At night, heaven and earth are silent, and everything is silent.

The silver moon fell on the earth, as if covering this world with a veil of mystery.


sound of insects mixed with the sound of the bonfire sounded in the middle of the night, and the light of the fire illuminated everyone's faces, and the atmosphere seemed a little serious.

Lin Ge lay on the trunk of a crooked coconut tree and fell into a light sleep.

Around the campfire, some people have slept, and some are still keeping vigil.

Crackling -

The sea breeze blows a little bit of sea smell in the middle of the night, and some crackling sounds also sound from time to time.

Zhao Yun's face suddenly became solemn, and his eyes stared into the depths of the black night.

Several of Gao Qiangsheng's younger brothers have not slept yet, and they are also responsible for the vigil, and now when they hear the voice, they are naturally vigilant.

"Here it comes!"

Gao Qiangsheng suddenly opened his eyes and spoke out, for him, this kind of life was used to it.

And as Gao Qiangsheng's words fell, those extraordinary beasts hidden in the dark night were also revealed.

Extraordinary beasts with strange shapes and shapes, but within a reasonable range, appeared in the eyes of everyone.

"Demon shells, clown mermaids, demon electric eels, seaweed turtles..."

Gao Qiangsheng wrinkled his eyebrows slightly, looking around, there were at least a hundred! And all of them are above level ten!

Zhao Yundu lay down and said, "This amount is too much, right?

Gao Qiangsheng said: "This South China Sea Sand Islands were originally their territory, and they were islands, which is not surprising, but fortunately, there are no extraordinary beasts with a level of more than twenty.

Chen Yunjing looked at the crooked neck coconut tree and found that Lin Ge was still sleeping, so he didn't bother.

Chen Yunjing said: "Do you have to solve it?"

Gao Qiangsheng nodded: "Of course!" Otherwise, where did the score come from? Saying

that, Gao Qiangsheng also summoned the dragon crocodile, and after several hours of recuperation, the state of the dragon crocodile also recovered a lot.

Zhao Yun and Chen Yunjing summoned the dragon system, the two dragon systems, the only difference is that Zhao Yun's one evolved from the fire attribute palace, and the level is lower.

Gao Qiangsheng looked a little envious, just the configuration of this dragon system, a few more to form a team, it was enough to pull the wind.

The powerful junior brothers also summoned pet beasts into the battle state.

They are generally Imperial Beast Masters of the tenth level, which is not too high, but not too low.

"Come on!"

Everyone strikes together to pet their beasts against the extraordinary beasts that surround them!

Tonight is destined to be sleepless, the noise is constant, and some weak and extraordinary beasts are also being killed one after another.

For a while, the smell of blood was pervasive, mixed with the smell of the sea breeze, which made people a little sick.

It's just that as time goes by, everyone finds that these extraordinary beasts can't be killed endlessly, but more and more!

"What's the situation? How is there so much more?

"This is not right!"

Gao Qiangsheng also didn't know why, his eyes looked around, but he didn't find anything abnormal.

However, those extraordinary beasts killed batch after batch, and in just one hour's effort, everyone's score had risen by more than a hundred points.

Zhao Yun looked at the crooked neck coconut tree and found that Lin Ge was still sleeping, so he also said loudly: "Lin Ge, don't sleep first, help think of a way."

In fact, Lin Ge didn't fall asleep at all, just closed his eyes and entered a state of light sleep, and he heard all the movements outside.

Hearing Zhao Yun's shout, Lin Ge could only get up, stand on the crooked neck coconut tree, and scan into the distance.

"Problems like this are driven by powerful transcendent beasts, and using transcendent will to drive these low-level transcendent beasts to cause trouble."

Lin Ge looked around, and finally found the culprit on the reef side of the coastline.

Lin Ge snapped his fingers, and in the dark night, a huge figure stood up, and a blue light lit up, and the power was charged!

Super point magnetic cannon!


A laser-like ray suddenly blasted out, and a powerful super electromagnetic cannon flashed a ray of light in the dark night!


On the shoreline, a large white bag instantly bulged, and then suddenly exploded.

Boom -

the sound of the exploding sea water rattled, and the sea area immediately became cloudy.

A figure appeared on the surface of the water and appeared in Lin Ge's eyes.

[Primary Extraordinary Beast

: Golem Sea Lion] [Attributes: Demon System, Water System] [Race Level: Level 30 (Limit)

] [Growth Level: Level 24

] [Extraordinary Skill: Extraordinary Will, Didi Didi (Detective-)] [Extraordinary

Index: 570,000]


panel of this Golem Sea Lion instantly appeared in the Transcendent Index detector.

It was this Golem Sea Lion who was using his extraordinary will to drive those extraordinary beasts to besiege Zhao Yun and them.

Seeing that his disguise was discovered, the Golem Sea Lion did not pretend either, and the showdown was over.


Those extraordinary beasts instantly went crazy and began to attack wildly, one by one.

Lin Ge waved his hand, and the overlord walked out of the forest, and his huge body of fifteen meters instantly attracted everyone's attention.

"Overlord! Roar of the Dragon!


With Lin Ge's order, the overlord roared, mixed with dragon power, and instantly shocked all directions!

"Dragon King Realm!"

The Overlord released the Dragon King Realm again, and instantly surrendered the group of shocked extraordinary beasts, lying on the ground one by one, trembling.

Lin Ge jumped on the body of the overlord, stood on the overlord's shoulder, and walked towards the golem sea lion.

The Golem Sea Lion is naturally not to be outdone, it is also an extraordinary beast, and has an extraordinary will, so it is naturally not afraid of overlords.

And the overlord has already bathed in the blessing of the dragon in the walking, and many skills have been superimposed!

The mechanical sword appeared, and Lin Ge no longer kept his hand, and ordered: "Overlord!" Use jet propulsion to overlay super speed! Then use the Dragon King Realm plus the Dragon Roar! "


The overlord shot instantly, and under the same combat power, the overlord of the mechanical department was naturally not afraid of this golem sea lion!

And the speed of the Golem Sea Lion is not as fast as that of the Overlord, and a face has already been cut through the defense by the Overlord!

The mechanical sword has already been polished with Heavenly Sand Gold! Sharpness and proficiency have improved.

"Overlord! Use the charged super electromagnetic cannon! "

The Overlord once again lit up the mechanical scale armor behind his back, and the super-electromagnetic cannon in the form of a charge suddenly burst out!


The night is illuminated, and the resistance of the Golem Sea Lion is in vain!

Overlord's skill configuration surpasses that of junior transcendent beasts, there are too many!

And with the death of the Golem Sea Lion, Lin Ge's score has increased again!

More than 600 points ahead!

Climbing high and looking far away, Lin Ge has already seen the bright port on the other side of Dongsha Island, and there are many candidates eliminated tonight.

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