effect at all.

Those bastards cheated out of a lot of money, and every night, the situation remains the same.

Wang Bucai couldn’t take it anymore, and suddenly remembered the Taoist priest on Qingyun Mountain, so he ran to save his life.

Moreover, he still didn’t believe the other Taoist priests, so he came directly to the celestial master.

As long as this problem can be solved, he is willing to spend no matter how much money it costs.

Wang Bucai said, and took out a card.

He said: “There are two million in this card, as long as the celestial master can solve this problem for me, I will be very grateful in the future!”

After the death of his original wife, Wang Bucai got rich.

Inherited a huge amount of property, and there are several restaurants under his name.

He really didn’t pay attention to the two million.

As long as the current problem can be solved, he will give out another three million incense money as a reward afterwards.

In the room of Tianshi Mansion, Qin Hao listened to Wang Bucai’s description.

Judging from his description, the house must be haunted.

However, this man is not a good thing.

The original partner had only died half a month ago, so she wanted to bring her new love home.

What kind of bird could it be?

Qin Hao glanced at it using the phase qi technique.

Sure enough, there was an evil spirit about this fat man.

Apparently, he was infiltrated by evil spirits.

Qin Hao sighed, took out a talisman pen and wrote a few words on a piece of white paper.

Afterwards, Qin Hao waved his hand, and the door opened automatically.Open it, and a piece of white paper floated out.

Fly to the hands of the fat man.

Qin Hao said: “After going back, stick this piece of paper on the inside of the door of your house, kneel in the living room at night, and after a night, the evil spirits will be eliminated.”

The fat man held the white paper in his hands.

Look at the words written by the celestial master on the white paper.

“People die as ghosts, yin and yang are separated, the heavenly master ordered to leave quickly.”

This one was written by the Zipao Celestial Master of Qingyun Mountain.

Although, Qin Hao didn’t use talismans to write.

But drawing talismans has reached his current state, even if he doesn’t use talisman seals and uses white paper, it will still have some ghost-suppressing effects.

Qin Hao handwritten this piece to Wang Bucai.

Let him go back and stick to the inside of the gate.

The ghost of his family, seeing words is like seeing people, and the one who is sensible will naturally give Tianshi face and choose to leave.


What should I do if I don’t give face?

Heavenly Master: Either you leave or I come over?

Therefore, ordinary ghosts will not lose face.

After the fat man got the handwriting of the master, he was obviously very happy.

Holding this piece of paper in his hand, it was like holding millions.

He gave one directly to the Celestial Master, and then said: “Thank you for the talisman, as long as it succeeds, I will thank you later!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Hao’s voice floated out from Tianshi Mansion.

“Supreme Heavenly Venerable, just thank you, Qingyun Mountain does not accept unclean money.

In addition, I would like to advise the lay Buddhists that if you do many unrighteous acts, you will die. People are doing what they are doing, and the sky is watching. You can’t just hide. If you confess as soon as possible, you will be reincarnated early. ”

Qin Hao still said the same thing.

This king is not rich, and he is not a good person.

The money in his hand is not from the right way.

Qingyun Mountain will not accept any ill-gotten gains.

Moreover, Qin Hao could see the problem with Wang Bucai at a glance.

Advise him that the sea of ​​suffering is boundless and turn around.

Confess earlier, the big deal is just a peanut.

If you covet the unblessed wealth now, you will have to repay it in your next life as much as you use it in this life.

Causal cycle, retribution unhappy.

When he was on Jizhou Island some time ago, Qin Hao persuaded the kidnappers in this way.

But those people didn’t listen, look, the grass on the grave is several feet high now.

Hope this Wang Bucai can listen to it.

The handwriting given by the celestial master can help him get rid of the ghosts at home, but how to get rid of the ghosts in his heart?

Qin Hao didn’t say much.

With a wave of his sleeves, the gate of Tianshi Mansion was closed tightly.

Daoist Jingxuan glanced at Wang Bucai, shook his head and said, “Supreme God, layman, get up, it’s time to go down the mountain.”

The meaning of Tianshi’s words is very clear.

What specific things.

Wang Bucai knew in his heart,

Daoist Jingxuan can see it by using the physiognomy technique.

However, they are practitioners, and in the mundane world, they can’t talk too much, and they don’t interfere.

All of this in the mortal world has a cycle of heaven, and there is a definite number for every drink and peck.

Taoist Jingxuan didn’t say much.

Send Wang Bucai to Tianshi Mansion.

Then he asked a Taoist priest in green robe to send Wang Bucai out of the mountain gate.

Before leaving, Wang Bucai wanted to give Daoist Jingxuan a bank card.

Taoist Master Jingxuan said directly: “Layman, the Celestial Master said before that we will not accept your incense money at Qingyun Mountain.”

Wang Bucai smiled and said: “Don’t be so serious, Daoist, what the celestial master said is that Qingyun Mountain does not charge this money, but I give it to you alone, you take it, and buy some cigarettes and alcohol later to enjoy yourself.

Also, this is a bathing shop I opened by myself, and I have 30,000 yuan in the card. The Taoist priest is free to come and play! ”

Taoist Jingxuan’s face darkened when he heard this.

What the hell.

This bastard.

Still want to buy yourself.

It’s fine if I’m not a good thing, but I still want to drag him into the water.

Then don’t blame Daoist Jingxuan for being rude.

Gently touch Wang Bucai’s body, and he is directly sent flying seven or eight meters away.

Taoist Jingxuan left with a flick of his sleeves.

Stupid mortals!

The Taoist priest in the red robe dared to buy it!

Looking at the back of Taoist Jingxuan leaving.

Wang Bucai cut it.

“What are you pretending to be? Men who don’t have any hobbies, only you Taoist priests have some skills. If there is nothing, no one will beg you.”

This Taoist priest does not accept benefits.

Wang Bucai put away the bank card and bath card by himself.

If you don’t want it, I won’t give it to you!

Being pointed away by Daoist Jingxuan, Wang Bucai snorted and left.

Anyway, his purpose of this trip has been achieved.

With Tianshi’s handwriting, the family can be peaceful now.

Wang Bucai went down the mountain, got into the luxury car Maybach, and asked the driver to drive home.

Half an hour later, the Maybach drove into a luxurious villa area.

This is where Wang Bucai lives now.

Of course, the house was not originally his.

It belonged to his original wife.

He is not rich, he was born in an ordinary family, and his family conditions are average.Who made him look good and be able to talk sweetly.

When I was young, I hooked up with a rich woman to be my wife.

Now that his wife is dead, the property under his name will naturally belong to him.

The most enviable thing is that Wang Bucai’s original partner is not only rich, but also beautiful.

It’s just that he is a little older, ten years older than him.

However, the charm still exists.

In this villa area alone, Wang Bucai now has three properties.

In other places in Longguang City and overseas, Wang Bucai now has many businesses.

Inheritance is over.

The luxury car drove into a villa.

Wang Bucai got out of the car and walked into the house.

At home, there has long been a young and beautiful woman waiting at home.

Seeing him coming back, the woman hurriedly got up and walked over, asking, “How is it? Brother Wang, is it done?”

Wang Bucai said with a smile: “That’s natural, brother Wang is on the move, one is worth two! Before the old woman died, she donated a lot of money to Qingyun Mountain, and the celestial masters on Qingyun Mountain had to give face, so of course he refused to ask him to help. no.

Look, as long as you stick this piece of paper on your door, you can drive away that damn old woman. “..

The young woman finally showed a smile on her face, and then urged: “Then what are you waiting for? Post it quickly!”

During this time, she was almost driven crazy.

Now that there is something to exorcise evil spirits, please post it quickly.

Wang Bucai nodded.

Afterwards, he posted the handwriting of the celestial master on the door of his house.

After pasting.

Wang Bucai and the young woman went out.

after they go out.

On the second floor of the villa, the room where Wang Bucai usually sleeps.


The door lock opens automatically.

A door opened without wind.

A moment later, a ghost floated down from upstairs.

She came to the gate of the villa and stared at the note pasted inside the door.

I watched for a long time,

“People die as ghosts, yin and yang are separated, the heavenly master ordered to leave quickly.”

The ghost looked at the word, and after a while, she let out a sharp and ear-piercing roar.

There was a look of unwillingness on the grimace.

Then, she came up with one claw and tore up the white paper written by the celestial master.

After the white paper is torn.

He set himself on fire without fire.

A golden light appeared.

A line of gold characters appeared in front of the ghost shadow.

“Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and the way of heaven is reincarnation. If you don’t believe me, look up, who will the sky spare?”

The ghost saw this line of gold letters.

The trembling figure gradually relaxed.

A moment later, her figure turned into an illusion and disappeared into the villa.

In the evening, Wang Bucai and the young woman went home.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw that the handwriting of Tianshi that had been posted in the villa had disappeared.

What was left on the ground was a cloud of paper ashes.

Seeing this, Wang Bucai was overjoyed.

He knew that this matter should be done.

Immediately, a bottle of champagne was opened to celebrate.

At the same time, on the other side, on Qingyun Mountain.

Qin Hao walked out of Tianshi Mansion and stood in front of the mountain road on the top of the mountain.

Looking at the ups and downs of Qingyun Mountain in front of you.

Qin Hao said: “Lucky life is boundless, layman, don’t hide when you come, come out.”

After Qin Hao finished speaking, a ghost gradually revealed his original body.

Kneel down on the mountain path of Qingyun Mountain.

The ghost opened his mouth and said: “Disciple Ling Ruyue, pay homage to the Celestial Master!”

Qin Hao nodded: “You read my note, why didn’t you leave? Are you still clinging to the world?”

This ghost figure ran to Qingyun Mountain, obviously there was an obsession in his heart that he couldn’t let go of.

She said: “Tianshi, I don’t accept it, I don’t understand, I have done good and accumulated virtue in my life, and I have never done evil, but now I have ended up like this.

The king is not wealthy and clearly commits evil, seeking wealth and killing his life. Why do you help him? ”

This Ling Ruyue is the original wife of Wang Bucai who came to Tianshi Mansion to seek the technique of exorcising ghosts.

That is, the rich lady who often came to Qingyun Mountain to donate incense.

She had a serious heart attack during her lifetime.

Take a lot of corresponding medicine every day.

Just over half a month ago, Ling Ruyue had a heart attack.

Originally, there was medicine to take at home.

But in the face of Ling Ruyue’s call for help, her husband Wang Bucai deliberately threw the medicine out of the window.

Ling Ruyue lived and died in Wang Bucai’s hands.

Even if the police came to the house to investigate later.

Nothing unusual was found.

I only think that Ling Ruyue died of a sudden heart attack.

After Ling Ruyue died, all her property would naturally be inherited by Wang Bucai.

Therefore, Ling Ruyue refused to accept it.

Huge resentment made her stay in the world, and during this time, she has been tossing Wang Bucai all the time.

As for the young woman.

Ling Ruyue found out after her death.

It turned out that Wang Bucai hooked up with that girl before she died.It’s a junior.

The two have been in touch for seven or eight years.

Once he dies, Xiaosan will take over.

Naturally, Ling Ruyue would not let her go.

Originally, Ling Ruyue planned to toss the two of them for a while before killing them.

But Tianshi’s note forced her to choose to leave.

Even if she left, Ling Ruyue refused to accept it, and ran to Qingyun Mountain to question the Celestial Master.

Why do you want to help that bastard Wang Bucai.

Is there any law in this world?

Facing the questioning of ghosts.

Qin Hao sighed, and said: “Layman, do you really think I’m helping him? The poor Taoist wrote him that note because of your long-term love for him, but in fact, I’m helping you!”

Do you know that after death, staying in the world, in the underworld, is a serious sin! Once arrested and returned, they will be exposed to the sun for at least seven days.

If one does evil in the human world and causes the death of a living person, the crime will be increased by ten degrees. Regardless of good or evil, right or wrong, one will go to ten levels of hell.

You shouldn’t meddle in this matter, the so-called natural cycle, cause and effect have their own rewards, why should you be in a hurry? Killing him now makes me happy, but you still bear the consequences yourself, why bother? ”

In order to kill a king without wealth, it is really not worth it to let myself go to the tenth level of hell after going down to the underworld.

That’s why Qin Hao persuaded Ling Ruyue to stop.

No need!

It won’t take long for Wang Bucai’s scum to be arrogant.

Even if Ling Ruyue doesn’t do anything, at most ten years, even if he doesn’t get caught by the police, his lifespan will be coming to an end soon.

So not worth it.

Qin Hao wanted to persuade Ling Ruyue to let go, go to reincarnate now, and write a note to send to Ling Ruyue.

Yan Wang looked at the face of his celestial master, and the sin of staying in the world can be written off.

Qin Hao asked Ling Ruyue: “Lady Ling, Pindao is sending you to reincarnate now,

Now Qin Hao paved a road for Ling Ruyue and placed it in front of her.

As long as she nods, Qin Hao can send her away now.

Moreover, the good deeds done in this life will be turned into blessings and fulfilled on her in the next life.

In the next life, I will invest in a wealthy family, and I will be healthy and die of old age in peace.

No problem at all.

It was clearly arranged for her.

But Ling Ruyue hesitated for a moment, squeezed his fist, and said: “Tianshi, I still can’t let go of my obsession. The king is not rich. Even if I don’t kill him, I won’t scare him, beat him, it won’t get over my heart.” hate!”

Qin Hao frowned upon hearing this.

good guy,

This Ling Ruyue is also a temper tantrum.

If you don’t take revenge, you’d rather die than leave!

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