The moment the extraordinary index of the dragon system machinery soared up, Gao Qiangsheng was simply frozen.

"Five hundred and fifty thousand extraordinary index?!"

This is already a wolf beyond wind speed!

Chen Yunjing did not spare a hand, and immediately ordered the dragon system to attack mechanically.

"Little dragon! Dragon's Claw!

Gao Qiangsheng suddenly looked strange, although he knew that Chen Yunjing was ordering his pet beast.

Looking at his dragon crocodile slightly, Gao Qiangsheng suddenly became silent again.

Zhao Yun held back a smile, trying not to let himself laugh out loud.

Lin Ge drank coconut water and looked at the battlefield with a faint expression.

With the strength of the dragon machinery, if Chen Yunjing couldn't solve this wind speed wolf, Lin Ge would have to make a training plan.

But fortunately, Chen Yunjing did not disappoint Lin Ge, and the dragon machinery was worthy of being an extraordinary machine that poured Lin Ge's heart.

Just one move of the dragon's claw has already hit that wind speed wolf hard!

The dragon system machinery also has the Dragon King Realm and Dragon Wei, so even if the wind speed wolf wants to repeat the old technique and attack Chen Yunjing, there is nothing to do.

Zhao Yun now also has a dragon machine, looking at Chen Yunjing's battle, he also calculated in his heart, I don't know if he can do better Zhao Yun

looked at Lin Ge and said: "Lin Ge, if you come, what will you do?"

Lin Ge replied directly: "Use all the amplification skills, and then use the Dragon Nine Skies, use the multiplication in the process of liftoff, and you can slap that wind speed wolf to the ground."

The corners of Zhao Yun's mouth tugged and said, "This is a bit far-fetched, right? Isn't the wind speed wolf unable to run?

Lin Ge said lightly: "Do you eat dry food for this super-level skill in the Dragon King Realm?"

Zhao Yun thought for a while and said: "It seems to be the same thing, there is the Dragon King Realm, and the wind speed wolf has to use extraordinary will to resist all the time, which will slow down the release speed of other skills, well... It seems to be really a slap in the face?

Lin Ge said: "The wind speed wolf has already experienced a battle, the speed has been reduced a lot, and in the face of the skill configuration of the dragon system, the wind speed wolf cannot resist."

Zhao Yun chuckled and said, "How many points do you give this wave, Brother Yunjing?"

Lin Ge looked at it and replied: "Barely qualified, not big up, as soon as I came up, I knew that I would first raise the battle of the dragon system machinery, and then use the Dragon King Realm to protect myself, I bet that if Chen Yunjing came up to maintain the mentality of playing the wind speed wolf, he would definitely be torn apart."

Zhao Yun said: "This is impossible, right?

"How is it impossible?" Lin Ge replied: "The Wind Speed Wolf has already fought with the Dragon Crocodile, and has already exhausted its patience, otherwise he would not have attacked the Royal Beast Division, so even if Chen Yunjing takes over the battle, the situation is the same, the Wind Speed Wolf will be the first to tear Chen Yunjing to pieces."

Zhao Yun's scalp suddenly felt numb, and after thinking about it, he suddenly shivered.

Gao Qiangsheng listened on the sidelines, and also silently agreed with Lin Ge's words.

Gao Qiangsheng asked: "In other words, aren't extraordinary beasts generally war-tired after exhausting their patience?" Why would you give priority to attacking the Royal Beast Master?

Lin Ge glanced at Gao Qiangsheng again and said, "Extraordinary beasts are not stupid, and they are tired of war, and they do not hinder them from killing the Royal Beast Master by the way in the process of running.

Lin Ge continued to speak out: "In fact, many extraordinary beasts in this world are broadly classified in the beast system, similar to the wind speed wolf, people themselves are wolves, you can't ignore itself because he only has wind attributes, wolves will also kill weak prey."

Gao Qiangsheng suddenly frowned, and he was afraid for a while, and cold sweat dripped down his face.

Recalling the moment when Fang Cai's wind speed wolf pounced, the blood basin was really closed by the ghost gate.


Lin Ge drank coconut water and said, "It's just textbook knowledge." Gao

Qiangsheng smiled slightly, remembering such a little thing in so many books, who would have thought?

Gao Qiangsheng spoke up: "Set up camp here tonight, brothers, go and find some food and dry firewood and come back."

"No problem! Eldest brother! "

A group of little brothers went out again.

Gao Qiangsheng invited, "President Lin Ge, how about you stay too?"

Zhao Yun looked at Lin Ge and heard him say, "Yes."

Gao Qiangsheng bowed his head slightly and said: "The comprehensive score of survival is not low, and we have a good time to take care of many people."

Zhao Yun said: "Isn't it just three days to survive on this island, and those who are hungry can starve."

Lin Ge turned his head and said, "Are you so brave? Well, tonight you keep vigil.

Zhao Yun said: "Keep it, anyway, I often stay up late to play with my mobile phone, what a big deal."

Lin Ge asked, "Are you sure?"

Zhao Yun patted his chest and said, "Of course! Don't underestimate me, okay?

Gao Qiangsheng said solemnly: "Student Zhao, after nightfall, some extraordinary beasts in the sea will come ashore."

Zhao Yun was suddenly stunned and looked at Lin Ge again.

Lin Ge said: "Look at me? Tonight is not my vigil.

Zhao Yunyi gritted his teeth: "I will keep it, I will fight, anyway, I don't have any points now, just kill some extraordinary beasts to fill it."

Lin Ge nodded and said: "You still have to be careful, this is the South China Sea Sand Islands, an island located in the ocean, and once this was the territory of the Deep Sea Demon Chapter, although it was cleared by the mayor, but even so, the remaining extraordinary beasts are still very strong for us." "

There will be no level thirty or forty, but there will definitely be level twenty.

For Lin Ge, these may not be dangerous.

But for those low-level candidates, it is a disaster.

"It is estimated that a lot of people will be eliminated tonight."

The imperial beast college entrance examination is also cruel, and no one will definitely spend three days smoothly and safely.

But relatively speaking, the survival ability of the imperial beast college entrance examination is already very safe, at least after being injured, it can be rescued in time.

If you are in those extraordinary beast countries, it is estimated that only death will await.

Since he has chosen to become a Royal Beast Master, surviving in the wild is a necessary survival ability.

After all, you can't stay in the safe environment of Daxia all your life, and one day you will have to go out and face the powerful extraordinary beasts outside Daxia!

On the other side, Chen Yunjing's battle was already over, it took a little longer, and as Lin Ge said, he barely passed.

The defeat of the wind speed wolf is to drag the tired body back to his old lair.

This wind speed wolf, like the extraordinary bosses on the rest of the islands, is the property of Nandu, there will be no problems, and it is estimated that he will be able to accept another challenger tomorrow.

Chen Yunjing originally looked elated, but when he was reminded by Zhao Yunyi, he couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

Lin Ge said lightly: "Don't get too entangled in these, the battle skills of the imperial beast are always learned step by step, and you can master them slowly." "

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