National Awakening: My Damage Is As High As 100,000,000 Points

Chapter 354 Want To Witness My Strongest Blow? Perfect For You!

The wind has changed.

Several great knights of light had expressions of horror on their faces.

In everyone's puzzled eyes.

Apollo stretched out his hand and pinched the national teacher sitting on him in his hand.

The national teacher also wanted to struggle.

He is a top powerhouse, if he goes all out, he may not have no chance to escape.

But the next second his body froze in place.

Just heard Zhou Yi say lightly: "Don't struggle, if you break my puppet, I will make you die in pain."

The powerhouses who were always watching the battlefield from a distance were still wondering, but they were shocked when they heard this sentence.

What do you mean? His puppet.

Isn't this a puppet of the Guangming Empire? When did it become his?

The national teacher looked at Zhou Yi in horror, and couldn't help asking: "You stole Apollo's authority, how did you do it?"

If an ordinary puppet is stolen, the national teacher will only be angry at most.

But this is Apollo, the sun god.

A war puppet comparable to the taboo of "Four Five Zero", a killing weapon built by the Guangming Empire for thousands of years.

In order to prevent Apollo from being stolen, they used the most clever and least possible means of being stolen.

World Contract!

Witnessed by the dawn, with the taboo boss Guangming as the witness, Apollo was listed as one of the four guardians of the Guangming Empire.

And using the taboo scroll excavated from the ancient ruins, endowed him with the entry that cannot be taken away.

In theory, even a taboo mechanic professional cannot take it away.

But these preparations were useless.

Apollo was still robbed of authority.

Hearing these words, the twelve great knights of light just felt a buzzing in their minds.

It was as if an angry thunder exploded in their minds, and they were too shocked for a long time.

Apollo was robbed?

"Is it fake? The Guangming Empire has spent thousands of years building war weapons, so it's so cheap for others?"

"Who's going to pinch me? I feel like I'm dreaming. It's too outrageous. Oh... it's pinching me, not stabbing me with a sword."

"I thought about it a lot. I thought that Taboo would tear down the puppet, and I also thought that Taboo would be defeated, but I never thought that this would happen. Taboo directly snatched the puppet."

"Yes, such a powerful puppet must have taken various protective measures to prevent it from being robbed, but he was still robbed."

"I'm thinking about another thing now. The Emperor Guangming will definitely send an army to encircle Taboo, but can he beat it?"

"Hiss... this matter is not certain, taboo, plus a puppet that is comparable to taboo, even a behemoth like the Guangming Empire will feel a headache.

Some people even looked complicated.

Is this the power of taboo?

Apollo claims to be comparable to taboos, but it is only comparable. In the face of real taboos, it is too vulnerable.

"Tell me, I remember that I didn't offend your Guangming Empire, why did you kill me?"

Zhou Yi asked the national teacher.

He was very curious about this question. In order to kill him, the Guangming Empire did not hesitate to send a war weapon like Apollo.

The national teacher took a deep breath, and then replied bitterly: "Every man is not guilty, but he is guilty. We want the forbidden job transfer card in your body."

Zhou Yi's face suddenly became weird, and he asked curiously: "Who has a job transfer card with your forbidden job?"

After the job transfer was successful, Zhou Yi also got the forbidden job transfer conditions.

Taboo occupations are job transfers, only when the strength reaches a certain level, surpassing ordinary occupations by several times.

Then the taboo transfer task will start.

But it's too difficult, it's impossible to do it just by leveling up and killing monsters. If you don't have some special means, don't even think about it.

The national teacher was also stunned for a moment: "Didn't you change jobs through the taboo job transfer card?"

Zhou Yi shook his head: "Of course not, there is no taboo transfer card at all."

"This is impossible. Master Guangming once said that it can be changed through the job change card." The national teacher roared.

Did Lord Guangming deceive them?

Hearing this, Zhou Yi's face became even more strange: "Who knows, anyway, professionals don't have job transfer cards, maybe bosses do.

The national teacher's body trembled suddenly.

Then he seemed to understand something, pointed at Zhou Yi's nose and said angrily: "You lied to me to provoke our relationship with Lord Guangming, I will not be fooled.

"Whatever you think, but what I said is true, well, the chat is over, do you have any last words?"

"By the way, if you surrender, what I said before still counts, and the prisoners will be treated preferentially."

Zhou Yi stood up, since he already understood the whole story, there was no need to keep this group of people.

The national teacher is desperate.

But he still edited a message, copied everything Zhou Yi said, and sent it to Emperor Guangming.

At the same time, he also told the Emperor Guangming about the loss of Apollo.

He has done his best.

The rest will be left to the Emperor Guangming.

Zhou Yi didn't stop him, and let the national teacher send out the news, hoping that after the Emperor Guangming got the news, he would stop making trouble for him.

if not......

Destroy the country?

It really seems to be something taboo can do.

After all, in history, every time a taboo appeared, it would wipe out a country at a light level, and at worst, directly kill a large region...  

"Hehe, how can I surrender after fighting for my whole life? Come on, Taboo, attack me with your strongest attack."

Zhou Yi sighed lightly: "As you wish.

Then the figure came behind the national teacher, started the execution, and inserted the dagger into the national teacher's heart.


The national teacher's eyes widened instantly.

In the shock and doubt, the body slowly dissipated into a streamer.

But there was also a satisfied expression on his face, it was worth his life to die under this kind of attack.

Emperor Guangming, it's not that I can't do it, it's that the enemy is too strong.

The people watching the battle from a distance were stunned on the spot, 1.8 trillion? Nearly 2 trillion damage?.

The top level 200 world boss only has a maximum of 100 billion life points, and this hit can kill 18 world bosses in seconds.

Is this the true power of Taboo?

Only Zhou Yi knew what was going on.

"He's so unlucky."

It directly triggered the sixteen times critical strike of the execution, which is why there is such a terrifying damage, which is not so powerful in normal times.

Zhou Yi lowered his head and looked at those bright knights.

He began to control Apollo with a blank face.

The huge mechanical puppet began to rotate, and then a huge beam of light shot out from Apollo's eyes, covering the two great knights of light.


Under the bombardment of terror.

The twelve bright knights held up their shields to block them, but they only held on for a few seconds before being melted by the blazing heat.

In the end, there was not even a body left.

After finishing all this, Zhou Yi quietly sat on Apollo's head at 1.7.

Everything is over.

The leader of the Shadow Assassins is dead, and so is the bright master behind the scenes, and now there is still a bright empire left.

But I haven't had time to deal with them yet.

After this killing, the level has reached level 160, and it is time to start the ninth job change.

Before the job change, other things have to be put on the back burner.

But there is one more thing.

Zhou Yi manipulated Apollo and launched an attack in the distance. For a moment, fiery fireballs fell from the sky like fire rain.

Accurately hit several light knights, directly burning these light knights to ashes.

At the same time, it also frightened Su Mei and the others who were fighting.

Before they could recover, a calm voice came:

"Which one of you is the fox emperor? I heard that the fox emperor has something to do with me, which is related to my life and death?

I didn't have time before, but now I have time, let's have a good chat. "

Su Mei: "...".

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