Zhou Yi activated the taboo form.

The ghastly white flame coat was burning, and under the bony mask, the black eyes were as deep as an abyss.

"Is this the fire of the soul? Or the higher-level fire of destiny?"

Although Guangming was surprised, he didn't care.

The world is so big, but there is so little taboo information, it is already very good for him to memorize some of the skills of the thief of fate.

The battle unfolded in an instant.

But this time there is no temptation, and the move is the ultimate move.

"The light is infinite!"

With the Lake of Light as the center, a bright light burst out suddenly, and where the light shined, everything turned into brilliant golden crystals.

Including those flowing magma, and constantly spewing volcanic ash.

But the next second.

All vanished into thin air.

Already activated Taboo Form, Zhou Yi used the Hand of God to close this skill, so that he could not interfere with Barron behind.

At the same time, with a flick of the right hand, a black stick shot out and went straight to Guangming's forehead.

But Guangming just changed its shape a little bit, and let the black stick pass by.

But at the same time, the sword of Damocles fell from the sky like a meteorite with a fiery sky fire.

And the light had already turned into a stream of light when the attack came, and disappeared in place.

The sword of Damocles finally landed on a mountain in the distance, and the terrifying impact or sky fire completely destroyed everything within a kilometer of Fang Yuan in an instant.

The entire mountain peak was completely wiped away.

"Too fast!"

The speed of light did not reach 253 to the speed of light, but the speed was still outrageous, at least Zhou Yi couldn't keep up.

Even though Zhou Yi had already opened Ghost Shadow Step and his speed was tripled, he still couldn't keep up.

"But there is no need to keep up."


An arrow of light burst towards him, but seeing Zhou Yi block it casually, the arrow of light flew out again, smashing a mountain in the distance.

"Is this the power of taboo? It's like a natural disaster."

The powerhouses in the distance were stunned.

They also have the power to easily destroy a mountain, but it can't be so easy, it has to be a core skill anyway.

Here, the light suddenly turned into a streamer and retreated.

But it was still a step too late, a black sword light appeared out of thin air and split his body apart.


The terrifying value exploded, and even Guangming was taken aback. He only had more than 700 billion health points.

This sword directly cut off one-twentieth.

And even when he activated the injury avoidance skill.

Even he felt that the damage was too high.

The powerhouses who were watching the show in the distance were also taken aback.

Finally, a strong man couldn't help but said: "Why do I feel like I'm dreaming? There's nothing wrong with hitting Moxuan with such a high damage, but that's a taboo, the defense must be ridiculously high.

A top assassin smiled wryly and said, "More than 30 billion? I'm going to explode, and I'm very satisfied if I can hit 3 billion."

This is normal.

"It's not right, it's not right, there must be something wrong, unless his attack ignores the defense, otherwise it is impossible to have such a high damage.

"Is it the 100% real damage that only exists in legends?"


The torn Lake of Light reunites.

Then a giant tree of light slowly opened, illuminating the earth with light.

Bright's HP also began to recover rapidly.

【Sacred Tree of Light】

[Effect: Within the envelope of the holy tree of light, 3% of the life value will be restored every second, and the duration is 10 hours. 】

Under the pale mask, Zhou Yi frowned: "As expected of a taboo, it's a nuisance."

In less than two seconds, Guangming has returned to its peak state.

"Haha, come on, let me see where your limit is!" Guangming laughed.

His skills have output, burst, and healing, and his health is also good, which can be called omnipotent.

It is completely possible to fight a war of attrition.

But Zhou Yi couldn't afford it.

His transformation time is only half an hour, if there is no forbidden form damage increase, zero cooldown and infinite mana.

He can't fight against Guangming at all, and his end is no different from Long Chen.

The main reason is that the attribute gap is too large.

"It's a pity I don't have time to spend with you."

Zhou Yi took a deep breath, activated the seventh perception (bgdg), and took the future into his eyes.

I also saw the power of the light.

In addition to the Lake of Light and Guangming God's Domain, Guangming has two other powerful skills, both of which can turn the world around at critical moments.

And control three ultra-rare taboo props, one of which also controls the attribute of time.

Zhou Yi shook his head when he saw it: "As expected of a veteran strongman, there are too many cards in the hole."

It is also too difficult to kill.

But it's not a big problem.

So at the same time, Guangming's body trembled, and he felt the instinctive fear.

Fate seems to tell him that you are about to face disaster.

"Have you stolen my destiny? Or have you seen my destiny?"

Guangming also became nervous in a rare way.

The atmosphere was not right, as if an eye of fate had seen through everything about him, making him even have the urge to turn around and run away.

Zhou Yi didn't answer, but made a bold move.

The start is the black hole that swallows the sky, and the black hole erupts with terrifying suction, distorting the surrounding space.

But the light escaped the moment the black hole descended.

Guangming calmly analyzed: "It's not right, you can't last long in this state, as long as I survive this period, the victory will still belong to me."

The stronger the skill, the longer the cooling time.

The fact is also true, the seventh perception skill is charged for 24 hours, but the use time is only 30 seconds.

But 30 seconds is enough.

As soon as Guangming regained his stability, he suddenly found a person standing in front of him, and the death soldier in his hand had already swung towards him.

"What's the matter? How did you know I'd fly here?"

Before he had time to think about it, Guangming acted instinctively, directly took out an hourglass and turned it upside down.

Looking at the hourglass, Long Chen's eyes instantly turned red.

That was the dragon of time back then, and it was also the heart of the dragon that passed the power of time to her.

After the light killed the old dragon, the old dragon's heart became this hourglass.

【Reverse Hourglass】

【Effect: After reversing, you can send yourself back to the position a few seconds (or even longer ago). 】

The hourglass was instantly reversed.

The bright body turned into nothingness and reappeared at the position of the sky-swallowing black hole.

The terrible attraction trapped the light in place on the spot.

In front of a black hole, not even light can escape.

"Wait, this is not right, why am I here?" Guangming shouted in horror.

He should have gone to an earlier time.

Before he had time to think about it, Guangming was about to activate the reverse hourglass again and send himself to an earlier position.

But this touch came to nothing.

An ominous premonition welled up.

bad, can't you?

The light looked in Zhou Yi's direction, and his heart sank to the bottom of the valley in an instant, because he happened to see Zhou Yi put the reversing hourglass away.

His props were stolen.

"Fate thief, shameless thief." Guangming cursed angrily.

Zhou Yi was slightly taken aback?

Destiny thief, what is that thing?

But never mind.

He only has thirty seconds, five seconds have passed now, time is running out.

Zhou Yi's figure disappeared again.

But the light felt the shadow of death, which was enveloping him. .

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