The test paper was full scored, and Lin Ge took a holiday in advance.

There is still a gap between the education system of the Royal Beast World and the previous life, after all, the industry of the Royal Beast Master involves too much, even the teachers are very broken for the assessment of each student.

Out of the classroom, Lin Ge opened his mobile phone to look at the information, and the deputy class leader beauty posted a beautiful photo in the circle of friends, seeing that the background should be in an extremely cold place.

It seems that Qin Qingyun's promotion this time, her family takes it very seriously.

Then there was the old classmate Zhao Yun, and this guy had also reached the seventh level.

The talent level of the imperial beast in this world is from low to high, from level one to ten.

Lin Ge's imperial beast talent level is one, Zhao Yun's is five, and Qin Qingyun's highest is ten!

Lin Ge silently added a sentence in his heart, the first place should be money, without money, you can't even afford to pet a beast.

Walking on the campus road, Lin Ge suddenly glimpsed the small breeding base that had been built, and now there were some workers doing the finishing work.

Slowly walking over there, Lin Ge glanced at the text on it, petting the beast research house.

The name is quite appropriate and very much in line with Professor Lin's personality.

Lin Ge pushed open the gate and walked in, and into the eyes were rectangular wooden frame glass jars side by side, which looked very simple, but when the rest of the finishing work was completed, this was a small breeding base.

One million guarding the palace does seem like a lot, but Lin Ge, who has seen Professor Lin's research materials, knows that this number may not be enough for Professor Lin's research.

With the birth of a new dragon pet, these consumption is inevitable.

According to Professor Lin's expectations, this million palace guards should be able to last for a year, but if the loss is large, it may be sent all before Lin Ge graduates from high school.

Lin Ge observed here, the facilities and equipment on the first floor are complete, and the second floor is more expensive, just arrived, and has not yet been installed.

Suddenly, a broad palm rested on Lin Ge's shoulder.

Professor Lin's voice sounded: "Not going to class today?" Lin

Ge looked at the old man, greeted him simply, and then replied: "Professor, I have already finished the exam at the head teacher's side and have an early holiday, and then I can study the development direction of the Dragon Department Palace with peace of mind."

Professor Lin was surprised: "So fast, Li Cannon opened a small stove for you?" Lin

Ge nodded: "Yes, the last question of the head teacher is very interesting, called "On the division of extraordinary will and dragon power skills".

Professor Lin suddenly squinted, looked at Lin Ge, and asked, "How do you answer?"

Lin Ge said: "In my opinion, these two are deterrent skills, there is no distinction between high and low, and the alien beasts that can awaken the extraordinary will are overlords, and they are not weaker than the dragon dragon power, but the only difference is the proficiency of these two skills, which can determine the strength of these two skills." This

question is very simple in Lin Ge's opinion, people in this world generally think that Long Wei is stronger, but what really determines the strength of these two skills is only proficiency.

If you have not been exposed to Longwei's skills, you will definitely think that Longwei is more powerful.

Hearing Lin Ge's answer, Professor Lin nodded slightly: "Not bad, it's not so rigid to think that Longwei is stronger." "

In the past, when his students had no contact, they all thought that Longwei was more powerful.

Professor Lin continued: "These two skills are actually the same level, both belong to high-level skills, Longwei gives a stronger impression, it is nothing more than the powerful bringing of dragon pets, and Longwei's skill can be taught.

"Extraordinary beasts must undergo very harsh tempering if they want to have extraordinary will, and even if both parents have extraordinary will, the offspring are not born with it, unlike dragon pets, which can be taught and practiced by dragon pets with mastery level dragon power, so this point makes many people think that dragon power is more powerful." Lin

Ge nodded by default and didn't know when he would be able to meet the imperial beast master with the dragon pet with Professor Lin!"

Professor Lin bowed his head slightly: "Will the equipment be operated?" Lin

Ge nodded again, if he didn't, he wouldn't have applied for the laboratory to build mechanical parts before.

Professor Lin nodded with satisfaction: "Well, in that case, I can first let the palace guard base send a batch of palace guards over, and let you practice your hands first."

Professor Lin pushed the gold wire glasses and walked with Lin Ge in this breeding base.

"The birth of the dragon palace guard, we are in the groping stage, so in addition to the palace guard, I also ordered a lot of dragon items, of course, all low-level, such as dragon scale powder, dragon spars, diluted dragon pet beast blood and so on, at that time, we will have to explore the proportion of breeding little by little.

Professor Lin suddenly glanced at Lin Ge again and said, "Why have you been so vain recently, didn't you order a lot of dragon blood grass to replenish qi and blood? "

I didn't stay up late, I stayed up all night.

Lin Ge smiled awkwardly, and then wiped his nose, I really wanted to say that Professor Lin, you missed the best answer.

But unfortunately, only the dragon blood grass is not enough, and it must be oppressed by dragon power.

Lin Ge could only smile and said, "Before the arrival of the guarding palace, I will rest well."

Professor Lin snorted and said, "I said hello to the school, when this first batch of palace guards arrived, I will most likely have to go on a business trip, and the matter here will be solved by you."

Lin Ge patted his chest to ensure that there was no problem, but with that vain look, the credibility was not very large.

Professor Lin could only say seriously: "Seeing that your imperial beast level has also reached the second level, don't be reluctant to eat those nutritional products, the funds given by the school are very sufficient, and we are expected to have no results in three years." The

corners of Lin Ge's mouth tugged, three years... He can't afford it, now that he has obtained the information of the system, there is no shortage of dragon blood grass, and dragon power skills are also available.

He Lin Ge wants to cut these three years directly into three months!

"Professor, how long will your business trip take?"

Professor Lin thought for a while and said: "Meet a few old friends, ten days for a short time, and three months at most if it is long." Lin

Ge suddenly had a plan in his heart, and it was enough.

After explaining everything, Professor Lin patted Lin Ge's shoulder and said, "That's all, with your brain, you should remember it, and then I can contact me if you don't understand anything."

Lin Ge nodded and said that there was no problem.

Professor Lin was relieved to travel on business, and when he returned, he would find that Lin Ge had almost written all his research papers.

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