Zhou Yi couldn't help being surprised and said, "You're so good, you can actually see my identity?"

The Chaos Prince folded his arms and said proudly: "That is, they only know that I control the power of chaos, but they don't know that I also control the power of knowledge. There are few things in this world that I don't know."

Zhou Yi nodded.

This Prince of Chaos is indeed a bit strange, and it is a special case in the abyss.

You must know that the abyss has always been a symbol of weirdness, horror and distortion.

The Chaos Prince stayed for so long, and he was still able to communicate peacefully. It was strange enough that he didn't kill him directly.

If you change to other monsters.

I'm afraid that as soon as he shows up, the two sides will fight.

Zhou Yi also smiled: "Well, I still have something to do here, shall we talk about it later?"

Everyone in the distance was stunned.

Can it still be like this?

Who do you think that is, if you say wait for you, you will wait for you.

That's the Prince of Chaos, the demon god in the abyss, a taboo existence, don't you want to lose face?

But something unexpected happens.

"Yes, I still have time, please do as you please."

Qingyou and the others are fine.

I got used to it after seeing a lot, but the others were indeed a little puzzled and puzzled, and each of them had an expression of doubting life.

Is it really possible?

"The Seal of Life and Death! Come back to life, Bai Su." 16 Zhou Yi whispered softly.

Countless milky white light spots appeared out of thin air, like countless fireflies holding up the heart on the ground.

As time goes by, more and more light shines, and finally forms a huge light cocoon.

"The Seal of Life and Death, are you trying to revive that crazy woman?"

The Prince of Chaos asked in surprise.

The hearts of the others were also suspended immediately, and an atmosphere of unease emerged again.

You must know that just two minutes ago, Bai Su took out 30 million Explosive Talismans, and blasted the Prince of Chaos to shame, losing his majesty greatly.

Now Special Envoy Zhou wants to revive Bai Su, and his behavior is no less than directly slapping the Prince of Chaos in the face.

Shouldn't it be a direct fight?

But the situation was once again unexpected.

I saw the Prince of Chaos squatting down directly, a single eye appeared on his face again, and began to scan the light cocoon carefully.

While scanning, he exclaimed: "Is this the life and death seal of the master of death? It is indeed the strongest resurrection skill, as long as there are ten residues, it can be resurrected.

Zhou Yi nodded: "It's really powerful, but the premise is that the soul is well preserved."

The Chaos Prince also nodded in agreement: "That is, everything can be fake, even the memory can be modified, but the soul cannot.

If there is no soul, or there is something wrong with the soul, no matter how revived it is, it is just an empty shell.

After going back and forth, the two actually started chatting.

We talked about the essence of life from the soul, and then we talked about the origin of life, the evolution of species, and the reproduction of life.

People in the distance were dumbfounded.

Jiang Xiaoyu couldn't help but said: "What's the situation, why didn't I know that he still knew about these things?"

The two actually stood there discussing the theory of evolution.

If it is on Blue Star, the theory of evolution still has some use, but here is the dawn.

A world of games, don't learn that stuff.

Zhou Xingyu shook slightly.

I don't know, she discovered for the first time that her brother is not only very good at fighting, but also knows some very unorthodox knowledge.

Finally, the huge cocoon of light began to dim.

The light began to fade.

The seal of life and death is over.

A figure fell out from inside, it was Bai Su.

Bai Su, who had just been revived, was still a little dazed, her memory was still stuck at the last moment of self-explosion, and the first moment when she opened her eyes, she thought she had arrived in hell.

In fact, it is no different from hell.

Thirty million Explosion Talismans directly turned Binglongling Pear into flat land. Now, apart from the black rocks emitting green smoke, there is magma exuding an unpleasant smell on this land.

There are also countless pieces of charred and blackened corpses scattered on it.

Looks like hell.

"Oh, are you dead?" Bai Su sighed lightly.

Although there are many regrets, the world of death does not seem to be as horrible as imagined.

The body is also much lighter.

All the gestures disappeared, and she returned to her peak state, at least she didn't have to suffer endless pain after death.

"Wake up, you're not dead yet."

Suddenly a young voice came.

Bai Su was stunned for a moment, turned his head in disbelief, and sure enough, he saw a familiar face.

"Special envoy Zhou, why did you end up in hell? Did you also get killed?

But aren't you in the Snow Jade Tribe? How could you die? Could it be that the Prince of Chaos didn't die, and then killed the Snow Jade Tribe?

How is it possible, even 30 million Explosive Talismans can't kill him?"

When the great elder in the distance heard these words, his body softened and he collapsed directly on the deck.

The bodies of the other elders also shook together.

My saint, can't you just look up, those big eyeballs are staring at you without blinking.

It's over, the Prince of Chaos will definitely run away this time.

But the Prince of Chaos said speechlessly: "No matter how I say it, I am still a Chaos Demon God.

Just 30 million Explosive Talismans want to kill me, I feel like you are looking down on me.

At least 300 million copies. "

Hearing this voice, Bai Su's body froze immediately, and when she raised her head, she saw the familiar figure of Titan.

The titan was too big, so she didn't care, thinking it was a mountain stuck there.

Now take a closer look.

What kind of mountain is this? Isn't it the Prince of Chaos?

Zhou Yi flicked Bai Su's forehead lightly, then said with a smile:

"Since you are resurrected, let's go back first, and we will talk about the matter between you and me later.

Now, I want to chat with this Chaos Demon God. "

Bai Su's heart tightened, and he said hastily: "I'll stay by your side, if anything happens, I can protect you."

Bai Su's thoughts on Zhou Yi still remained at the previous level of 160, and he didn't think about taboos at all.

She even completely overlooked one thing.

She just blasted the Prince of Chaos with the Explosion Talisman. How could the Prince of Chaos not be angry? But because Zhou Yi was here, the Lord of Chaos did not dare to lighten 843

Love to fry.

Only the more you know, will you know the horror of the master of death.

For example, there are always people who say that the master of death is a cursed profession, and wherever he goes, people will die.

But in fact.

The master of death controls the night and the power of death, the moon is dark and the wind is high, killing people in the night, and they can kill wherever they go.

In the face of this super capable occupation.

The Prince of Chaos gave up decisively.

Anyway, the demon god doesn't care about face, and he doesn't know what face is. If he is blown up, he should be blown up.

Not a big deal either.

But upon hearing this sentence, Prince Chaos couldn't help but said: "You protect him? Let's forget it.

I don't want to hit you, but even now you can't withstand my two attacks.

If you really fight, you will be a burden, and he will have to take care of you. "

Bai Su was stunned.

I didn't respond for a while.

But at this moment, the airship suddenly opened, and the Great Elder rushed over with a group of people in a hurry.

Waiting for Bai Su to react.

The first elder took a picture of the imprisonment talisman on Bai Su's body, and several other elders rushed up, packed away Bai Su who was about to refute with a dazed face.

Let Bai Su continue.

The Great Elder was worried that the Prince of Chaos would be so angry that he would go berserk.

At the same time, the Great Elder respectfully said to Zhou Yi: "Special Envoy Zhou, oh, it's Lord Taboo.

Thank you for saving Bai Su's life, the spirit of the original snow mountain blesses you.

When Bai Su heard this sentence, he was stunned on the spot.


Is Special Envoy Zhou a taboo?

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