National Awakening: My Damage Is As High As 100,000,000 Points

Chapter 352 Put Down Your Arms And Surrender Immediately, We Give Preferential Treatment To Prisoner

The beam of light exploded with fiery temperature.

Su Mei and the others tried to approach, but they were not strong enough to withstand the scorching flames.

If you force your way, you will be directly burned to ashes by the sun flames, so you can only retreat.

For a moment Su Mei was in despair.

Is the taboo over?

Why not listen to her? Is it bad to live?

The people watching the battle from a distance also showed terrifying expressions, and many people even fled directly to the distance.

This level of attack is simply beyond their imagination.

Blazing flames poured down from the sky continuously.

Burn rocks into boiling lava.

Burn the void into nothingness.

It even permanently changed the landform of Luoshenyuan, turning it into a sea of ​​fire elements.

The so-called burning the sky and boiling the sea is probably nothing more than that.

Ye Lingyun stood on the mountainside in the distance, laughed and said: "Idiot, you dare to come here even if you know there is a trap, you really don't know how to write dead.

So what about taboos? To tell you the truth, we also have puppets comparable to taboos. "

Feng Yunke stood in the distance and sighed softly.

"As expected of the Bright Empire, it is indeed the strongest force in the ten regions of Fang Yuan, and it has such a means."

He had to admit that this kind of hand made Duan Ye frighten him. 433

Under this level of attack, I'm afraid the taboo will die.

Don't talk about elementalization.

In the face of this kind of violent attack, the elements will be annihilated, even if they hide in the space, they will be shot out alive.

There is no way to hide.

It's a pity for that little girl, her plan failed again, I don't know if she will hide in the dark and cry.

Forget it, after all, she is the offspring of an old friend, so let's go and comfort her later.

"The taboo is finished, he is dead, he is too reckless."

"Yes, taboos are indeed strong, but the times are advancing, and taboos are not indestructible.

"Is it a mechanical puppet of the Bright Empire? It is really a terrifying weapon of war. It is estimated that this bombardment can destroy a city, and a few shots can destroy a country."

"The uncrowned king, you can even compete for the top ten powers,'s a pity that we are going to be miserable.

The Empire of Light will not allow those disobedient forces to exist. "

There were expressions of regret in everyone's eyes.

They also didn't think Zhou Yi would survive.

Now they are more worried about another thing, what will happen to their own fate.

The Guangming Empire has never been a good man and a believer. With such a big killer, it will definitely continue to expand outward.

At that time, they will be the most unlucky (bgfi).

The attack lasted for a full five minutes, and the regiment finally stopped.

After the attack is over.

The entire Luoshenyuan turned into a huge pit, and below it was a huge magma lake, the temperature inside was as high as tens of thousands of degrees.

Just getting close will take huge damage.

Su Mei was completely desperate.

It's over, it's hopeless, it's dead.

Ye Lingyun let out a smug laugh: "Hahaha, it's still taboo, you're dead this time?"

But at this moment.

An inappropriate voice came out: "I'm really sorry to disappoint you."

Everyone was shocked when they heard the voice, and hurriedly looked towards the center of the magma lake.

Ye Lingyun's eyes were instantly covered with fear.

The whole person is as stiff as a sculpture.

He had heard this voice before, the taboo voice that had spoken to him five minutes ago.

Turn around and look.

I saw a person standing above the magma lake, he stepped on the void, his body was burning with an inexhaustible flame coat, and he wore a pale bone mask on his face.

He stood there, his body intact, not even a trace of being burned by the flames.


How can this be!

Ye Lingyun roared wildly in his heart, but that was the truth.

Under the blow of the natural disaster level, the opponent was really intact, not even a little bit of dust.

"Is this the power of taboo? It's really scary!"

Zhou Yi sighed.

When the attack came, he obviously had several ways to get out of the attack range.

The easiest way is to activate the Yin-Yang Good Fortune Bracelet and travel directly through the void to leave here.

But he didn't.

Zhou Yi directly activated the taboo of incarnation, transformed into a taboo form, and activated the ether body after gaining infinite cooling.

The body of ether can turn itself into nothingness, so as to achieve the effect of being immune to all attacks.

Even the fire poured down by the sun god Apollo could not burn him.

At the same time, Zhou Yi also saw Apollo's attack at close range.

Really scary.

It is not an exaggeration to use the word natural disaster to describe it.

This is not a real taboo, if it is the guardian beast of the Guangming Empire, what kind of scenery will it be?

Forget it, let's solve this first.

"Okay, no time to play with you, see you in hell."

Zhou Yi smiled slightly at Ye Lingyun, and his figure slowly disappeared into the darkness.

Ye Lingyun's complexion changed drastically, and he quickly turned into darkness to escape.

But a hand protruded from the air, directly interrupting his skills and grabbing his head, laying his body flat.

Then a dagger pierced Ye Lingyun's heart lightly.



It is estimated that Ye Lingyun's lucky value is very low, and the execution directly dealt four times the damage.

Ye Lingyun's eyes lost their luster in an instant. Before he died, he was full of doubts. Is the forbidden injury so terrible?

More than that.

Even the people watching the battle from a distance were startled, their scalps were numb and their hearts were beating wildly.

450 billion damage, what is the concept?

The health of the most fleshy 200-level professional is less than a fraction of this damage.

Even the most fleshy world boss can do it in seconds.

If the previous bombardment had achieved the ultimate effect.

Then Zhou Yi directly told the world with this move that this is the taboo injury.

"My God, 450 billion? Can anyone really take this blow?"

"I feel bad enough, as expected we are too ignorant, taboos are not so easy to deal with.

"Yeah, if taboos were weak, the world would have been full of taboos long ago."

Some strong people laughed at themselves: "Alas....Compared to the entire Shuguang Continent, we are like frogs at the bottom of a well."

Even the heart of Guangming Guoshi, who controlled Apollo in the sky, twitched hard.

Apollo only has 300 billion health points.

Now Guangming Guoshi suddenly felt a little regretful, maybe he really shouldn't provoke the taboo, but it's useless to say regret at this time.

And he may not lose.

Zhou Yi was also ready to do it.

【Sun God‧Apollo】

【Level: Iv200】

[Life value: 368.5 billion]

[Magic value: 336.2 billion]

[Skills: Sun Form, Apollo Stance, Solar Flare, Light Bombardment, Solar Storm, Star's End...]

[Introduction: The war weapon built by the Guangming Empire with all the power of the empire has a power comparable to that of a boss, but it is only comparable. 】

What a weapon of war.

Zhou Yi was reluctant to fight, if there was such a weapon of war guarding the federal border.

Let's see who dares to make trouble around the federation.

Whoever dares to make trouble will burn you directly to ashes.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yi put his hands around his mouth, made a trumpet gesture, and then shouted loudly:

"People above, you are already surrounded, don't make unnecessary resistance, put down your weapons and surrender immediately, we will treat the prisoners preferentially."

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