After one night of cultivation, Lin Ge's imperial beast level finally reached the second level, and the power of the imperial beast still increased very little.

This can't help but make Lin Ge feel the difficulty of cultivation, is this the difference between the level of the talent of the imperial beast?

Qin Qingyun's top ice element awakening, now it is all level ten, and he Lin Ge is only now level two.

In the third class of high school, the lowest level of imperial beasts is level five, and Zhao Yun's kind is considered to be moderately lower.

Like the other class leaders, which are not grade seven or even eighth, they are all existences who are expected to reach level ten before graduating from high school.

Therefore, Lin Ge's predecessor can be admitted to the first class of high school with theoretical knowledge, which is really very powerful.

"If you still have classes today, you can't delay. "

I rushed to school, and now a lot of people in the class have taken leave.

The Royal Beast World is like this, approaching the level breakthrough, a large number of students take leave, teachers are also busy, and they have to formulate assessment tasks.

There are few people in the classrooms now.

The first class of the third year of high school is full of top students, and the number of students is less than thirty.

Li Cannon is here to correct the fake note, and at the same time is also estimating how many classmates can successfully break through.

"Lin Ge is here.

Lin Ge returned to his seat and bowed his head slightly: "The head teacher is good."

Li Cannon waved his hand and said, "Actually, with your knowledge, the courses of the third semester of high school have already been completed, right?"

Lin Ge nodded: "Yes, I have learned all of them as early as last week."

Li Cannon snorted, and then pulled out a test paper preparedly.

"You do this question first, and it will be your final grade.

Lin Ge took it suspiciously, expressing puzzlement.

Li Cannon said: "You follow Professor Lin to do research, you can't be so distracted, anyway, you have learned almost the same course knowledge, and I probably know your grades, so it's better to practice next to Professor Lin, it's good for you, and the teacher can't tie you up, isn't it?"

Lin Ge stood up abruptly and saluted respectfully: "Thank you, teacher."

Li Cannon waved his hand and said with a smile: "You are a smart child, if it weren't for the talent of the imperial beast that delayed you, maybe you would be on a par with Qin Qingyun's existence, but it's a pity."

Lin Ge replied: "Teacher, I don't think this is a pity thing, even if my talent is not good, I can still cut a way in the road full of thorns of pet beast theory!"

Hearing this, Li Cannon smiled heartily, now Lin Ge is more cheerful than before, which is a good thing.

Li Cannon said lightly: "Lin Ge, the knowledge of the predecessors is just knowledge after all, you can use it for yourself, but you must step on it, so that you can see further, and don't be imprisoned in the knowledge of the predecessors."

Lin Ge nodded heavily, and then began to answer the test paper, if Lin Ge might have been limited before, but he wouldn't!"

"By the way, what kind of research are you doing with Professor Lin now?" Lin

Ge answered truthfully: "Now I am studying a new dragon pet beast, based on guarding the palace, to see if it can be researched, by the way, stabilize the bloodline, and form a new species."

"Guarding the palace?" Li Cannon frowned slightly, but he was a teacher after all, and he looked at the problem more long-term.

Leisurely smiled: "The professor is worthy of being a professor, really think of something that ordinary people dare not think of, is the dragon system guarding the palace? If it can be developed, the level of the guaranteed race should be twenty, with the reproduction speed of the palace, this is intended to be a royal beast for the whole people." "

In today's world, the price of good pet beasts is too expensive, and the most that civilians buy are those ordinary pet beasts whose race level has reached level ten.

With the potential of this pet beast, if there is no opportunity, this life will be a ten-level top sky.

Limited by this, the high-level of Daxia actually did not think about studying the development in this regard, but it is too difficult, where to study, how to study, whether it can be stably continued, and how much to invest?

These are all unknowns.

Li Cannon said to Lin Ge: "Work hard, if you can succeed, you can also be regarded as a success."

Lin Ge nodded slightly, and didn't say more if he said too much, just answered silently.

Li Cannon suddenly pondered: "No wonder the school built a small breeding base two days ago, which turned out to be prepared for the future breeding palace.

When Lin Ge heard this, he immediately became interested and said: "The palace guards ordered by the professor have arrived?" Li

Cannon shook his head: "How can it be so fast, the breeding base has just been built, but Professor Lin directly ordered a million palace guards, or all departments, even if it is a palace guarding base, it can't eat such a big list at a time."

"A million?!"

shouted Lin Ge, and the rest of the students also looked up.

Li Cannon nodded: "Yes, the palace guarding breeding base will be sent in batches, and it is expected that all of them will be received by the end of this period."

Lin Ge couldn't help but ask, "Can so many palace guards be raised?" One

million, even if all of them are first-level, the workload cannot be ignored.

Lin Ge couldn't help but think of that batch of nutritional products, which were really squeezed to death.

Without thinking, Li Cannon replied with a smile: "Hehe, don't worry, there are so many students in the school, in addition to the combat department, there are many students in the therapy department, for them, raising and caring for pet beasts is also a test, and Professor Lin's move just helped the school solve the final exam problem of the treatment students, which is a double kill."

Lin Ge was relieved that with the help of the students of the Therapy Department, it was indeed a lot less trouble.

"By the way, your imperial beast level is so low, Professor Lin should take care of you, right?"

Lin Ge answered truthfully: "Yes, and Professor Lin also bought me a lot of nutritional products, and now I have reached the second level."

Li Cannon snorted, looking a little surprised, but that's all.

Then he spoke up: "Since Professor Lin bought it for you, you can use it casually, and Professor Lin has always treated student assistants very well."

Lin Ge nodded, and then quickly answered the last two questions and handed in the papers.

"So fast?" Li

Cannon took the test paper, knowing that this test paper was given to Lin Ge by him alone, and the topic was very difficult, and even exceeded the standard.

Lin Ge was not worried about the grades at all, and said: "Teacher, next, I won't use this side of the classroom, right?" Li

Cannon said: "You have to let me see, how are you answering, if you can't meet my expected results, you still have to come back to class."

Lin Ge smiled, put away his things, and then stuffed a note into Zhao Yun's table, asking him to help him get the book back at the end of the semester.

After doing this, Lin Ge sneaked out, and seeing this, Li Cannon just smiled lightly, and then began to review the examination papers.

The previous ones are also decent, it is to send sub-questions, and the last few big questions are the most important

! But when Li Cannon read Lin Ge's answer, he was completely frozen!

"Could it be that this guy has already thoroughly eaten Professor Lin's knowledge?

"On the division of extraordinary will and dragon power skills"

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