National Awakening: My Damage Is As High As 100,000,000 Points

Chapter 366 Thank You For Indulging My Waywardness

"Absorbed my skills? No, it should have been stolen."

Guangming's eyes narrowed slightly, but he didn't panic at all.

He had speculated before that Zhou Yi was a fate thief, a profession that could steal fate, and stealing a skill was nothing.

He even suspected that the opponent had the ability to temporarily steal skills.

In the face of taboos, everything is possible.

But it's not a big problem.

He has more than one taboo skill, and he doesn't even show the taboo gesture.

Long Chen took this opportunity to launch an attack.

Reality Distortion!

Time slowed down to 1%!

The whole world seemed to have fallen into a standstill in time, only Zhou Yi was not affected.

"Does time stand still? But how long can you last?"

Bright sneered.

For other bosses, this is indeed a very difficult skill, and it can even directly influence the battle situation.

But it doesn't have much effect on him, because even if time is slowed down to 99 times, the speed of light is still amazing.

In addition, the taboo form can also resist the power of time.

"Lake of Light!"

Light's claws stepped down heavily, the body melted like a liquid, and finally turned into a huge lake of light.

This is the taboo gesture of light.

【Lake of Light Form】

[Effect: The whole becomes a huge lake of light, and all attributes are increased by 50%. 】

[Effect 2: In the form of the lake of light, all light magic can be cast instantly. 】

[Effect 3: In the taboo posture, all negative buff effects are reduced by 80%. 】

The power of time slowing down is stretched.

Guangming became flexible again, just like a fish entering the water. Although there was still a little dullness, it was harmless.

The only regret is that the Bright God Realm was stolen, causing the skills to enter a cooling state and temporarily unusable.

And the Lake of Light can only be in its peak state when it appears in the Divine Realm of Light.

"Arrow of Light!"

Guangming did not sigh for too long.

The huge lake of light began to squirm, and a huge vortex appeared in the central area. In the center of the vortex, an arrow of light condensed with terrifying energy was ready to go.

【Arrow of Light】

[Effect: It must hit, and after hitting, it will cause 1800% light attribute damage to the target. 】

[Additional effect: The target that is hit gets the vulnerable effect, and the light attribute resistance becomes 0. 】

The starting skill is the same as Zhou Yi's Sky Swallowing Black Hole, the purpose is to buff the enemy.

Although the effect was far less powerful than Zhou Yi's black hole, for normal professionals, it was no different from direct defense clearing.

Long Chen's angry face froze slightly, but was replaced by an incomparably solemn expression.


Every cell in the whole body is sending out an alarm. Once hit by this arrow of light, the consequences may be unpredictable.

"Phantom of Time and Space"~!"

In just an instant, Long Chen pulled out seventy phantoms from time and space.

This is her shadow, possessing her breath, making it difficult to tell the real from the fake.

"It's just a small path, you dare to throw an ax in front of me."

Guangming laughed loudly, the arrow of light finally left the vortex, and reached Long Chen's eyebrows almost at the same time as it shot out.

Looking at the arrow of light gradually filling his vision, Long Chen's pupils dilated slightly.

After all, he still couldn't escape.

But it doesn't matter.

Long Chen was heartbroken, and added a damage reduction buff to himself, preparing to take this skill hard.

As for the consequences of being hit, there is no time to think about it.

But at this moment.


There was a sound like metal impacting, and a black two-handed sword emerged from the air, and struck heavily on the Arrow of Light, directly sending the Arrow of Light flying.

At the critical moment, Zhou Yi made the move.

Using God's Block directly bounced the arrow of light.

Guangming also froze for a moment.

Was that blocking just now? Isn’t that a skill unique to shield warriors? How could it appear in…

Well, since it is a thief of fate, it is not unreasonable to steal a block.

After all, advanced blocking is a very powerful skill.

But Guangming also had a headache.

Skill Stealing and God's Block, even if he controls one, will give him a headache for this taboo.

Now there is one person who has mastered these two skills at the same time.

This feels like hitting a piece of cotton, no matter how you attack, it is difficult to cause damage to the opponent.

Zhou Yi didn't know what Guangming was thinking.

But after blocking the skill, Zhou Yi retreated behind Long Chen while whistling.

Act like I'm just passing by.

"You're going too far." Guangming couldn't help but said.

Zhou Yi spread his hands and shrugged innocently: "Where did I go too far?"

Guangming stretched out a hand of light, pointed at Long Chen and said angrily: "I am in a life-and-death battle with her, what do you mean by suddenly intervening?"

Zhou Yi said innocently: "Please, did you ever say you want to be singled out?"

Bright: "...No.

It was too much, according to the current style of play, Guangming felt that he might not be able to kill Long Chen.

On the contrary, he would be embarrassed by Long Chen.

Taboo knows Taboo's situation, he has the ability to reduce cooldown, and the opponent must also have it.

The result is that the opponent can block him the first time, or the second time, and then continue to block indefinitely.

Guangming even felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

It can't go on like this.

Since the skills are invalid, let's fight hand to hand.

The shape of the Lake of Light changed again, turning into a seven-color giant sword about a kilometer long, exuding a terrifying aura.

"Aurora Unlimited Slash, let me see how you do it this time!"

There is no piercing sword energy, nor is it a huge laser cannon.

The lightsaber slashed towards the two of them as if someone was waving it, at such a fast speed that almost the entire sky was covered by afterimages.

Looking at the sword shadows all over the sky.

Long Chen won in disbelief, Dragon Claw pulled out a silver-white long sword from the air, and then his body turned into a silver rainbow to meet him.

In an instant, the long sword collided with the huge lightsaber.

Like a toothpick colliding with an iron sword.


The long sword was instantly shattered into a sky full of iron slag.

And Long Chen's body shook, and flew out like a cannonball.


Long Chen smiled bitterly in mid-air, he couldn't beat him, really couldn't beat him.

If Zhou Yi hadn't made a move, she would have been defeated when the Light God Realm descended.

Is this the power of taboo? It's too strong, and she might not be able to avenge this revenge.

But Guangming would not let go of this opportunity, and the shadow of the sword swept over like a waterfall.

"Have you ever been hacked by the light?" Guangming grinned.

In just half a second, he can cut this lifeless dragon of time into thin slices!

But only a clang was heard.

The lightsaber's body became unsteady, and then was sent flying out again, flying thousands of meters before regaining stability.

"Fuck, it's blocking again."

Guangming was speechless (Li's), really afraid of something coming.

Zhou Yi looked at the stubborn Long Chen, and sighed helplessly.

"Do you want to come again? You can take charge of the attack, and I will try my best to help you defend."

But this time Long Chen just shook his head, took out the jug, turned around and left lonely.

"No, I can't beat him, so I can only leave it to you.

Thank you, thank you for pampering me three times.

Thank you for saving a lifeless woman three times. "

Long Chen knew that his behavior was willful.

But she just wanted revenge.

But Guangming is really too powerful, he is even stronger than when he slaughtered the ancient true dragon clan back then.

Even if she has inherited the power of the Dragon of Time, she is still not an opponent of light.

"That said, aren't we friends?"

Zhou Yi spread his arms and turned his body towards the light.

"Are you ready? Your personal grievances with her are over, and now it's your turn.

As soon as these words came out, Guangming immediately raised his vigilance.

Even the powerhouses watching the battle from a distance held their breath, the real battle was about to begin. .

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