
The sound of seagulls in the early morning woke everyone up from their sleep.

The bonfire had already been extinguished, and the overlord who had been on guard for a night was also taken back by Lin Ge.

Last night, after solving the Golem Sea Lion, those extraordinary beasts also quickly dispersed, and there was another Overlord vigil, and everyone was able to sleep well.

Lin Ge picked up a few handfuls of seawater with both hands and simply freshened up, and after a night of tide changes, last night's bloody as if it had never happened.

Today was the second day, but everyone's faces were visibly tired.

After all, surviving in the wild cannot compare to the comfort of a bed at home.

The powerful little brothers rekindled the bonfire, picked coconuts and caught some fish.

Breakfast coconut water and grilled fish, it was delicious.

Gao Qiangsheng said: "I plan to challenge that wind speed wolf again today.

Lin Ge sprinkled the seasoning on the grilled fish in his hand, and said while eating: "We won't accompany you, Nansha Island is over, we have to get up and go to Xisha Island."

Gao Qiangsheng immediately asked, "Are you going to challenge the Great Orangutan?"

Lin Ge grinned.

Gao Qiangsheng said again: "The martial madman is over there.

Lin Ge said: "I know he is over there, and we are looking for him!"

Gao Qiangsheng was slightly surprised and said: "The martial madman is very powerful, the pet beast is also a powerful orangutan, and his imperial beast talent is a combination, known as the 'little legend' of the next generation, and is expected to enter the royal beast legend Liu Mengmeng."

Lin Ge suddenly grinned, "He has no chance!" "

Gao Qiangsheng has watched the live broadcast of the extraordinary appraisal, and he is very clear about Lin Ge's gold content!

"Did he mess with you?"

Lin Ge ate the grilled fish dry, clapped his hands and said, "What do you think?"

Gao Qiangsheng nodded: "I understand, it is estimated that the guy is crazy again, and he deserves it." Lin

Ge and the three got up, said goodbye to Gao Qiangsheng, and prepared to leave for Xisha Island.

Gao Qiangsheng looked at Lin Ge's back as they left, and was slightly stunned.

"What's wrong boss? Does that grilled fish taste bad?

Gao Qiangsheng shook his head and said, "No, I was just silently mourning for that guy in Wudong."

The younger brother said again: "What is there to mourn here, the mad temper of Wu Dong is obvious to everyone even in our Jinghai City, let alone in his Wu City."

Gao Qiangsheng took a bite of the grilled fish and said, "But Wuwangfu is not easy to mess with, Wu Dongneng has that crazy temper, who do you think is used to?"

The little brother paused and said, "What does this matter to us?" Besides, he provoked Lin Ge! Although Lin Ge has a low level, but his status is high, the president of the mechanical department, where can he not shake three times? Calculating it, the status seems to be on an equal footing with the lord of the Wuwang Mansion, right?

Gao Qiangsheng said silently: "But status and reality are not linked, low one's own strength is always a hard injury, the people of the Wuwang Mansion admire the strong, the one behind the martial arts... Also an old maniac.

The younger brother said: "Boss, this is not what we should care about, right? We have no enmity with Wudong, and we get along with that Lin Ge quite well."

Gao Qiangsheng smiled and said, "Sometimes the accounts are not calculated like this, Lin Ge... It's not easy.

Gao Qiangsheng finished eating the grilled fish in his hand, but his mind didn't know where it floated.

"The surname Lin ... Not a native surname in Nandu, right? "


Paracel Island.

In the few forest lands, from a distance, there are two burly brute force savages with explosive muscles fighting here.

Along the way, there are stones moving stones, trees pulling trees, and it is two powerful orangutans fighting.

One of them is also wearing human clothes, and its eyes are more like human eyes, looking like a humanoid transcendent transformed from a human!

It's martial arts!

Wu Dong's purpose in coming to Nandu to participate in the Royal Beast College Entrance Examination is very simple, that is, to divide the victory and defeat with this powerful orangutan in front of him!

Therefore, from the beginning, Wu Dong did not plan to find trouble with other extraordinary beasts.

Instead, he rushed all the way from Dongsha Island, and today is already his second competition with this powerful orangutan!

The sunset of yesterday's battle is still inextricable.

And early this morning, Wu Dong once again found this powerful orangutan!

Wu Qiqi is very strong, but the powerful orangutan is not a vegetarian, he was originally the top overlord of Nandu Forest Park.

It is an existence more powerful than rock lizards and wind speed wolves!

Even if it comes to this side of the South China Sea Sand Islands, the strength of the powerful orangutan is second only to the thunder fox on Zhongsha Island!

Now the level of the powerful orangutan is as high as twenty-seven, and I don't know how much ahead of the bosses of the other three islands!

And the martial arts follow the powerful orangutan to fight back and forth, regardless of victory or defeat, which shows the strength of the strength!

After a bitter battle, the two sides fought from morning to noon, and the sun was shining.

The big orangutan was already very tired, waved his hand, and signaled.

As a primate extraordinary beast and a martial arts department, the wisdom of the powerful orangutan is already extremely high, and he can even do some coherent sign language movements.

No more fighting, it's time for lunch.

Wu Dong did not hesitate and said, "What kind of food?" Again! Where is the transcendent beast so easy to starve?! Keep playing with me! "

The big orangutan waved his hand frantically, don't fight, don't fight, don't eat, don't have strength, there are bananas to eat today, I'm going to eat bananas."

The violent temper of the martial arts immediately came up and roared: "I said! Keep playing with me! Did you hear me! You orangutan! The

powerful orangutan suddenly became angry, looked back at the martial arts, and the gesture language was also full of violence.

You're a big deal! Don't think I can't beat you! I just don't want to get in trouble!

Wu Dong said angrily: "You beat me? Just by you, a wild beast? Hurry up! Keep fighting! Saying

that, Wu Dong had already rushed forward, regardless of the face of the powerful orangutan.

The big orangutan was very angry, and when the anger came up, he immediately beat his chest and went away in anger!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Wu Dong and Mighty Orangutans fought together again, but the difference was that this time it was the angry Mighty Orangutans who had the upper hand!

Wu Dong was difficult to parry for a while, and he was beaten one after another.

After the orangutan was angry, he left.

On the ground, Wu Dong dragged his injured body, his eyes were torn, and his teeth were about to be crushed.


Wu Dong blasted a big tree beside him, venting madly.

"Abominable, abominable, abominable! Wait for the end of the Royal Beast College Entrance Examination! I'm going to kill you red-haired beast!"

Just then, a voice sounded: "Gee! If you can't beat it yourself, you will take revenge on an extraordinary beast afterwards? The people of King Wu's Mansion really opened my eyes!

Wu Dong shouted: "Who! Get out! See I don't punch you to death! The

figures of Lin Ge's three appeared in front of Wu Dong, and at this moment, Lin Ge's face was full of indifference and ruthlessness!

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