National Awakening: My Damage Is As High As 100,000,000 Points

Chapter 353 Good Stuff, So It Belongs To Me Now

Everyone around was shocked by this coquettish operation.

"Surrounding a puppet that is comparable to taboo by one person? This is too arrogant."

Even Guangming Guoshi laughed.

On his side, not only him and Apollo, but also twelve 200-level light knights, whose combat power is twice as high as that of normal 200-level professionals.

Such a luxurious lineup.

You can even fight with the guardian animal.

In fact, he wanted to bring some more, but according to his understanding of the taboos in Area 144, it would be useless if there were too many people.

He will only be slaughtered without any resistance, so he brought all the elite this time.

The only pity is.

The Guangming Empire also has enemies, and it needs to guard the Quartet, otherwise the Guangming Empire's masters will come out, even if it is taboo, you have to sit down obediently.

"The taboos that come from a small place do not know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth. I really think that this Apollo can't do it alone.

Under the manipulation of Guangming Guoshi.

Apollo, the sun god, descended slowly.

This is a huge spherical creation with a diameter of several kilometers.

It has a sun-like metal shell, covered with various golden runes.

If you look carefully, you can also see the dense metal connection structure on the shell.

Apollo, the sun god, in the form of the sun.

Before approaching, everyone felt an extremely hot high temperature, and the surrounding temperature was rising rapidly.

The surroundings are like a sea of ​​fire elements.

At the same time, twelve great knights of light descended from the sky, besieging Zhou Yi in the center.

Things look dire.


However, Zhou Yi used the hand of heaven habitually.

When encountering a powerful opponent, it is already a basic operation to steal the opponent's powerful skills before fighting.

But this time something is different.

[God's hand activated successfully...]

[Find stealable target: puppet Apollo, the sun god]

[Target current master authority holder: Chu Yan, Lord of the Bright Kingdom]

[Target current authority holder: Guangming Guoshi Nangong Ming]

"Yo huh?"

There are surprises!

Although it is a bit unexpected, it is also reasonable.

Although the sun god Apollo is powerful, he is still a puppet, a man-made object, and a kind of prop.

and controlled by people.

As long as it is a prop, Zhou Yi can forcefully steal it.

Sitting above the sun god Apollo, the national teacher suddenly saw a few golden figures out of the corner of his eyes, they were knights of light.

It is also a level 200 professional, but its combat power is weaker than that of the Great Knight of Light, and it belongs to the second echelon.

It's okay if you didn't see it before, but now that you see it, let's use it as cannon fodder.

It was a temporary idea.

Without much hesitation.

The national teacher directly summoned the knight of light in the distance.

"The few of you have been temporarily recruited now, stop all the tasks in your hands, and come to reinforce immediately.

The twelve bright knights here were suddenly stunned.

Quickly replied from the chat channel:

"Report to the national teacher, we are under the orders of the eldest princess, and are now carrying out the mission of the eldest princess.

Do not make jokes.

These knights of light are not stupid either.

It was a battle between taboos and taboo puppets. If the great knights had the capital to participate in the war, people like them could only be used as cannon fodder.

When the national teacher heard it, his face suddenly fell, and he sent a message without any politeness.

"Stop talking nonsense, this is a task assigned by the Guangming Emperor himself. I have the right to mobilize everyone in the Guangming Empire. Do you want to betray?

Or is it because the princess wants to betray the Bright Empire?"

The status of Guangming Guoshi belongs to one person under one person and above ten thousand people, not to mention the eldest princess, even the prince, he doesn't take it seriously.

There is a good saying.

The iron-clad national teacher, Prince Liushui.

The light knights sighed one after another, they could only hug their scalps and rushed towards the direction of the battlefield.

But at this moment.

A group of people suddenly appeared in front of them and stopped them in place.

It was Su Mei and the others.

Maybe they can't go to the frontal battlefield, but they can still do this kind of small battle.

There are only twelve bright knights, and they are still capable of dealing with them.

"With us here, you want to go there."

Zhou Yi revealed a curious look upon hearing the sound.

All fox ears and fox tails seem to be foxes from Tianhu City.

The leading woman should be Fox Emperor.

The woman came to her before, but she didn't know what it was, so she went to ask after the fight.

But Guangming Guoshi just shook his head and didn't care.

It's a good thing to be able to come, but it doesn't matter if you can't.

"Okay, then let's start the fight directly, the sun god Apollo, the attitude of Apollo."

The largest spherical metal puppet changed instantly.

Countless magic lines flowed, the shell of the puppet opened, and a brand new structure emerged from the inside.

In just two seconds, Apollo changed from the original sun to a bright titan.

Wearing a flame-like golden armor, behind him are three pairs of flame-like wings.

The hands make a gesture of embracing the sky, and there is a huge fireball in the palm of each hand, like a sun.

...asking for flowers...

"Solar storm."

At the order of Guangming Guoshi, Apollo stepped forward and punched Zhou Yi with an iron fist.

The fist wind set off a blazing flame, which swirled and turned into a storm and enveloped Zhou Yi.

Zhou Yi narrowed his eyes slightly.

Activated the etheric body, while avoiding damage, activated the super-fast flash, which directly turned into a streamer and flashed on the head of the sun god.

Seeing this, the national teacher grinned and said: "Do you think this is a safe area? You are so naive, this is the most dangerous place.

Mere mortals dare to dream of getting close to the sun and the light, they really don't know how to live or die. "

The runes on Apollo's body instantly lit up.

The surrounding temperature increased rapidly, exceeding 100,000 degrees in no time, and even the armor on Apollo's body became fiery red.

But Zhou Yi just smiled lightly.


"Steal, Apollo!"

[Successful stealing, congratulations on getting the puppet Apollo, the sun god!]


at the same time.

The national teacher's body shook violently, his eyes widened.

There was an expression of disbelief on his face, as if he had seen something impossible happen.

"I said, you are already surrounded by me, just obediently put down your weapons and surrender.

But you didn't surrender, so I came to take it myself. This puppet is good, it belongs to me. "

Zhou Yi looked at the newly-appeared puppet interface with smiles in his eyes.

A land of endless light.

This is the capital of the Guangming Empire.

In the center is a huge pyramid, and a golden beam of light shoots from the top of the pyramid to the sky, illuminating the entire area.

Turns the entire area into an area without night.

The importance of the pyramid, a middle-aged man is taking a small breath with his eyes closed.

He is the Emperor of Light, and the rules of light flow through him. Looking at him is equivalent to seeing the light.

Suddenly, the Emperor Guangming opened his eyes.

Two beams of golden light shot out from the golden eyes, melting the golden pillars in the distance into golden water.

Terrifying light forces are sweeping in all directions.

It made the entire pyramid tremble, and many maids knelt on the ground and prayed in fear.

Emperor Guangming was angry.

[Alert, the authority of the sun god Apollo has been seized, and you have lost the sun god Apollo. 】

Emperor Guangming said angrily: "What's going on? What is the national teacher doing!"

He knew that Apollo was taken away by the national teacher to hunt Taboo, and he had thought a lot about it, such as the question that Apollo would fail.

But what I didn't expect was that Apollo was not smashed by the enemy, but was robbed by seven people. .

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