National Awakening: My Damage Is As High As 100,000,000 Points

Chapter 391 I Will Accept The Person, And I Will Kill The Abyss Demon God

The Great Elder came with people in a hurry, and also left in a hurry.

Only Zhou Yi and Prince Chaos were left on the scene.

The scene suddenly became quiet.

The main reason is that Zhou Yi couldn't understand the thoughts of the Prince of Chaos, he didn't feel any malice from the Prince of Chaos, and the other party didn't want to start a war.

The two sides just stared at each other.

Finally the Prince of Chaos couldn't bear it and said: "You are quite boring, so let me tell the truth, I have no intention of being your enemy.

The main reason is that two thieves stole my work this time, and those idiot subordinates couldn't get it back, so I had to do it myself.

My request is also very simple, you take your Yangguan Road, and I cross my single-plank bridge, and we will not violate the river. "

on the airship.

When the two brothers Xuanfeng and Xuanyun heard this, their hearts jumped.

Will Taboo agree?

If it was them instead, they should agree.

Zhou Yi shook his head slightly, instead of answering the question, he did it instead.

Prince Chaos was taken aback, unable to understand what Zhou Yi was thinking, but since the other party sat down, he could only sit down too.

Zhou Yi wanted to invite Chaos Prince to drink tea, but he gave up because of his size.

The 3,000-meter-high titan is estimated to boil a river.

"Those are trivial matters. I have a few questions I want to ask you. First of all, are you an abyss demon who is about to launch a god war?"

When he said this, Zhou Yi's face turned serious.

Abyssal monsters are generally twice as powerful as normal monsters. In other words, the mobs in the abyss are equal to the elite monsters in the outside world.

The elite monsters of the abyss are equal to BOSS!

Once the god war is launched, he will have a headache.

If the opponent's commander is still a wise abyss demon god, then he will have even more headaches.

The Prince of Chaos shook his head: "How is that possible? I'm just a researcher and a clerk. Fighting and killing are not suitable for me."

Zhou Yi's mouth twitched.

Xindao: When you used your big move to devour countless souls just now, you didn't look like a clerk.

But Zhou Yi didn't care either.

"If it's not you, who is it?"

The Prince of Chaos thought for a while, and then replied calmly: "It's the Demon King of Chaos, a demon god who rules chaos. He is very powerful, probably three levels stronger than me"~.

Zhou Yi was slightly taken aback.

The Prince of Chaos is already very strong. If he is three levels stronger than the Prince of Chaos, he is already comparable to the Light, and may even surpass the Light.

Is the Abyss Demon God so strong?

The Prince of Chaos spread his hands helplessly: "You may not understand, but the abyss itself is the deepest part of the dawn world, and it is also the darkest and chaotic place, so the Chaos Demon God born is a bit outrageous.

I even heard that the reason why this guy wants to fight a battle of gods is to disrupt the order of Dawn.

So as to break through the 200-level upper limit, and be promoted to the real taboo BOSS, the destroyer of order!"

The Prince of Chaos directly said everything he knew.

There is no concealment.

And without the slightest guilt, I feel at ease selling it.

Everyone is an abyssal demon god, and they don't know how to write the word morality.

Selling information is not a problem at all, stabbing a knife in the back is a common thing.

Zhou Yi nodded slightly, this is really unexpected news.

"Well, how much do you know about this chaotic demon king?" Zhou Yi asked again.

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in every battle.

The more you know, the more advantages you can gain in future battles.

But this time, the Chaos Prince spread his hands: "I don't know anything, the Chaos Demon King is the embodiment of chaos authority, that kind of guy has no sense at all.

One second he can chat and laugh happily with you, and the next second he can pick up an ax and chop off your head.

I'm not stupid, how could I go to Chaozhonggangzi?

But I still have some information. I suspect that guy has a skill that gets stronger as he fights. The more chaotic the surrounding situation is, the stronger his strength will be.

It can even break through the upper limit of the level for a short time. "

At this time, the Prince of Chaos suddenly said, "You want to kill the Chaos Demon King?"

Zhou Yi nodded slightly.

"I do have this idea that the main battle might bring danger to my friends and family."

The Prince of Chaos fell silent.

Because it may bring threats, so you have to kill an abyssal demon god, this chaos is too bad luck.

And isn't your decision too random?

The Prince of Chaos thought for a while, and said to Zhou: "Okay, I can help you collect information in the abyss, but in exchange, you have to help me get back my alchemy creation.

Don't worry, it's not difficult, it's just a piece of cake for you.

And you have the most comprehensive information, what next. "

According to the idea of ​​the Prince of Chaos.

He collects intelligence, and Zhou Yi helps him get Wen Yu and Wen Xue back. This is a win-win deal.

Not bad at all.

Zhou Yi was about to nod, when suddenly a message came in the private chat, it was from Qingyou.

[No, those two children will be of great use in the future, you have to find a way to keep them in Xingyou Town. 】

Zhou Yi sighed, raised his head and looked at Prince Chaos seriously.

"I know the ability of the twins, so I want to buy them, you can directly make an offer.

If the wife wants it, there is no other way.

And Zhou Yi had a feeling that Qingyou came to this boundless snow mountain just for the twins.

The Prince of Chaos scratched his head, and then said helplessly: "You will really cause me trouble, since you know their situation, you should know that they are the nemesis of the abyss

Unfortunately, almost all the abyssal demon gods know their information, and those lunatic demon gods will not let the nemesis of the abyss wander outside.

If you take them away, you are directly making enemies of all the abyssal demon gods except me.

Zhou Yi was silent for a moment.

The air also fell into a frozen silence.

Everyone is curious, what kind of answer Zhou Yi will give, is it a compromise? Or continue to demand people.

The two sisters Wen Yu and Wen Xue knelt on the deck and hugged each other.

His eyes were trembling constantly.

Just by looking at them, one can feel deep fear on their bodies, and the scars on their bodies are silently telling their tragic fate.

They don't want to go back to that hellish world.

Finally Zhou Yi spoke: ". "What is my occupation?"

The Prince of Chaos replied suspiciously: "Of course it is the master of death, I should have guessed right, shouldn't I?"

Zhou Yi nodded and said, "You're right, this is a cursed profession, with death around you.

Wherever you go, people will die, but it may not only be (good Zhao) people who die, but also the demon god of the abyss. "

【Submit job transfer task?】


[Congratulations to you for witnessing the death of the sage Houbu Baisu, the task is completed. 】

[The third mission is now started. machine】

【Task 3: Clearing up corruption】

[Introduction: The demon gods of the abyss are a symbol of chaos, and they are products outside the rules. Their existence will pose a great threat to Shuguang. 】

[Mission Objective: Use Afterglow·Time and Space to Unify to Completely Delete a Demon God]

[Task Reward: Break through the upper limit of level 160 and obtain the location of the pillar-level props Sea of ​​Death. 】

[Note: If you fail this task, you can also be promoted to rank nine, but you will also lose the qualification to touch the sea of ​​death forever, and the sea of ​​death is one of the important props to promote the pillar of the death system.]

That's right.

After saving Bai Su, Zhou Yi submitted the mission and saw a brand new mission.

So sooner or later he would have to fight the Abyssal Demon God.

Instead of entering the abyss and fighting in the home field of the abyssal demon god, it is better to lure them out directly. .

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